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Canby 2012: Are we there yet?


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Friday is the fun of getting there. (road trip) Pulling in surrounded by strange people you only know on line. Everyone within 300 yards in all directions, all in some way connected to a car that hasn't been made in 25 years. Everyone comfortable knowing that everyone else has something in common with them. Friendly nods. Friday night is meeting old friends and watching an engine swap..


True story, Luke (jesusno2) and I stood and talked with you a couple of years ago with another member and none of us actually introduced ourselves...lol. We just knew we all had shit in common and that was enough.


I've struggled with coming the last few years as it's on my wedding anniversary almost every year, and I feel weird coming without a rig after having the enjoyment of carivaning with a datto in years past. But I think I'm gonna nut-up and come this year, gonna bring the boy too. He's 2, it's time he learned about datsuns!


I think the weather will hold up....fingers crossed!

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I'll have a booth set up to do pinstriping. So bring stuff you want painted!


Im thinking I want something done, but not quite sure what... Ill have to do some thinking. Ive seen you post a bunch of your work up, but do you have a site for general pricing and such?

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soo... got some great news! I am not moving to AZ like previously mentioned, we have a change of plans and we are moving to Lake Tahoe !! which for me is f-ing awesome news! way closer to canby and cheaper and cooler! so i should still be headed up to datsunville CA, on the 7th and hop on the crazy train with james, vic, and skib and whoever else .....on the 8th friday :hyper: :hyper:

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i missed last year, plus my truck wasnt even road ready, but im pretty stoked for this year, especially after watching that video! sooo i got so newbie questions since this will be my first year....is there an info thing on canby or should i just ask away?

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i missed last year, plus my truck wasnt even road ready, but im pretty stoked for this year, especially after watching that video! sooo i got so newbie questions since this will be my first year....is there an info thing on canby or should i just ask away?


this is gonna be my first year going, also..


im planning on showin up with $40 for the tent fee, and some extra for datsun goodies..


wide14u is riding with me this year, as he did with jayden the year before.


he mentioned really just to show up.. lol you can worry about the money part later... :lol:

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info through the 40 pages... also check the datsunsnw site. feel free to ask.


haha ya i was hoping to not search through all the pages. i was just wondering like how much is entry fee, how much is it to camp out, good stuff like that

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Lol, well find my car, or if you want I can give you my cell number if you need any help when you get there.


PM me your number and ill text you so you have mine


Fixed. Especially if they are high school girls... Im always on the lookout.


thanks for fixing that one! btw ill do my best to bring some senior high school girls! but we graduate that friday and most girls at my school are......either bitchy or stupid and if you asked them about a datsun theyd say "whats a dat-sin??". ya, those kinda girls....

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