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Datto down.....620 carnage

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I have two witnesses. Neither saw the accident, but both have relevant information. I was 4-5 car lengths behind my brother entering the turn lane. The lady cut me off LITERALLY entering the turn lane leaving me about 1/2 car length in front of me, and started to pull into traffic when cross traffic from the light stopped her from pulling out. She failed to yield to me before changing lanes into my lane. My brother can verify her location relative to me and his car.


My commercial manager whose also a good friend from Autozone was driving by literally seconds after the hit and can verify vehicle position which was not documented and no other on duty officer was able to document before we moved into the parking lot.


I don't have anything from the nice cop that stopped though :(


I'm going out tomorrow to measure the length of the turn lane before the solid white line to see if I can confirm that she had to cross a solid white line in order to have her vehicle in front of me in the turn lane.





I got a lot to fight with lol.


Nope! I've seen it a few times, but I don't think I ever payed that much attention to detail. Sucks :( But at least you came out okay after the accident. If you had a passenger, they would not have fared well.



i DID have a passenger and he survived! with no permanent damage at the time of the crash he had a fractured pelvis in 3 places a bruised lung fractured ribs and a concussion

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After hearing your story I preach more and more on the uses of a dashcam.


This is exactly what im using since some months ago. a spycam with a succup. Im doing this because the comon sense here is completely lost, if the lanes are not painted its anarchy, if the lanes are painted its anarchy and they dont know what a hard white line is. motorcycles..pffffff they are like bees, going fast between lanes as if the interrupted white line was the bike lane. You never know what is going to happen and with which type of moron you are going to be invloved with.


My last hit was in the back, a lady using the mobile inside, I saw it, im always looking my mirros, I saw her that almost hit me because there was a bit of traffic and had to brake. So after that i had my eye on her, a few minutes later she hitted me. She was claiming that I let my car go backwards on the hill a 30° hill she didnt wanted to payme, so I told her, I will follow you whereever you go, so my datto was putting serious pressure on the toyota corolla (2004) until the lady stopped and accepted her fault. She had insurance!!


So, the moral of the story, have your camera and never say that you have recording of the incident, if they dont accept their fault, counterattack with a lawsuit with more than obvious proof and will get money for dattos.


Keep that jewel running Monkey!!

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too bad you didnt get photos before the officer had you guys pull off the road. After seeing if everyone was okay..i would be a snapping fool with the camera.


but glad everyone is okay.


wonder if I could fix that bumper....

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Any way to find the off-duty cop?


His knowledge will prove invaluable to this case.

Hunt for him!


I'm going to try, but I don't know if it will help much.


So, the moral of the story, have your camera and never say that you have recording of the incident, if they dont accept their fault, counterattack with a lawsuit with more than obvious proof and will get money for dattos.


Keep that jewel running Monkey!!


This truck will NOT die. After this, I'm investing in a GoPro and I'll start recording every drive.


too bad you didnt get photos before the officer had you guys pull off the road. After seeing if everyone was okay..i would be a snapping fool with the camera.


but glad everyone is okay.


wonder if I could fix that bumper....


Actually, I'm glad that there were no photos. Now she has NO defense. I have two witnesses, and lots of tricks up my sleeve. All I have to do is prove my case and I will have shown without reasonable doubt that I was NOT in the wrong. She has no defense and the officer that wrote me the ticket was not there for the accident. Only the aftermath.



You're more then welcome to try if you want cool.gif If I can get her insurance to pay it out, I'll be happy to pay you whatever it takes if it's possible. I'm just hoping up until now that it will be taken care of.





I'll have more pictures in a few minuets.

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Just to mention, because your witnesses didn't actually see the accident and they both have a pre-existing relationship (I'm assuming here the witnesses are your brother and your commercial manager), it might not play well in court. When I got T-boned back in 1991, my Mom was in the car with me and could vouch I had the green light but the cops and everyone else chose to believe the 26-year old driver of the other car vs me (16 at the time) and my Mom. Even though the 26-year old came and ASKED ME who had the red light after it happened. The best I was able to get was "indeterminate fault". Oh, and the woman that hit me had no insurance.


I hope you have a better outcome.

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Try this




Good luck. Sorry to hear abt it


good call! I actually know about this one, but forgot about it. lol I'm gonna try to score the bumper


Looks like you actually needed a new driver's side fender anyway. Lotta rust bubbles. Not that that helps any. Be careful not to crease the door opening it too much before getting the fender replaced; it looks like it hits pretty solidly.




yup, I was planning on sanding it down and repairing the rust. Just not this soon. I didn't want the truck to look ratty for a few months while I put it together and tried to put money together for paint.

Edited by metalmonkey47
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Unfortunately, generally you are only liable for the front of your vehicle, going to be very hard to prove otherwise. shitty deal, I do wish you luck in fighting it, but I doubt it will be to your benefit.


Kinda like when someone rolls back into you at a stop sign right?

It's bullshit.



I got a door too btw.

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if you look at the damage i have to agree with mm47 the only way i can see him at fault with damage like that is if he was trying to squeeze past and didn't make it but since the on duty cop didn't see the cars positioning you might be screwed dude

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