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Victory got Virginia registered today, yes, now we just need to get the insurance. Funny how that is what some people do first. The Cali. DMV wanted $650 because the previous owner in Virginia did not transfer it in his name. Out of registration for 3 + years. With statement of facts and multiple bill of sales we got it done for $200+.



So why did CA want back fees for an out of state car? Funny how that works...

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Some dumb ass motorcyclist drifted into our lane in front of the car in front of us and we both hit the brakes to avoid hitting him and James tapped the car in front of us. The motorcycle corrected himself and kelp going leaving the scene of the accident.We broke the grill and we have to repaint the fender and chips on the door from the fender rubbing.So thanks to some asshole our grill is broken and we have to work on the car that we thought we were done with for hours, Like we dont have enough to do.

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And they say we need to look out for motorcyclists. Cops always give "ricers" a hard time for loud exhausts etc. (which they should) but I have yet to see a "chopper" pulled over for being loud. And how do they get away with moving through traffic without signaling? I'm anti-cyclist for the most part. Most of them are not responsible enough to own a motorcycle.

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And they say we need to look out for motorcyclists. Cops always give "ricers" a hard time for loud exhausts etc. (which they should) but I have yet to see a "chopper" pulled over for being loud. And how do they get away with moving through traffic without signaling? I'm anti-cyclist for the most part. Most of them are not responsible enough to own a motorcycle.


anti-cyclist? give me a break.

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And they say we need to look out for motorcyclists. Cops always give "ricers" a hard time for loud exhausts etc. (which they should) but I have yet to see a "chopper" pulled over for being loud. And how do they get away with moving through traffic without signaling? I'm anti-cyclist for the most part. Most of them are not responsible enough to own a motorcycle.



obviously you haven't been to BC, loud motorcycles are being pulled over and somtimes impounded, yet cars with even louder exhaust tones get let go.

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