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Issues with our pregnancy

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So as some of you know, me and my wife are pregnant again with our 2nd child, hopefully a girl. But were having some issues, so im just hoping to get in some extra prayers because i am worried about this pregnancy. 2 weeks ago my wife, about 1 week after we found out we were 8 weeks pregnant, was driving to work and some dumb bitch driver on the i5 bridge, who my wife looked at in the rear view mirror in stop and go traffic, and saw looking into her passenger seat smacked right into my wifes 08 sentra. Didnt hurt the car to bad, but my wife started having bad cramps after this. We were finally able to get in for a emergency ultra sound, and got the results Tuesday.


Apparently their is some ripping and stretching of her uterus, most likely caused by the jolt from the lil accident. Which goes to show the tinest accident can really hurt a pregnant woman. Shes been in pain, told she cant really even lift out 15 month old, and needs to take it easy, hopefully things will heal. But it just has me worried. I dont want to voice this on facebook, because of course my wife will know im talking about it. This whole situation is something that has me worried, i dont want to have anything happen to my wife, and then theres our secound child, and i dont want anything to happen to (hopefully) her. Im just stressed as hell about this, and majorly pissed at this dumb broad who rear ended her.


She told the insurance company that she was rear ended and pushed into my wife. The pictures we have of her rear looks like paint bubbles. Also she didnt call in a hit and run. Then as my wife was getting info and feeling the start of the cramping, the lady kept trying to go. Saying she had to get her son to school? She lives in washington, and there was no kid in the car that my wife could see, yet shes taking him to school in oregon? So my wife got her drivers license number and everything as well and took pictures. This is normally when i would think she wouldnt have insurance, but i was suprised when i found out she did. If anything happens to this baby thats bad, her ass is going to be paying for it. I dont know what i would do if i lost my wife, or we had a bad miscarriage because of someones neglagance. Weve been told we should not try to get pregnant again if or if not Madison is born. We want 2 kids, and this bitch may of just fucked this up for us.


My wife is a pain to keep down, even though she is supposed to. And shes got some ass hole at her work that keeps stressing her out that used to be her boss, she cant have the stress or be moving as much as her job as she used to. This is just such a stressfull time, im trying to work on the 411 because i want it to be a birth gift for her, for going through all of this. This has just been a plain ol shitty 2 weeks. Worried about my wife, and my unborn child. If something happens to this one it will devistate her. Just pray for us please guys. My mom says im making a bigger deal out of this than what i need to in my mind, but its the woman i love more than anyone on this planet, and my unborn child, hopefully my lil girl. I keep having nightmares of me loosing both of them. I just cant stop being worried. Sorry for rambling on here about this, but its one of the only places i can.

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That was a fast reply lol. I hope it will, i also need to get checked out. I feel like someone is strangling me. I had my tonsils and (excuse spelling) abenoids? taken out back in 2002 or 2003? I was told the abenoids could grow back, and its feeling like that, part of the reason im not asleep yet. But then i dont know if its just stress or what because it happend after she started having pain from the wreck. Shes even bled a bit which really worried the doctor. So ive been putting my health and diet last, but i feel like someone is strangling the air out of me. And i dont want that camera shoved up and down my nose.


Its just a scary thing when its your wife and unborn child, Danny if somethings wrong, hes here, i can take him to the hospital, hes with me all day the tinest boo boo im able to do something about. This i cant. Im just worried about this pregnancy.

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Thanks guys. I would rather be the one to die in a instant over her or my son or my unborn child. The only good thing ive accomplished in life that im actually proud of is being a father and a husband. My life was just a joke before i met my wife, and i love my son so much. Unlike alot of parents i really care about my wife and kid, which seems nowadays alot of parents dont seem to give a rats ass about their kids. Hell heres a fucked up one. My wifes dad, he apparently beleives the wife is more important right? If he was holding his wife in one hand and kid in another over a ledge, hes said he would of let go of his kid to save his wife...... If i was hanging, i would force her to let go of me to save my son. Being a father is one of the greatest things ive ever done, my son brings out a light in me that i never knew i had. Its the one thing i do know i actually do well, and thats being a father and husband. It just worries me, because i never want to loose her or my unborn child. It would destroy me.

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The stress is more than likely causing the physical discomfort, it happens and it isn't fun.


Try your best and be their for your family, if You have pto I would take a good chunk of it for this to be their for your wife.


When my wife was havin difficulties carrying our twins sons I never...NEVER let her know I was ever worried, i think i even laughed and told her she was paranoid a couple of times and it made her smile.


gotta hold that strength down for your wife's confidence in positive results because most time the best cure for injury is truly believing you will heal unscathed.


Best of wished for you and your family.

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It just gets on my nerves one persons carlessness can fuck up things so much. This is a definate reason why were moving back to beaverton, so my wife is only 10 miles from work instead of around 45. Shes been rear ended 2 times in 8 months. Im just so tired of other drivers not watching wtf their doing, and no one has really fucked up my wifes pregnancy and stressed out our lives. She better hope nothing happens to my wife or unborn child. It just showes how much other peoples carelessness fucks over other peoples lives. And the ladys front end had other damage, so obviously she hits people alot. People like her need to have their licenses taken away, i say a three strike rule.

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Im on workers comp rustina, 2 back surgeries so im a stay at home father. It doesnt help that i just had a bad ime with a hack of a doctor, my nurse case manager ive heard nothing from and found out this week finally a month later that she was terminated and just now getting to me. They wont get back to me with the results from my IME (independent medical evaluation) that they pay for with a hack doctor who didnt even check my numb areas of my leg or painful areas of my back. And then monday i show up for my weekly physical therapy to find out workers comp hasnt approved it yet for this month. Now im worried like if they stop my checks or something because of the ime with the joke doctor who didnt even really look at me. Just all this stress you know. I normally act all care free like i dont have any issues, but i dont have a real outlet for it. I cant go out and work on my cars unless danny is asleep, which is rare now that hes 15 months, he forces himself to stay awake. My video card went out in my laptop today to, so no more killing things online in games. I feel like im getting poked over and over again, and i cant poke back. Its one of the reasons i pulled out the 510 today. My 200sx has been having issues, josh is supposed to when he can come take a look at it for me. But i think the sensor port in the downpipe where we had the wideband at, i think somehow the bolt backed out and fell out when i was driving my wife to work a couple weeks ago, i heard something metal and saw a shiney thing fly out of under my car on i5, so i couldnt just stop and see what it was. After that i started smelling exhast, and the car started backfiring and not feeling as if i had as much power. So its parked in the garage, and im going to enjoy driving the 510, im just worried about my kid in it. The car seat fits better than it does in my 200sx, and the 4 doors make getting him in and out easier on my back. I just dont want to get hit in it because im worried about my boy. I just feel like i have a stress bubble on me right now and shit just keeps bouncing back on me.

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Just remember the body is an incredible machine. Look at what it accomplished by just conceiving and growing a human being out of 2 microscopic cells. I'm a firm believer in mental healing, even if you and she aren't, keeping a positive state of mind will help tremendously. Stressing can only cause more stress.

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You seem genuinely caring and concerned for your family and seem to be doing everything right for her and them. If you have everything covered and are watching out for them and yourself, realize that, and try to stop stressing out about the things that might happen or could happen. The best thing you can do now, is know you've done all that you can. This will leave you free to react to the unforseen should it happen.


Natural selection has brought us here to this point. If your great-great-great-great-grandmother had been unable to deliver properly then you wouldn't be here today. Tens of thousands of generations have gone before us to get us here. I'd say that we've a proven history of successful childbirths. Women are tough and infinitely capable of this feat and well designed for it so it's up to us men to simply trust in them.


I was borne in a farmhouse and my mother was attended by a midwife who was usually an older experienced woman who would oversee the birth, a sort of coach. My maternal grandmother was likely there as she lived in the same small village. That was it, no doctors and nurses, no hospitals, no anything really. Today only a few generations later there is a bewildering array of help ready and waiting for you and your wife. You even have friends here you can talk to about (and be talked through) this adventure. Try not to worry too much.

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You have our prayers man. We are expecting our 1st in about 4 weeks, I can relate with the feelins of wating to protect the wife and unborn.


Just gota stay positive and encourage the wife to take it easy. Maybe a trip to the work place and a nice talk to the jackass @ the job?

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prayers are with you and your wife. I understand about the worry and sleepless nights my exwife was pregnant and came down with pneumonia she pulled through as did our daughter. The number one thing you need to remember is your health as if your health goes down the drain you will not be of any help to your wife and children. From what I read your are more than just a father you are a Dad which is a title your children can only give you.

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I wish you the best, stress is so contagius that you gata put up a calm front atleast, so you guys arnt reflecting stress onto each other.

Altho i gotta say, not being apart of your family, hearing about the woman that hit your wife gets my blood pumping hot.

Even tho I have no connection I want to repedely slap her for effecting you guys so much with her carelessnes, and I my self in your shoes would not be so adult about any if it.

Keep a level head and keep us posted.

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She doesnt see me stressing out, i do it when shes asleep and stuff. She sees me normally being well....normal lol.


At least we had a good day today, got this cute picture of my son, he wanted to climb on the roof of the car so baddly.


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