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The great debate Oregon vs califonia

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So I would like real input ,and this fourm is about the only place i might be able to get multiple points of view. So I may have a job opportunity in the bay area daly city area. im a small town guy, been in oregon all my life, dallas or independence or, lived in salem for about a year. this job is more than double my current wage and union, currently my job has no benefits at all. and i'm curious about culture shock between here and their, cost of living expenses etc, the gig is swing 2:30 to 11 whats traffic like then am i gonna get caught in a drive by lol. anything helps as ive only been their once in my life. I'm gonna go back down after X-mas and check the place out and try to get a feel of what its like. 

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you gonna live in Daly City? It's not as gross as San Francisco but it's also more boring. CA is like ten times as expensive as OR so be aware of that. you do get to pump your own gas though. Traffic is hell just aboot any time in the Yay Area so be prepared for that. You might see less Datsuns down here and we are all a bunch of self-righteous assholes. All-in-all I would never live anywhere else but here.

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Reg just got his Z stolen in that area.
I've been to Daly City, and I've been to San Francisco and they are shit holes. Personal opinion though, as my girlfriend thinks the city is the greatest place.
If you like being crowded, aggressive awful drivers, and probably some form of theft and/or violence, then sure come on down lol.


Everything is significantly more expensive here I can attest to that.
But in the long run, it's your decision. Bump in pay, but pay more to live in the area.

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Well I have lived in Cali all my life and I love it, my cousin recently moved to Oregon and hates it if that counts for anything. Also getting benefits with new job would be awesome ( I also have job with no benefits it sucks ass) medical and dental and all that union goodness.

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I grew up in mosier Oregon, born in the dalles. I hated California, and Californians. I got a Job Makeing 3 times what I was. Pulled in 825$ a week . Sounded great.... I had to live out of my means , didn't have a choice. Built up dept and a grudge. If you go. You'll be back ,



Now I live in Washington, just becouse there are so many Californians in Oregon.

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                If you're living in California,& taking a job that a resident could have - you should register

your cars here.Why should you pay less than those of us who live here do?

              I have a big problem with people who are dishonest,& register their vehicles here out-of-state.

If you do that,& get caught,be prepared to pay the fines.

               By law,you have 10 days to start paperwork,& pay fees after the vehicle enters California.

I just bought a Cortina wagon in Washington,& though it pains me,I will pay the fees & register it here,

& not have to look over my shoulder.


                                                                   - Doug 



Oregon FTW. Give it a shot down there in lame old CA, if you have the opportunity to live somewhere new, why not?? But keep your cars registered in OR. Just a small town guy, livin' in a lonely world... -Robert

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Yea I feel the same about traffic I wouldn't wanna live anywhere close to the city just possibly work their. I've just wondered if its possible to live a frugal life their like I do now, but on a better income. I'm used to being poor working class. Bay area has a big car culture and real Automotive fabrication things that don't exsist here that I really want to get into more.

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That is a similar schedule to what I work.  I commute all over the Bay from Sonoma County.  Traffic in the morning will be nearly nonexistent untill about 5am.  You will hit traffic on the way home but it is never bad unless some shit went down.  Or if it's after 3.  If you're commute takes you into the San Jose area 280 is a nice drive.  


Rent and Taxes will go up.  Gas is like 3.60 for prem(91) right now.  Anything is possible. 

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This one could go on forever. I have lived all over southern California in cities such as Long Beach, Huntington Beach, Inglewood and as far south as Mission Viejo and the inland empire. California is super diverse and people are pretty chill. Northern California is definitely a whole different animal then Southern. And I feel that people up there are nicer and generally less pretentious than the OC and Los Angeles. I visited Daly City a few times as I have a friend there and found it to be quite a nice little city by the beach with alot of history. If you're going to come to CA then I'd say norcal is a good place to start. Good luck to you man. Oh yeah, everyone says the traffic here is bad, but I was born and raised here so it's just part of living in CA, and you don't even notice it anymore. If you come to the OC, it's easier to be infected by snobby people then it is to get hit by a car. So just watch your step and keep your friends close.

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in the words of redbanner "Now I live in Washington, just becouse there are so many Californians in Oregon."  theres a reason for this...  go to portland on a rainy day, start asking everyone with umbrellas where they're originally from. half will say cali.  now go anywhere in cali and ask whoever you want if they used to live in oregon. bet you wont find any lol.

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My goon is long gone went to southrn Cali after canby this past june. Weather and that bullshit I could really care less I don't care for the cold and wet mainly cause I gotta work in it. I'm really starting to think the pay is a wash with how expensive things are. But its sure feeling like Oregon is getting expensive also. Even in my small town prices going up and my paycheck is staying the same. As I get older. The negativity of the employees at the Fab shops I've worked has really been weighting heavily on me, and Im ready for a change, I just don't want a worse one.

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having lived in oregon for a year and a half and living in the bay area for about half my life before moving to the sacramento area i can weigh in here


you may be getting double the pay but your gonna break about even because the cost of living in the bay area is so much higher i dont know how much you make but my dad was making 30 an hour wrenching and my family could barley scrape by 


living in oregon has been a very different experience but from what i have seen life is all around better up here sure finding work is a little harder and it snows more but all in all life has been alot better for myself and my entire family 

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I've lived all over: Hawaii, souther California (few different places), central California, Salem Oregon, Fort Collins Colorado, Chicago, Charleston South Carolina, Connecticut, and Seattle.


California is my home... And it will always be my home. Not everyone can live there though. It takes a certain type of person to love California no matter where you live in the state. With it bring so large there's vastly different areas. So Cal, Nor Cal, Central, the Bay Area, and the Central Coast (which is like San Luis Obispo to Carmel) are all different.


I hate living everywhere but So cal and the Bay Area. I've never been truely happier than living in California. Other states just aren't for me. California really is a different place; it's not for everyone. Some don't like the traffic, some don't like the busy city life, etc. Yes, the nicer spots of Cali are expensive, but there's usually a reason: it's awesome! The beautiful part is the wages are usually higher in those areas to.


If not, you can always commute into the city which a lot of people do. It's easy. You can live frugal in Cali no problem. You'll be spending more money on average to maintain the same lifestyle, but with the pay increase (not including the benefits) it should work itself out.


I haven't lived in Cali for 8yrs (due to the Navy) and I'm saving now to come back. No other place makes me feel good. There are mos def downsides to living there though... But what place doesn't?! I'd recommend vacationing a bit down there and see if you like the lifestyle.


Like I said, it's not for everyone but there's truely no place else like it. I vote move :)

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