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sleep paralysis...


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Was wondering if anyone here has experienced sleep paralysis?


I remember the first time i experianced this, I thought i was dieing. Being iin a dream, yet awake at the same is very frightening. I was awak yet could still fill in the real world, could not move anything. But was aware of my surroundings, but still cant move in the dream or the real life... not like a dream in wich you dream then wake up. But you are countious of whats around you. But are still dreaming and cant move,...very hard to describe ... its wierd to just lye down for a moment and have it kick in... dreaming, then trying to wake up but. Cant, just to weak to move an eye lash. Cant move a single muscle, yet in this same moment im awake and freaked the fuck out...cant move a muscle. In real life just like the dream. But im awar of my surroundings, and know where i am... cant move.... then snap out of it with a deep breath and a very deep sigh of relief....

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Happened to me as a kid, helpless feeling. I was trying to scream in my dream, but no sound came out.

I still remember it too lol. some fuckers broke my window and told me to shut up or I die.

My mind was wanting my body to scream and jump out of bed, but nothing was happening lol. and the dream wouldn't end.

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I've had lucid dreams occasionally. It's been a while though. Never had sleep paralysis before. That shit seems really freaky though by the way youve described it. I've had compound dreams before... Falling asleep in a dream and having a nightmare, forcing myself awake and then still dreaming.


The last one I had was actually really freaky. I was asleep in a dream and I was laying on my death bed for some reason. I told myself it was time to pass, I took a deep breath and started to follow the bright light. Then I woke up.. Except I was still in a dream. Fucking weird!


Generally when I am asleep and there is something that I don't like I can force myself to wake up... I'd hate it if I was awake but couldn't move. Now I'm going to be paranoid about it... Thanks..

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I had a mild version of it once. I had a dream I wanted to get out of,and I woke up,but it was like I woke up too soon. I couldn't move for a few seconds. it is scary.

i have dreams once in a while when I know I'm dreaming.

Omni magazine ran an article about dreaming years ago. It told how to control dreams. One thing I remember it said to tell yourself several times a day -'I'm not dreaming'. Another one was that if you know you're dreaming,turn around (it's hard to do) and you won't wake up so quick.

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Yes , but mine is caused by all the heart and cholesterol meds i take,, i dream i wake up from dreams and can`t get outta bed,,,no shit..I can recall the dreams like they really happened right down to the conversations i had in them.. The more Niaspan i take the crazier the dreams ..

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I've had plenty of sleep paralysis a few times even where I was dreaming I was lying down on the sofa and all of a sudden a weird sensation slowly start upward on my body. Then when the sensation got to my closer to my head I heard a female type growl. Other time I was sleeping and all of sudden I felt like if someone was on top of me but somehow I wa able to break free and when I stood up half my body was limp.

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its happened to me. i remember waking up and seeing a big shadow figure standing in my doorway looking at me and couldn't move. the next morning i told my GF and she started freaking out cause the same thing happened to her that night. we moved out of the house shortly after that.

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During sleep the body is disconnected from much of it's motor control. This prevents your body getting up and start running and hurting itself when stressed during dreaming. It's a normal form of paralysis that usually passes with returning consciousness.

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I usually have surreal/vidid dreams, amazing colors, images and 'understanding' beyond words... with the ability to control them.

Even waking up and going back into that dream.


Couple of odd things happened in my life (many years apart) and remember those 2 nights with much clarity.

Not sure if I was awake or dreaming, but.....I could see/sense something ominous/evil lurking in the shadows. I was paralyzed and it felt like it was trying to suck my soul right out of me...waiting for me to fall asleep to complete its task.

Freaked the shit right out of me








And no......I didn't feel like having a smoke later that nite....... :lol:

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Why do we sleep? So that our brains can filter out all the shit we don't have to remember and properly store the "valid" memories. Otherwise we would overload the brain's finite capacity to retain memories. Who care what Aunt "whoever" was wearing last night unless he / she /it was a fashon designer. What you are experiencing is the rejectable memories that the long term brain memory is discarding. They are called nightmares. On occasion the brain will retain especially spectacular "visions" that ti would normally discard [dragon visions etc].

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I had a few bouts of sleep paralysis when I was a lot younger, mine was usually induced by the use of mushrooms and pot used in some of my favorite recipes


Ahhhhh...psilocybes, sativa and or indica

That would do the trick.....not baking lately?........... :D

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Why do we sleep? So that our brains can filter out all the shit we don't have to remember and properly store the "valid" memories. Otherwise we would overload the brain's finite capacity to retain memories. Who care what Aunt "whoever" was wearing last night unless he / she /it was a fashon designer. What you are experiencing is the rejectable memories that the long term brain memory is discarding. They are called nightmares. On occasion the brain will retain especially spectacular "visions" that ti would normally discard [dragon visions etc].


Ive heard aboutt how sleep deprivation studies have been banned. Afterr staying up for long periods the mind starts to dream while awake and you basically go crazy. Alot of the participants killed them self after the study because the hallucinations/ nightmares while awake didnt go away...

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Afterr staying up for long periods the mind starts to dream while awake and you basically go crazy. Alot of the participants killed them self after the study because the hallucinations/ nightmares while awake didnt go away...


Insomniacs....I believe there is a thread on that.

Haven't heard of any fatalities yet ....... :lol:

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