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Why are women on the Internet so fucked up? (RANT)

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Alright ladies and gents. If you've browsed the insomniacs thread, you probably caught some wind of my last relationship from (gasp) the Internet! The last one lasted about a month, dissolved after she didn't know exactly what school her daughter went to. Rather a pattern of non-responsibility, and had been slowly adding to the list before I said "see you!"


Next one was also from plentyoffish.com. She was in Othello even. Went down last weekend, had a very nice time. We talked all week, everything was fine. She had had a seizure in October and this Friday was her colonoscopy! (Sound familiar?) That was a last ditch effort to pinpoint what caused her seizure, as they had yet to figure it out. So she has her thing today, texts me after, I talk with her, everything is hunky dory, I'm being supportive because hey, I've had that done too!


So I call her later this evening and she's telling me what they found, a hiatal hernia, some internal hemorrhoids (vs. my external ones), and she proceeds to tell me how the doctor said for her to do downward facing dog to help stop the blood from pooling and aggravating the hemorrhoids. I'm like, okay, yeah, that can help, being active is definitely more helpful for me, and the fact that I run around all day at NAPA.


She says, no, it's all about body angles, even if you stand or sit, the blood pools. And I'm like okay, that certainly would help, but I literally run around all day walking, lifting stuff, squatting down to pick up rotors, etc, pretty sure my blood's not pooling and aggravating my hemis. Trust me, I'd know!


"No, you have to change angles. Why can't you just listen and take some advice?" And I'm like, okaaaay, this is kind of out of left field. So I say, well, because I'm running around and that circulates blood. So she proceeds to carry her point and I finally try and change the subject and she gets all quiet.


So I ask, are you cranky at me? And she says, yes, a little. I'm like, alright, I'm going to let you go to sleep and I'm going to go work in the garage, I'll call you tomorrow or you can call me and we'll talk then. Ok. (I was supposed to go down to Othello to see her tomorrow.) Which is a 2 hour drive one way for me.


I'm out in the garage, welding up the floor on the 510 (Also a bitch because the frigging metal blows out so quickly. Still chasing holes.) and I get a text saying, "I've thought about it and I don't think we should communicate anymore." So I write back, Whoa there, don't you think this is a little drastic? Sure you don't want to talk in the morning and see where we are? (Especially considering she had a colonoscopy at around 12:30, figured maybe the drugs were affecting her mood)


And she says, Yup, pretty sure. Otherwise I wouldn't have said it.




At which point I let fly a text explaining to a first grade teacher mind you, so you're opting for non-communication over an argument about blood pooling And some other stuff regarding the sillyness of the whole mess. No replies back.


I just have one question boys and girls? Why can't I find a sane women who's remotely attractive on the Internet? Apparently it's not possible. I'm giving up. Deleted the pof account, fuck that! Pffffffft!


I will be spending tomorrow in the garage, playing with the cars. Probably a day better spent with the way things have been going in the dating department.

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My biggest thing with sites like that, is that there has to be a reason the girls are on there. Its usually harder for guys to find chicks to date so I can understand why guys would use sites like those, but when it comes to chicks... its just seems to me that something has to be wrong with them. I mean, if youre not crazy, slightly attractive, and not 1000lbs you should be able to get a date as a woman. Im sure there are decent chicks on those sites, but its like CL ads. They are either fat or bots. There should be no reason a perfectly good woman cant find someone to be with. Maybe you should just be more active in hobbies. If you find a chick while youre out doing things you enjoy, you might find someone with a common intrest you can do together.

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Why can't I find a sane women who's remotely attractive on the Internet?


because you're on the internet.





Why don't you tell us how you really feel?







lol... you know I gotta give you shit HRH, but seriously don't let it get you down man. It's a shit situation. You're a good dude and deserve better then some psycho bitch,

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Yeah, that's the big problem. I damn near live at NAPA and spend the rest of the time in the garage. :( No exposure. Going to have to start making a concentrated effort I guess. When I do go out, it's to go running or riding the bikes. The amount of women I see then? Not many. I did meet a very nice mom with a dog walking today though. Molly got to sniff butts. ;)

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because you're on the internet.





Why don't you tell us how you really feel?







lol... you know I gotta give you shit HRH, but seriously don't let it get you down man. It's a shit situation. You're a good dude and deserve better then some psycho bitch,


Awww, thanks man! :) Maybe some day.

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My biggest thing with sites like that, is that there has to be a reason the girls are on there. Its usually harder for guys to find chicks to date so I can understand why guys would use sites like those, but when it comes to chicks... its just seems to me that something has to be wrong with them. I mean, if youre not crazy, slightly attractive, and not 1000lbs you should be able to get a date as a woman. Im sure there are decent chicks on those sites, but its like CL ads. They are either fat or bots. There should be no reason a perfectly good woman cant find someone to be with. Maybe you should just be more active in hobbies. If you find a chick while youre out doing things you enjoy, you might find someone with a common intrest you can do together.


I met my wife on craigslist, and weve been happy as hell, she got into cars because of me and loves datsuns now. We never argue, shes a great wife and mother, im attracted to her, her me. Were happy.


But i say this, i went through alot of psychos to online. One time i was literally chased with a knife by a woman, i went to her house after some hookah, she then came back out from the bathroom with a knife and said, im goign to kill you before you can me? I freaked and ran out of her house into my 510 and took off like a bat out of hell.


Another actually found where i lived. I was living with a friend in gladstone, she was the apartment manager, well she didnt know what apartments, but she knew my friend was the manager, wed gone out 2 times, and i started to realize she was a lil coo coo. Well i worked graveyard, and i then woke up because i heard someone come into the bedroom, and its HER, standing wtih my roomie, then my roomie realized what was going on. She was showing her our apt because there were no 2 bedroom ones left, It was not a coincidence, she actually said she did it to see where i lived. Freaking freak.


Another i thought i would marry, got manipulated by a chuch she started going to in corvalis oregon. They brainwashed her ass majorly, tried to convert me to but i didnt want a part of it. Shes now married to a 35 year old pastor at that church...she is only 22 now. Dated for almost 2 years, She wanted to wait on sex till marriage which i was fine with, but after that relationship where i did so much for her, i said if a woman holds out its not for me, and no more church women that are weak minded.


There is also more stories, but those are the biggest, but i didnt let it discourage me, i finally found a great woman, who also supports and loves me just as much since i got injured and cant work anymore. A great wife, so dont give up man. Youll find someone that fits you, it just takes a while to get through all the trash at the dump.

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Women cost too damn much to maintain. Those that say "I'm married and dont have to pay..." you poor souls paid the highest price of all. Call me shallow, but for most of the women you find out there, there is a guy tired of putting up with her shit, in some cases there has been a line...now all you got to figure out what number you are.

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You wouldn't look for a tiger at the North Pole, would you? Or a sea turtle in the desert? Likewise, have to look for women in their natural habitat: The Kitchen.

Now that's funny.





They hava all the pussy

half the money

all the songs are written about them

and they're still not happy

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"all the good ones are taken" ....it all depends whats good to you matt.,, i know some people who are wonderful and they arent taken ;) some are just scared of commitment and such!


find a girl outside of your normal area (not the internet) or jus dont look... :lol:

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Women cost too damn much to maintain. Those that say "I'm married and dont have to pay..." you poor souls paid the highest price of all. Call me shallow, but for most of the women you find out there, there is a guy tired of putting up with her shit, in some cases there has been a line...now all you got to figure out what number you are.


I am married and yes I do have to pay!! However, we have a dam good marrige and I wouldn't trade her for anything.....













well........if the right datsun came around :sneaky: :lol:

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Aww, thanks you guys for all the good advice and the lulz. I knew I could count on Ratsun to brighten my morning! Irritated me so much had a bitch getting to sleep last night. Sigggh. Think I'm going to do the single thing for a while though. Molly will be happy to be getting extra attention. :)

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Next one was also from plentyoffish.com. She was in Othello even.

This is where my red flags really went up. Othello?! Jesus, I grew up in Moses Lake and there are plenty of crazy bitches there, but the ones from Othello by far take the cake. Dude, really, Othello? :no:


For real though..... I think those dating sites are cest pools for high maintenance, desperate women with far too much baggage. The internet in general is a breeding ground for crazy women who are able to be someone they aren't behind that screen, just to reel in unsuspecting guys, but those dating sites seem to feed right into that. Don't get me wrong. I've got nothing against meeting on the internet, hell, Brodster and I met through a snowboard site, but it seems like there's way more bullshit to cut through sometimes with the internet relationships because it's hard to tell who's being real and who isn't.


I would highly recommend trying to steer clear of girls in central Washington. If they haven't already been snatched up, there's probably good reason why. ;)

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I can't resist another rant thread.


Everybody else can always see your problem as a non issue and give you six ways to fix it.


Part of the problem is too small a sample. You meet a hundred girls and they all suck or don't suck. It's the hundred and first one that is a Luv Connexion. You gotta sift through a ton of 'em to see the pattern too.


Come on, all lot of this stuff is Lycus 101. Is that guy still on the air?


Chicks only want security. They also like to flirt with the 'bad' boys. They want to know that their daring prince charming has a good job, money to spend on them, nice car, nice pad, clean blood test... some way to take care of them... in exchange for puzzy.


I know, I know, the hormones are raging and you want to put a bowling ball in her toilet... right?, something hard where she pees? This is a dangerous situation and can lead to the types of encounters that have been described. Chicks can't possibly understand that guys are simply sex bots. See potential target... determine sex... determine hotness index 1 through 10... ignore 1-5... acquire target and say/do anything to get d'poozle.


It's hormonal not rational, logical or pragmatic in any way. Until it costs money!


I played in bar bands that worked six night a weeks in what we called meat racks in the '70s. I stood on stage and watched people play these games every night. When there was still sex, drugs and R&R. The only reason people packed the clubs was to hook up. The four "Fs' were in effect... Find 'em... Feel 'em. Fuck 'em and Forget 'em. It was a simpler time.


It seems like all my relationships lasted about five years. Your in love and committed to each other for the first few years, but about the time you start buying cars, houses or heaven forbid start talking about having kids... it all starts to unravel. They get all worked up by their hormones that are just as powerful as yours. Hormones tell them they need a cozy nest to hatch, a credit card, sensible sedan and rings, shoes and crap to show their girlfriends that their prince is not a poozle sniffing frog/dog.


I could tell stories for days about Figbuck 101... but I'll try to cut to the chase... you know I like to tell stories.


I met a lady who was smart, educated, had a good job, nice car, nice house and was starting to slip into that period of a woman's life where their biological clock is ticking so loud that even you can hear it. Wild sex three or four times a day every day. Just as I was thinking this is about right... something started to happen.


It was OK that I was self employed and made a lot of money... but gee wouldn't it be better, less risky to have a steady job working for somebody else... OK that I rode fast motorcycles, until they were dangerous, I could die and leave her alone... Ok that I had an old Datsun she called my jalopy and was cool to ride around in it... until a friend saw her and she didn't even want it parked in front of the house anymore.


In the end, that bitch cost me literally tens of thousands of dollars. Was the hot sex worth it??


After a total train wreck I went to work up in Lake Tahoe with three guys I went to school with. My buddy was having a birthday and the other guys said, 'Let's go over to the ranches and party!" I ask, 'What are the ranches?' They go you never been????


So we mounted an expedition over to the Mustang Ranch, Moonlight Ranch, the Kit Cat Ranch and a bunch of others out in Lyon County Nevada. They each have their own flavor or style.


When you go into bar area all the girls who are working, come out to strut their stuff and talk to the new customers. The Kit Cat is a rather large complex with so many girls to choose from... that you just have to try as many as you have money, or credit to do! Mostly all these girls are young, hot and professional. There are some places that cater to a particular clientele or fetish... maybe the women aren't centerfold material. But there are no shortage of eights and nines. Not many sevens unless they have some outstanding feature like 40DD's. The 10s are all someplace else making a grand a pop. If you got money you can totally get off on them.


I remember blowing a grand in one night at a hundred bucks a slash. It was like smorg iz broad. Yum that one with the blond hair down to her knees and OH NOOO! Good Gracious Lawd Ha Moicy!!! Schwaaaangle!


When I think about all the money girlfriends cost me...




Please give me a second here. Wheew... take a deep breath... remember to breath... that hurt man.


... all the money girls cost for either the quantity or quality of poozle...


I could have gone to live in the bar at the Kit Cat Klub, been professionally serviced every night and day by different HOTT little 19 year old nymphs for five years!!!

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