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Amy Winehouse Found Dead

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Many artists are self destructive, non artists too!... Well the train wreck has finally come and gone and we can move on at least. I was not a fan of her or her 'music' but this does not diminish the fact that this was a waste. A friend once told me that it's our god given right to kill ourselves any way we wish without the interference of others that don't/can't understand us or our lifestyles.

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Trouble is we glorify those with excessive lifestyles like this. Even more so when they die and become iconic. Where would Jim Morrison be today if he lived??? Think about it.


Doug Stanhope had a while routine about well known artists going out in a blaze of glory instead of slowly fading away. "Where do you think Jimmy Hendrix would have ended up? Ya, probably doing commercials for Sears and McDonald's, then having a reunion tour in his sixties in a sad attempt to regain his youth. No, instead he went out with a fucking bang!"


Part of the problem is what people expect of these "stars". If they're not living hard and excessively, they're not considered true musicians, or they're some pussy music musician no one cares about if they're not gay. Hell, she's probably not dead; she probably just moved to the Island of Stardom hidden away from the media and the fans, where they can release CDs postmortem. Tupac is there.


I know if I couldn't walk to the store without a half million people either wanting my signature or spitting on me, I'd "kill" myself too.

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I know if I couldn't walk to the store without a half million people either wanting my signature or spitting on me, I'd "kill" myself too.




There are lots of artists/musicians out there today who are respected and yet not total bend-os. And then there are total waste of skin types like Lindsay Lowhan.

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No surprise, no sadness at all, you mess around with drugs in those doses or in general and you really are asking for it so here you go, you get what you're asking for.

No different from that no talent, worthless, non contributing human being, famous for being a train wreck Anna Nicole Smith. Maybe they're both hanging out now.

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I say it's still a tragedy when anyone dies in such circumstances. Warranted certainly, but really I don't think she was horrible as an artist. Did she suck at life choices? Yep. A lot of people do. Many die the same way who aren't famous or appreciated in any way. This in itself is never a good thing. It means society is failing in general to mold people to an acceptable standard. But if you want to get existential about it, has society ever been able to wrangle in others from their vices? Not many, and the few that do are only receptive of their own recognizance.


I don't think we should ever really glorify death. It falls under that "being right for the wrong reasons." But that's just my .02 cents.

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I say it's still a tragedy when anyone dies in such circumstances. Warranted certainly, but really I don't think she was horrible as an artist. Did she suck at life choices? Yep. A lot of people do. Many die the same way who aren't famous or appreciated in any way. This in itself is never a good thing. It means society is failing in general to mold people to an acceptable standard. But if you want to get existential about it, has society ever been able to wrangle in others from their vices? Not many, and the few that do are only receptive of their own recognizance.


I don't think we should ever really glorify death. It falls under that "being right for the wrong reasons." But that's just my .02 cents.


What I didn't like about her was how loudly she glorified her life style, which further encouraged her "fans" to emulate her.


What ever happened to role models? Even the sports community fails at having those.

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