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So I Had a Bad Day!!!!

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Well since many of you might not know what I do, heres a taste.


I work as a buyer for LKQ in the southeast region. I spend all day looking at and bidding on wrecked cars.


Heres a few from today!!!



07 Dodge Charger



I will continue to add to this thread when I come across some nasty wrecks



07 Crown Vic POPO



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i cant dig on this man. all i can think of is what mightve happened to the passengers. if they got hurt or worse, i feel the photos would be disrespectful, but i know thats not your intent.

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you sir are correct it is hard to look at these photos all day long, but after two years of this I dont even see the passengers anymore. I will admit it was hard at first. Showed me I needed to be a safer driver and more aware of my surrondings.

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ggzilla, no i never thought that. until you mentioned it, very good point.

here is the history behind my sig, if anyone is curious:



it has to do with psychological warfare. my sig is a leaflet dropped from planes to let innocent civilians that they should get the f out of dodge, because we were coming for the badguys.

these thread photos just hit a little 'closer' to home... innocent people dying without warning.

my close brush with death because an 18 wheeler didnt see me:




but again, youre point is definitely valid. after some pondering i met change my sig

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Changing because it may be offensive to others is even more offensive..

..Uncle Sam..





I find it more obtrusive than offensive.......death is taking up half my screen.... :lol:

Just scale the image/sig down.

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Honestly, I dont find the photos offensive at all. They are however reminders that we all need to be that much more aware (offensive and defensive) in our daily driving lives.


So, ... long story short... many years ago I was driving down the road minding my own business when out of no where.... KABOOOOMMMM!!! I got creamed by a drunk driver. So again long story short.... The guy in the front seat of her car (the gal that hit me) was killed instantly, the two rear passengers had critical and life threatening injuries (broken pelvis, interanal bleeding, head trauma) and me ...Oh I was just simply paralyzed From the neck down. Yes, I made a full recovery minus a few minor probelms with numbness and scaring.


Let me bring it home before you all get bored..... It was her third DUI in the year, one guys dead and three people are jacked up!!!! Oh ya the driver.... she walked away! you know what her day in court brought her? two years in jail and 10 years probation.... Now that my friends ...Is OFFENSIVE!!!!

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ggzilla, no i never thought that. until you mentioned it, very good point.

here is the history behind my sig, if anyone is curious:



it has to do with psychological warfare. my sig is a leaflet dropped from planes to let innocent civilians that they should get the f out of dodge, because we were coming for the badguys.

these thread photos just hit a little 'closer' to home... innocent people dying without warning.

my close brush with death because an 18 wheeler didnt see me:




but again, youre point is definitely valid. after some pondering i met change my sig



Not the part of you almost dieing, but the phys warfare!!

Judging by the avatar, another seaman? ollzzzzz

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ggzilla, no i never thought that. until you mentioned it, very good point.


but again, youre point is definitely valid. after some pondering i met change my sig


Just make it smaller. I don't see it as offensive, some might, and that's their problem. Others might think it's funny, and that's their problem. Offensive, is hard to define but as Judge Potter Stewart said on pornography... " While hard to define... I know it when I see it"

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This was a good and bad day for me, good because I wasn't hurt, bad because it destroyed my new motorcycle that had 750 miles on it.

I was coming up to a signal at about 2am on my motorcycle after I got off work and was heading home, the censers back then didn't pick up motorcycles and the light was red, so I slowed down to 20mph to let the car in back of me catch up, we were on a freeway with signals, she not only caught up with me, she didn't see me and plowed right into me going about 55mph, she seen me at the last moment and swerved just enough to not actually run over me after I was launched over the handle bars of the motorcycle, the first thing that actually hit the ground was my head, but since I was moving down the freeway at a fairly good speed(20 to 30mph), i just kept flying till I landed on my back, while I was sliding down the freeway, she past me on my left and was by then coming back into my lane, about that time I just stood up and came to a stop, turned around and started running back to the bike, as I didn't want anybody to hit it and ruin it, :rofl: but after I got a good look at it, I just stepped out of the freeway.

By this time this woman came running looking for the body, crying :crying: like a river, I told her I was all right.

There wasn't a helmet law back then, but it was really cold that night, so I wore it, good thing I guess, as it had some fairly big scratches/gouges in it, the police made me go to the hospital for X-rays, that was a wast of time.

I had a brand new bike in less than a week.

These photos are almost 40 years old, the rear wheel was collapsed and the muffler bent up quite far for me doing 20+mph when I was hit, I was probably 16 years old.


Because of this wreck, there was another one behind me, a van had no brake lights, and a friend of my moms in her brand new car bought that day went right underneath that van and destroyed the car, but she was unhurt.

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Dat510, fireman, actually (to be technical.) :)

i like my avatar size :( i just copy/pasted the image directly from the psywarrior page and thats the size theyre usin.

but i gotta say this thread has taken on a lighter side. ive cracked up a few times. specifically @ the interanal bleeding.

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A film called Signal 30 used to be required in drivers ed. class here in California ( many moons ago ).

I don't think these pictures are offensive at all but a reminder of what can really happen.




Thought that video was the same one I viewed in the gymnasium with the rest of the 'school'.........many moons ago.

But nay......the one we saw was much more graphic... :wacko: ....

Not really conducive for 12 year olds with no license's...but...it did instill a very somber reality of what one could be headed for down the 'road'.

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I find the internal anal issues to be offensive. I don't wish anal issues on anyone. You know why? Here, let me demonstrate in this photo of a prolapsed hemorrhoid!


























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I have a question Jputz, Now I realize you dont see it at the accident, but do you see a pattern of what cars hold up better in accidents at all?


I have had a few talks with Firemen about this and its kinda interesting if they actually know cars.

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I was going to post this since thread was posted,,,finally went out and took oic


I guy gave me this 71 fastback because he needed to get it out of tow yard...His story was he had just got the engine rebuilt and it was running sweet ,,,so he went and got a set of Aluminum wheels and new tires ,,and when he left the tire shop , he thought he would roast-em ,,took off ,,car got away from him,, and he hit the telephone pole right in front of tire store..i can stand in the hole it left..











But on the good side i got a 9" 411 trac-loc for free... ;)

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