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Did they ever say why they held your check in the first place?


Normally a check is only held if their is a negative balance upon the deposit of the paycheck.


It's funny, I work at a bank, I get stupid fuckers like you coming into the bank yelling and talking shit because they don't keep a eye on their accounts and spend more money than you have, then they are pissed about a charge that could have been easily avoided by simply checkin your balance before you buy something.


And wayno is correct. I normally wave 1000's of $ in fees as long as the customer acts professional and doesn't throw a tantrum because they where fucking stupid and spent more than the account had.


Your idea is perfect though, don't use a bank, your not smart enough or able to balance simple math.




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I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude and reading it again I guess I was.


I'm sure the situation sucks I hope you can get it worked out.


Any savings to fall back on? Credit card to use? Safety plan in case of emergencies?


All these should deffenatly be in place for just this kind of situation. And if you have direct deposit most banks will do a direct deposit advance to tie you over tell you get paid again

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Did they ever say why they held your check in the first place?


Normally a check is only held if their is a negative balance upon the deposit of the paycheck.


It's funny, I work at a bank, I get stupid fuckers like you coming into the bank yelling and talking shit because they don't keep a eye on their accounts and spend more money than you have, then they are pissed about a charge that could have been easily avoided by simply checkin your balance before you buy something.


And wayno is correct. I normally wave 1000's of $ in fees as long as the customer acts professional and doesn't throw a tantrum because they where fucking stupid and spent more than the account had.


Your idea is perfect though, don't use a bank, your not smart enough or able to balance simple math.


:hug: I have nothing to do with any banks. No, offense but if I don't have the money, I don't buy.

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i guess no one reads posts my check was deposited 1 week ago on Monday

its still on hold! No i don't have credit cards no check book just a debit card. i paid bills on wendsay. and somehow they can process overdraft fees faster than they can clear my paycheck which i normally in the past 11 years has been avaliable almost instantly that's why im pissed and the 35 dollar overdraft fees. on top of what i did pay put me negative account balance.

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Then I would focus on why the check hasn't been credited to the account.


Something seems wrong their. Was the account neg before the check was deposited? Was it direct deposit?


If they are not processing correctly then it's a bank error and everything should be waved fees and all.


I've never even heard of a paycheck taking a week to deposit and that totally sucks.


If you live in the Portland area I can help you with gas bro. Let me know

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Note also, banks differ, but usually anything larger than a 1000 dollar check, they will hold for 5 days until the funds clear. Yes it sucks, but if this is the first time it's happened, go in person, talk to the bank manager. He or she will likely work with you and provided you did have enough money to cover the check, eliminate the overdraft fees.


But, as a counter point, yes it IS your responsibility to check and see if funds are available. That's why I check my bank account daily via online. It's much more effective that way. I use US Bank, which hasn't screwed me as bad as B of A. Still not fond of banks, but unless all your shit is paid off, it's a necessity. Direct deposit also makes things nice because they don't hold direct deposit funds. My paycheck drops every second Thursday at midnight, and is fully available on Friday.


Just go in to the bank after you're calm and talk with them. All will be made right. If not, then you up the ante. Not before.

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Note also, banks differ, but usually anything larger than a 1000 dollar check, they will hold for 5 days until the funds clear. Yes it sucks, but if this is the first time it's happened, go in person, talk to the bank manager. He or she will likely work with you and provided you did have enough money to cover the check, eliminate the overdraft fees.


But, as a counter point, yes it IS your responsibility to check and see if funds are available. That's why I check my bank account daily via online. It's much more effective that way. I use US Bank, which hasn't screwed me as bad as B of A. Still not fond of banks, but unless all your shit is paid off, it's a necessity. Direct deposit also makes things nice because they don't hold direct deposit funds. My paycheck drops every second Thursday at midnight, and is fully available on Friday.


Just go in to the bank after you're calm and talk with them. All will be made right. If not, then you up the ante. Not before.

Well said, Matt. I joined a credit union. Much more personal than a bank. I have so many more features at my disposal than ever before. States also have Bank Examiners, you can fall back on that department if need be. Be polite, state the facts in a concise manner and show some humility. If the bank fucked up somehow, do you think the employee that will interact with you will feel happy about your struggle in this situation? If you act calm and polite, they will show empathy......if you fly off the handle at someone who is there to help, and was not personally responsible, I guarantee you by the time you leave they won't be feeling sorry for you.

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I have belonged to my credit union since 1977, and I deposit peoples checks I get everyday(self employed) into my acct. and they are only held 1 day, actually they are available the next morning, but I do have money in my accounts all the time, but it has not always been that way for me.

The only checks I have had held for 7 days are very large ones, like over $10,000 or more, this is a paycheck we are talking about here, and he says it has never went down like this before.

If these are policy changes jesusno2, you need to leave, as it is only going to get worse.

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Did they ever say why they held your check in the first place?


Normally a check is only held if their is a negative balance upon the deposit of the paycheck.


It's funny, I work at a bank, I get stupid fuckers like you coming into the bank yelling and talking shit because they don't keep a eye on their accounts and spend more money than you have, then they are pissed about a charge that could have been easily avoided by simply checkin your balance before you buy something.


And wayno is correct. I normally wave 1000's of $ in fees as long as the customer acts professional and doesn't throw a tantrum because they where fucking stupid and spent more than the account had.


Your idea is perfect though, don't use a bank, your not smart enough or able to balance simple math.


As I always say to HRH ( about everyday ) = " is this how you really feel "... ? :lol: ( jk man I do get where you're coming from ;) )

yeah def in the past Banks will take another look at any issues I have had and about 80% of them ended on a good note because of my calm tone and understanding staff :) ( I believe )


*Wayno's reply repeated

*I would call friends from work and see if they are having same issue.

*If your work is open today make sure to call them .. usually small business's are more likely to convey truth right away ... I've had an accounting error delay my pay for 5 days ( on their end )

*Def very frustrating , but a calm mannered tone when speaking to them , proclaiming how long you've been with the branch nicely will yield best results as you know :) .

* I personally check my account balances at least every-other day ( even at a glance ). I have had fraud on CC's and Checking account's over the years enough that it sucks.


^^^ very frustrating to say the least ... I sure as well would grill your employer's nicely first and explain what's going on so when you talk to the bank that base is covered. :).

a little bit of honey goes a loooonnnggg ways ... I know I've always been a bit more attentive to customers who were kind versus those who were less kind haha.


Ever since major fraud occured ( INTERNALLY at my local credit union .. and don't ask me how I know ... then I would have to convey how I really feel :lol: ... the fraud was reported on the news as well ! ... I wouldn't doubt if the ring of people still work there/across the country ) ... I have been very VERY careful about checking my accounts about everyday and going through the proper paperwork filing when it does.


I hope you get your troubles sorted out soon !

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See, here's the thing.....


You shouldn't have to repeatedly go and check your balance every transaction to make sure the money is there. Especially if you just made a deposit. Sure, check as needed, especially if you're expecting to spend a good deal of money, but if the check was deposited and the bank was planning on holding it, they should ALWAYS notify you especially if it's a large sum of money.. It should be a policy.


Hell, at Chase bank, I can check my available balance online and at one point it would show my recent deposit as available even though it's being held. The 'Chase' excuse was that they had an error processing the transfer from PayPal and it shouldn't have been listed as available. long story short they refunded the overdraft even though they still tried to worm around it.




Sucks regardless. Just seems to me like a bank should notify the account holder if a check/deposit is going to held more then 48 hours.

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Things happen. When I first moved in to my current place and sent checks for the deposit & first month's rent, I also sent a post dated check for the next month since I wasn't going to be around to send it. One of the rent checks never got cashed and I didn't realize it for a few months. After that, I was like sweet...my landlord is an airhead. Well, turns out the ATM she deposited the check at actually ate the deposit and she never realized it. It wasn't figured out until the bank opened up the ATM months later and found the crumpled up deposit inside. Dang.

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No offense, I like your fab skills 'n all, but can you really blame the bank? I understand being upset, but ultimately it was your responsibility to make sure you had the funds ready. Check your balance online before making a bunch of payments or withdrawls if you're relying on a paycheck to paycheck balance. I accidently forgot to pay one of my cc's a couple months ago and got hit with the late payment & interest fees. Yeah, it sucks and I was a little pissed because I didn't get the reminder email that month, but ultimately it was my own fault. I calmly called the cc company and thankfully was able to get the fees reversed, but I didn't really expect them to.


This reminds me of this commercial they play on the radio where they paint the bank as evil because it has fees for checking, etc and they use a stupid line like "The bank wants to charge YOU to use YOUR OWN money." It's a bunch of retarded entitlement BS on the individual's part. Banks are a business and they don't make any money off fluid checking accounts, especially ones that fluctuate to near zero on a regular basis, so darn right they're going to charge fees and hit you with overdraft fees when they make you a loan while providing you with service you don't even pay anything for. Free banking isn't some God given right. Be accountable, not like all these retards that took out mortgages they couldn't afford and then turned around and blamed the "evil" banks.


wait till there is a banking holiday an report back ( Hoollidayy you can not take it out) If it is not in your front pocket it is not yours read the fine print

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I'm open Saturday. And how is it not right that you over spent and now have no funds to maintain your gas needs.


Lesson learned, balance your checking and savings better.


The simple fact is that you messed up. If your bank won't help you with the fees then that sucks and I'm sorry, I'm a fee waving king at my bank as long as people maintain a professional outcome.


If it isn't a bank error that caused the fees then they really don't have to do anything, so be nice and see if they will help.


This sense of entitlement and guilt deflection in America is retarded, when you overdraft, your not spending your money anymore, your spending the banks money, so, you get charged


Your not to big to fail you won't get a bail out the security goon out side your bank is not there to protect your or the walking atm's with legs :rofl: :rofl:

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wait till there is a banking holiday an report back ( Hoollidayy you can not take it out) If it is not in your front pocket it is not yours read the fine print

Your not to big to fail you won't get a bail out the security goon out side your bank is not there to protect your or the walking atm's with legs :rofl: :rofl:




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Burn the check book, and only use a debit card.


amen. my debit card comes to a screeching halt when the money is gone.


a few years back i had an ATM card (from Legacy Bank btw) that would let me draw money out on pay day morning with no problem but if the withdrawal was made before 8am they hit with an $58 overdraft fee that wasn't reflected on the ATM receipt but danged sure should showed up on my monthly statement. that actually put me off all cards for a while and back to cash in hand but I've had my current debit for two years with no problem.

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wait till there is a banking holiday an report back ( Hoollidayy you can not take it out) If it is not in your front pocket it is not yours read the fine print

Your not to big to fail you won't get a bail out the security goon out side your bank is not there to protect your or the walking atm's with legs :rofl: :rofl:

How much $$ is the House Monica is selling!!


What in the fuck????

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