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Spotted what I think was a red 510 around 21st and 119th in Vancouver on the 5th. Dunno what time, I know it was dark out.


EDIT: I saw him again, this time on 99th by the Chevron and ARCO in Hazel Dell. Also spotted a red 280ZX at the LKQ in Portland off Columbia.

Edited by Nissan_Boy85
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Purple has the most confirmed sightings which leads Me to believe that Redding, California is the answer to a question that I have had for years "Where did all the vintage Datsuns go?????". Now... if Smokin' Joe, the Mini Vini or Bill Lizotte's truck ever surface, You'd BETTER GET THE GUYS PHONE NUMBER!!!!!!


Hey, what happened to Superman????? (nice sighting!!!) LOL!

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And I got tired of taking pics of 620s, 720s, and Zs. They are everywhere. There are a few I don't have pics of, a 411 sedan out towards Happy Valley, a 410 wagon just south of town and a 60 PLG222 mixed in a bunch of British stuff. Also know a guy that owns a 58 L210.

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A buddy and I went on a +/- 1000 mile ride over the weekend. Saw this car...



about 50 yards from this sign...


It had '07 tags and aside from the fender and windshield was in pretty decent shape. Hit a deer maybe? I was just too damn cold to knock on doors. Temperature was in the low 40's and we were at about 3500 feet. The next morning, after scraping the frost off the seats, we left the motel at 8am and it was in the low 20's. Calculated the windchill (open-face helmets at 65-70mph) around 3-5 degrees. COLLLLDDDD! This was taken from the motel parking lot. It's hard too see in the shadow but the snow came down within a couple hundred feet of the valley floor. It was an awesome ride!


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I pm you....


I was wondering where that car went, I've been looking for it for over 2 years, it used to sit in Lewiston Idaho at a trailer court. it was in a lot better shape then it is in now.

Edited by 420n620
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I was wondering where that car went, I've been looking for it for over 2 years, it used to sit in Lewiston Idaho at a trailer court. it was in a lot better shape then it is in now.


No doubt, that cool lil nugget needs to be saved!

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