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BEEBANI last won the day on August 23 2010

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  • Birthday 09/15/1975

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    '11 sentra, '11 Quest
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    anything automotive
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  1. They haven’t had 2 clevises for years. I only made a handful that way and quickly changed the design.
  2. ALBANY. Yes they put them Out here once and that’s it.
  3. Yes Lee, it is tight. I’ve had to do the same thing on the last two installs i did. Btw, i have come up with a solution for connecting the stock cable. I’ll be doing a review of the info soon. I’m in the process of moving into a new house atm.
  4. Spiff, If you mount the calipers towards the front, the stock cables will reach. I’m working on a new bracket at the caliper to line the cable up better. You’ll need a clamp on Clevis on the cable to attach to the lever arm.
  5. Steve, Al Allen is selling a Wilwood unit that looks like the OEM units and bolts right up. I used one on Paul's (79D50) '76.
  6. Why not mention it Matt? Do tell. I have many many very happy customers out there who have done the swap with great results. Upper and lower arms bolt right up, little bit of welding to do for the lowers. Allows you to use spindles, hubs, brakes, etc. from '86-'98 hardbody pickups. Keeps the stock track width and has full adjustability for camber and caster. Perfect for bags. I even make bag brackets and external shock mounts to go with the bags.
  7. Wayno, he's talking about the bolts that hold the heims to the cross shafts. They are 5/8-18 GR.8 They just need to be red loctite'd and they'll never come loose again. Requires heat to remove.
  8. Sorry to hear that man, dumb question; but that had the lock washer on it correct? I'm guessing red Loctite is the order of the day for those in the future. Keep me posted. If anything is damaged, I replace it for you.
  9. I want to lay one of those out so bad!!!!
  10. I've sent quite a few sets of my control arms and coilover mounts over to your neck of the woods, I know of at least one that's complete and driving without any issues. The biggest problem is finding the Navara parts for the spindle/hub swap I believe.
  11. Yeah, I bout shit myself when I saw that this morning.....this year sucks!
  12. My lowers are 1.25 x .120 wall DOM. Pretty common size for link bars.
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