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*Raises hand* I have! It was something like, "Yes, I finaly got you in you little bastard...Awww FFFFUUUUUUU!!!"


Oh gods, my sides hurt from laughing too much and my brain hurts from all the WTF! An epic post, keep them coming! :rofl: :thumbup:

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In other news, this Pendleton is delicious.

Dave,... next year. The skull and I shall once again see each other?


how would those ever havea consitent charge tot he turbo...seems like tghe exhaust would still esacpe outthe back...of the muffler

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how would those ever havea consitent charge tot he turbo...seems like tghe exhaust would still esacpe outthe back...of the muffler


Well, that's if the mufflers just don't out right explode from the pressure. I could be worng but I don't think muffler casings are made that strong to begin with...that or just melt them.


But you are right Jrock, I'm just still trying to figure out what the hell he was going to put them on.

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yeah and thats some nice parts for a wierd rear mount hybrid set up.....


took me awhile to figure the fail pic....i see now...hmmm yeah i did that too once


:D No worries man, like DTP said, I think we've all done it once in our wrench turning noob days. When ya think about, it just make ya laugh more.

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Some people just don't get it. Cross drilled rotors haven't been needed for 20 years. Or more. Needed on race cars of the 60/70s but not today. Monkey see monkey do. If ten are good then 500 just has to be better. Imagine this asshole behind you....

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also notice the ducktape on the coilover...


How the hell else is it going to stay in place? duh


Actually the rotor is impressive. I bet a lot of people here couldnt put that many hole sin a rotor with that level of uniformity lol.

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