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I bet you guys wouldn't be making so many jokes if one of your kids was kidnapped.


Just sayin.



Ok Charity is hardly a Charity. Only 31% is charitable, rest goes to "travel expenses" and "video expenses" of the 3 guys who run InvisibleChildren. Oh and they support the Uganda Army/Sudan People's Liberation Army. Funny that both those armys are accused of rape and looting themselves.


Here is a nice picture of the 3 founders of Invisible Children with the Sudan People's Liberation Army:




He has been at large for over a decade.


He is already out of Uganda.


US military has been helping.


His group only makes up a small percentage of the real problem.


If he is captured, you still need stop the LRA (Lords Resistance Army). And then even if they are stopped, oooo you stopped 5% of the problem and I am probably exxagerating.


Capturing Kony is like Capturing Sudam/Bin Ladin...



So what have we learned?


The problem is real.


Think Broader than Kony.


InvisibleChildren is only partially good at raising awareness (Foreign Affairs accused them of "manipulating facts for strategic purposes"... awesome!


Do more research.



I am not hating on the Kony campaign, I am hating on how it is really just a fad, evident from the huge swell on such a narrow topic (makes it easy to pin just 1 guy doesnt it?) that is barely even the scratch on the surface.



Time to change the campaign...


I knew about InvisibleChildren in about 2004.

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I bet you guys wouldn't be making so many jokes if one of your kids was kidnapped.


Just sayin.


Trust me ..we all have our burdens to bare without worrying about some hype we saw on the internets..And instead of wearing around a cute little wrist band , There IS a real way you can help out .......Kinda a talk is cheap kinda thing...Link below








Laercaons term paper says it all...^^

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Africa is a lost cause, the whole world has been pouring money, time, resources, and effort without limit into these countries, beyond measure since before we were born. To absolutely no availe, build them something, they tear it down or they dig it up to sell the scrap. Set them up a free election, they kill eachother at the polls and cut each others hands off for voting for an opposition candidate. Send them a 100 tons of seed corn, they mash it into cornmeal and eat it in 3 days. Send them a ship full of food, it rots at the docks due to political rangling. Send them rubbers and doctors, they make soccer balls from the rubbers and try to cure aids by fucking a virgin, dwarf or a albino. It's 2012 and they still burn and stone people for witchcraft. Africans are a evoluntionary dead end. Nature is trying to purge them, and we are just stalling the inevitable.

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Support the CAUSE, not the charity.



What's going on over there is fucked up, and needs to be recognized, and that's what this is about. The problem needs to be resolved before it turns out like the mid 90's Rwandan massacre/genocide.







Everyone deserves a chance at life, no matter where you live.

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Support the CAUSE, not the charity.



What's going on over there is fucked up, and needs to be recognized, and that's what this is about. The problem needs to be resolved before it turns out like the mid 90's Rwandan massacre/genocide.






Everyone deserves a chance at life, no matter where you live.




Seriously ..???



.Do you even know where any Battered womens shelters are in your area?? Have you EVER helped at a soup kitchen in your area?? Have you ever helped at a children s homeless shelter in your area ..????


...Instead of sitting in your comfy bedroom on your mom`s house second floor ,, buy a fucking airline ticket to where ever the fuck this is supposed to be occurring and help.............PUT UP OR SHUT UP..


Wearing around a cute little rubberband charm bracelet ( made by child slave labor in China ) is NOT helping,,,,,Actually doing something is.




And one last thing when your being pwnd by a couple of high schoolers ( you two know who you are ), on the subject maybe you should reevaluate your position

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I'd rather see people investing that time and effort in the US. Unfortunately, fucked up people are exactly that. And most can't be fixed. Not to say we shouldn't try. You ever sit down at talk to a local bum? One out of a hundred might be an articulate guy down on his luck. The other 99 are usually stir-crazy.


Regardless, if we address things in our own country before going off to others, we'd be in a better spot.

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That's exactly why this kony shit is wack.

Let's deface and litter on peoples property to make kony famous even though we have other non destructive ways of spreading the word.

Fucking KONYtards, i'm pretty sure the douche founder mentioned something about facebook in the video, why not start there?

Still they're going to look really stupid when they find out that all this sporadic effort to become a activist was to no avail because it's all a huge scam.

And if we are wrong, So what? we didn't spend thousands of dollars spreading the word, just five minutes of research.


here's a picture my friend shopped.


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I just think its funny people are just now paying attention to Africa.. I already know what Americans would say once we start sending soldiers over to countries that need actual support and structuring of the political system.. "Not our childrens, we don't want them dying for a pointless war." Pretty much its like charity smut, make people feel good about themselves. I'll save myself the time and just go stare at some boobs.

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Seriously ..???



.Do you even know where any Battered womens shelters are in your area?? Have you EVER helped at a soup kitchen in your area?? Have you ever helped at a children s homeless shelter in your area ..????


...Instead of sitting in your comfy bedroom on your mom`s house second floor ,, buy a fucking airline ticket to where ever the fuck this is supposed to be occurring and help.............PUT UP OR SHUT UP..


Wearing around a cute little rubberband charm bracelet ( made by child slave labor in China ) is NOT helping,,,,,Actually doing something is.




And one last thing when your being pwnd by a couple of high schoolers ( you two know who you are ), on the subject maybe you should reevaluate your position


You're seriously saying that? How can you place such harsh judgments on me without even knowing my situation?


Dude, I grew up in a family where we helped others less fortunate then us.


When I was 12 years old, my friends and I went on THANKSGIVING with home cooked food to a homeless shelter in Atlanta. Chicken Noodle soup, corn bread, cheesy rolls, turkey, etc all taken out of our allowances. I was a cub scout at the earliest allowable age. As a boy scout I spent time out at hospitals on Christmas eve singing Christmas Carols and spending time with the lonely people that had no family.


Several years ago when we had flooding in Georgia in my towns, I went with friends in a church bus and a sail boat (my own sail boat) and picked up animals and trapped people waiting on their roofs for someone to help them from the hurricanes that had ravaged the town less then 24 hours prior. We too crackers and bottled water through neighborhoods offering them to people without power or means of transportation.


In 2006 I went on a Toys For Tots benefit motorcycle show in October and donated several boxes of my own old toys. I didn't ask for anything in return, because seeing the looks on all these people seeing me bringing boxes of toys, and them donating Hot Wheels cars felt great. I was a 15 year old kid with no job giving more then some of the 50 year old guys on Harleys that were bragging about how much money they spent on their chrome pipes.


I have friends that have been overseas to Africa and have first hand seen the tragedy that has fallen over their community. I've seen pictures of bodies lined through the streets, and have heard stories of the massacres first hand.


Last week, I saw one of my regular customers on the side of the road in his old Plymouth Reliant broken down. I sat there for 3hours on my off day on the side of a busy road tearing his car apart so he could get to work on time. He was a super nice guy and always had been, but NEVER got a break, so I gave him one. You know what he did? He payed it forward. He was telling me the other night about how that same night he saw a tired driver spin and flip into a ditch. This was 12AM in the morning on a side road. He told me that if he hadn't been there, the police told him there was very little chance this woman would have gotten the medical attention she needed in time.


Wearing around a cute little rubberband charm bracelet ( made by child slave labor in China ) is NOT helping,,,,,Actually doing something is.


When I turned 18 (2009ish) I went to my local Army recruiting station and tried to sign up. They rejected me due to medical issues. I have friends that died overseas, and all I wanted to do was feel like I made some kind of a difference. What else do you want me to do? I don't have the resources or money to go over there and help, but there are people who DO and HAVE gone over there after learning of the situation.



I'm no saint, but dammit, I work my ASS off to try and make a difference in my community because it's the very least I can do.



I'll ask you again,


How can you place such harsh judgments on me without even knowing my situation?

Edited by metalmonkey47
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First off....



I can judge you any fucking way i WANT.


Second,, everything you described happened when you were a child..So you cooked the turkey and all the trimmings??That`s great your school or church group took water and crackers to people, and took you along.And you gave a couple hot wheels at a toy for tots deal..


What have you done as an ADULT..besides helping a down on his luck dude fix his car once, which almost everybody on any car forum has done at one time or another.



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First off....



I can judge you any fucking way i WANT.


Second,, everything you described happened when you were a child..So you cooked the turkey and all the trimmings??That`s great your school or church group took water and crackers to people, and took you along.And you gave a couple hot wheels at a toy for tots deal..


What have you done as an ADULT..besides helping a down on his luck dude fix his car once, which almost everybody on any car forum has done at one time or another.







Society is a heartless bitch isn't it? You have terrible reasoning behind everything, don't you?


.Instead of sitting in your comfy bedroom on your mom`s house second floor ,, buy a fucking airline ticket to where ever the fuck this is supposed to be occurring and help


Do I look like I have the money for a plane ticket across the world? I hardly make enough as is to support myself. One day, MAYBE I'll be able to sacrifice my time to go and help, but for now I'll do what I can here.


From the time I was 9 years old to now, I do EVERYTHING I can to help people in need. I refuse to further justify myself to you. I have to much dignity to argue with ignorance and selfishness on the internet. < End of story.

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Support the CAUSE, not the charity.



Wearing around a cute little rubberband charm bracelet is NOT helping,,,,,Actually doing something is.





The bracelet will look cute on your wrists





Pretty sure you don't know how to read, so I've quoted it above for you.


And so that it sinks in, I'll say it again.


Support the CAUSE, not the charity.


So you don't have to take the time to let it sink in, I'll put it into simpler words.




I will not/have not/do not donate to these charities. hairy.png


'Nuff said. I think I'll go have a juice box and slag off on my moms couch in our two story house (or whatever the fuck you said.)

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Last word lucy ..........wait didn`t you post this a few hundred words ago??

"I have to much dignity to argue with ignorance and selfishness on the internet. < End of story."



But i can tell by the rest of your excuses, you will are good at making them. so you will probably have a stellar one for this also.


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