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Damn potholes

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I was driving to work and just came off ft Lewis in my 240 and I hit what I'm assuming was a black hole. The wheel yanked right HARD and I limped over to the parking lot across the street. I get out and feel the tire all around and it feels fine. Get into the stash box for the can of fix a flat. It's gone. Spare tire was rusted and rotted so bad I pitched it in the dumpster long ago. So I walk my happy ass back through the main gate over to the fuel station in the Washington sunshine and get a can of fix a flat. Dodge traffic back and proceed to air this baby up. I roll the car a few inches to get the valve in the right spot and pump the whole can in there. Nothing happens. I feel the tire again and find a gaping cut and a chunk of rim missing from my precious coke bottle AR rims. FUCK! So, here I sit. Nothing better to fo besides post a bitch session. Parked under a sign that says one hour parking waiting for my father in law to come pick my ass up so I can go pull the rims off my other 240 and go on about my day. Anyone got an extra AR coke bottle rim?



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It the state of the economy. Infrastructure is falling down around us and with cut backs there are even less people and money to even put band-aids on the potholes. The US has the highest litication rate in the world..... sue the DOT or local municipality.

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What`s your size on that wheel??  The always in April swap is in Portland in a couple weeks and i/we could scorched earth policy the fuck outta the place for you one.... We usually go as a group so at probably 8 eyes searching for ya one...

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So, went home. Yanked two tires off the other car. They are 15" rims. Ended up doing a 4 tire rotation in the parking lot so I don't have wide 15s in front and skinny 14s in back. The rim isn't as bad as I thought. Might be able to save it.



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File a claim with whatever authority is responsible for that stretch of road.  They will of course deny it, and you could appeal etc.  Why put up with all that BS?  You have a damage claim that was not "satisfied", it's a deduction on your income tax forms.

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That sucks! And don't waste time and money on "fix" a flat. That shit should be banned and taken off the market. In my many years working on cars it has never actually fixed a flat tire and destroys TPMS sensors.

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Au contraire!  I kept a 63 Ford F100 with dry rotted tires alive with fix a flat for three months before I could get new tires.  Took about a can a month until it finally wouldn't work anymore. ;)  And TPMS sensors?  What are those?  Fuck the manufacturers for putting them in anyway.  (I kid, sell them at work a lot)  Of course, nothing Datsun I know of has TPMS sensors, and yes Fix a Flat should be an emergency resort only to be quickly removed.

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how old are those tires?

less than 6 months old


they look like thaey still have a bunch of meat on them?

they still have the little rubber fingers!


Potholes suck! I went around one a couple weeks back that was so big I swear my Datsun could've fell in it. I hope you're able to save your rim.

it felt like the whole car fell in it. i got a dent in my floor pan too. busted up some previously un found rust. looks like a floor pan is in my future.


File a claim with whatever authority is responsible for that stretch of road.  They will of course deny it, and you could appeal etc.  Why put up with all that BS?  You have a damage claim that was not "satisfied", it's a deduction on your income tax forms.

it was on a federal instillation... good luck arguing the money out of the army these days


That sucks! And don't waste time and money on "fix" a flat. That shit should be banned and taken off the market. In my many years working on cars it has never actually fixed a flat tire and destroys TPMS sensors.

i love fix a flat. its saved my ass a buncha times. but only when used responsably. i worked in a tire shop when i was a kid... and hated the shit. having to clean that gunk out of tires sucks.. but so does having a flat tire. ive always used it then went as directly to a les schwabs as i could. i dont trust it farther than i have to. and at that point i dont have another can of fix a flat!


Au contraire!  I kept a 63 Ford F100 with dry rotted tires alive with fix a flat for three months before I could get new tires.  Took about a can a month until it finally wouldn't work anymore. ;)  And TPMS sensors?  What are those?  Fuck the manufacturers for putting them in anyway.  (I kid, sell them at work a lot)  Of course, nothing Datsun I know of has TPMS sensors, and yes Fix a Flat should be an emergency resort only to be quickly removed.

lol. tpms are for soccer moms who dont know anything past turning the key and making sammiches. i drive dattos for a reason!

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it was on a federal instillation... good luck arguing the money out of the army these days


That may be lucky!  Go there on a weekend when the reservist lawyers serve their time in the legal office.  Most are "liberals" anyway and would be happy to initiate a claim against Uncle Sam for damage to your property caused by improper maintenance of Government roadways.

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Man i don't know, beings Cdub's  a civilian aircraft worker the rules are probably pretty convoluted as to how you would even file a claim..Right now is probably a good time to just suck it up and bitch about it ,,,,,,, on his way to and from his job. :)


Hey Chris,,, since we are on the subject ,, could one of you guys attach a piece of paper with my address on it on the dash of those frickin flappermobiles ,, asking if they could  fly just a tiny bit frickin higher then tree top level when they go over at 1:00 in the god damn morning..!!!! ?



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Man i don't know, beings Cdub's  a civilian aircraft worker the rules are probably pretty convoluted as to how you would even file a claim..Right now is probably a good time to just suck it up and bitch about it ,,,,,,, on his way to and from his job. :)


Hey Chris,,, since we are on the subject ,, could one of you guys attach a piece of paper with my address on it on the dash of those frickin flappermobiles ,, asking if they could  fly just a tiny bit frickin higher then tree top level when they go over at 1:00 in the god damn morning..!!!! ?



convoluted isnt even the beginning of that process! i quit that job two weeks ago and signed on with a company called fiberdyne advanced composites up in tukwila. im building a spaceship prototype now called the XCOR Lynx mk1. reusable low orbit payload delivery craft. 


Only time I ever see pinch flats like that is from under inflated tires.

you know, they always seemed under inflated. i air them up to spec, and they still felt soft. even when i had them put on for the first time at walts tire factory here in yelm. great place to buy tires btw. nothing fancy about it just phenomenal amazing service. every time ive gone there they have gone WAAAY beyond to make sure everything is right. the owner himself is out there bucking tires everyday and is just a good person. one of those old school make the customer happy kinda business people. i highly recommend that place based on past experiences. but back to the matter at hand.. i was going a bit faster than i should have been. i hit at prolly around 50 mph on oem spec little tires. 


anyone got a set of cool rims they will part with?

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