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What the F is wrong with this country???

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Greed is fairly universal like other emotions like fear. The problem with bankers, wall street, lawyers, CEOs it that integrity and ethics is no longer offered as a course in schools and universities or at home for that matter. If there were, more people in high places would stand up and say, whoa hold on a minute, this ain't right. With a good grasp of ethics we would have a valuable tool to combat greed. Just like proper training can control fear.

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Americans once banded together to get rid of a tyanical government. WTF are we waiting for now? We are being taxed yet we are not being represented. Did you know that a congressman can retire with full benifits after only one term in office? They have their own medical, They and their staffers dont have to pay back student loans. They take our SSI cause they dont use it themselves. Congress needs to be done away with. :angry:

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Hey, I'm just sayin', isn't this the kind of thread we try to keep off Ratsun.



every once in a while a thread like this comes up.....



.... and we just let it roll for a while untill it shit storms and them shut it down :lol:

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Anyone else notice they kind of look like Russians? And the beer doesn't have American labels that I can see? And the extension cord doesn't look like US spec?

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Anyone else notice they kind of look like Russians? And the beer doesn't have American labels that I can see? And the extension cord doesn't look like US spec?


Yes it's a European spec outlet strip.

Amazing it's not at least tingling in the water but then again maybe that's why all the smiles

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Guest DatsuNoob

Country is fucked from being pussified. We've turned into a nation so chickenshit of hurting somebody's feelings, society often rules in favor of the politically correct, rather than those who support common sense and the cold, hard, blatant truths on which our country was founded on. Everyone looks for the easy road/shortcut rather than success through hardwork. Over the course of the last 15-20 yrs, things have really turned into a shitshow. Kids are entitled little fucks for the most part, with no real grasp on the harsh realities of real world life. We are destined to fail as a civilization due to our own collective ingorance, and I say good riddance :lol:. In the words of Maynard James Keenan-Ivory Wayans, "Learn to Swim" (bitches :rofl:). Plenty of time for sleep finally! :hyper: :D

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<br />Here's some thoughts...<br /><br />Oil makes the world go round not love<br /><br />US domestic oil production peaked about 40 years ago.<br /><br />Unless more is acquired the standard of living you are accustomed to will drop, has been dropping.<br /><br />There are others emerging from the third world (like China) that are now competing for the oil that is left.<br />
<br /><br /><br

Western society is selling it's soul to china one Walmart shopper at a time... Throw in special interest groups, soft liberals, radical truthiness spouting right wingers and big government hijacking common sense and tax dollars and you have a cesspool of confusion... Then add an education system that allows no one to fail, no one to have a life lesson, what do you expect?


If you pay no attention to your personal responsibility, you pay no interest in what your politicians are doing, pay no care to what your kids are really feeling or are up to, pay no heed as to how business is treating you and you country... You will get what you pay for -NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!

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every once in a while a thread like this comes up.....



.... and we just let it roll for a while untill it shit storms and them shut it down :lol:


I think threads like this are ok as long as its a mature argument, which doesn't happen on the interwebz. It's good for people to voice their opinions, as long as everyone can agree to disagree.


On the subject, I'm starting to stock up on firearms, ammo, self defense weapons, and I'm learning to make traps and extreme survival for when shit does hit the fan. The problem with America is that everyone wants change and for it to be how they want, but everyone is too lazy to take the initiative to get anything done. Our fore fathers would aptly call us "wankers".

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On a related note: Sublime, you meant lose, not loose. It is important to ensure you are using words correctly when making political arguments, otherwise, it becomes easy to discredit you as being uneducated, or just dumb.


Thanks for your time, hope I didn't piss anybody off too much.


well, i posted this to raise some awareness of the BS we have going on in the beloved land we call the U.S.A. i was glad to see that there are quite a bit of you guys that have a good perspective. this shit has a real strong impact on our lives. i am speaking for myself here. inevitably this effects our Datsun Hobbies as well. i firmly feel this topic and many others should be freely discussed in this forum. it is the informed and non-emotional responses that need to be shared here. this requires good judgment from those who participate. Sadly people worry way too much about lame ass typos, rather than reading what is in the text for what it is. it is for the fools to waste their time on typos and honestly those peoples opinions, i could wipe my ass with anyways. i am not poking at you Xander 42. i am just commenting on the tactics some people use to avoid the truths that are told. and BTW it does not state in my profile that i am a genius.

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Greed is fairly universal like other emotions like fear. The problem with bankers, wall street, lawyers, CEOs it that integrity and ethics is no longer offered as a course in schools and universities or at home for that matter. If there were, more people in high places would stand up and say, whoa hold on a minute, this ain't right. With a good grasp of ethics we would have a valuable tool to combat greed. Just like proper training can control fear.


Many ( probably not all ) Business College Degree programs do offer ethics courses as part of the rekuired curriculum to earn a degree ,,, fairly universal from what I understand ,,, BUT ,,, that being said and understood what it really does is teach those who are willing/able to take advantage of the system INSTEAD of doing the correct Moral/Ethical action/decision ... AND those who play fair underneath these rules/ethics get left behind ,,,

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When I was a kid we were taught to win, not win at any cost, but to strive to win. That was the whole point. We strove to get a first place ribbon , a second or third was ok but we knew that anything less meant ........ nothing at all, you weren't good enough or didn't try hard enough. It would be unthinkable to get a 7th place ribbon or one that says "I tried my hardest". What in the fuck????? is wrong with people today??? so afraid their pussy kids feelings and esteem will be hurt because they didn't win???? My esteem would be hurt if I was handed a ribbon for 7th place that's for sure... better to get nothing. Seems to me they are being taught to accept less than best. Hey, it's ok 'cause I got 7th!!! What are these little wusses going to grow up to be anyway??? BIG WUSSES!!!! Wait until the real world hands them a staggering defeat later in life. They'll be up there demanding: where's my ribbon???

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My uncle and I used to play a game. We were both for population control, i.e. euthanizing many people to restore normalcy to the world. But how would you do it? I voted for offing the young, he voted for offing the old. It's amazing how many avenues you can debate and the ramifications of either. :D Just to stir the pot.


Oh, and as much as I'm in a people business, I hate people. ;)

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I don't care if you are right or left...liberal or conservative. The state of our government and the world right now is completely FUBAR'ed. Neither a socialist or democratic society is without its faults and drawbacks, and no matter what your political views are, most people can agree that the condition of our society and the world is out of control.


With that said, no matter if you believe in war or not, nations must keep a military to prevent other nations that have armed forces from destroying their way of life.


I don't care if you believe in government healthcare or not, trying to make the tax dollars of a country steeped in debt go to medical bills to an already fucked up medical system will not help it.


Screw politically correct. We need a pack of snipers that go to countries and stay there and take out terrorists, warlords, and dictators. We need a government that isn't afraid to put a cap on what current health care providers and insurance companies can charge. Tax laws need a major overhaul. Education needs to be monitored by the government to ensure proper standards, but local cities and states should be responsible for the execution of those regulations.


Free trade with no caps and taxes cannot work, neither can pure socialism. Nations have proved the flaws of most politics for thousands of years. You need a balance of democracy and personal freedom mixed in with some of the ideas of capped or regulated government and private trade found in socialism to keep stability. If you can keep one guy at the top from getting 99% of the profit from underpaid workers, and keep him from using his power and money to put politicians in office, but still allow personal freedom and free trade, you have a winning system.


The direction America is heading, is to financial and political chaos...followed by total anarchy and complete upheaval. I just hope that when a warlord takes over, that we end up with a benevolent dictator that loves America and wants to do whats best for it...but most likely we will end up with a druglord like most other 3rd world countries have. Think about what will happen then...who will save us when this country falls into decay?


Until that day, don't worry about fucking health care and how many International Interventions(wars) we get involved in, or our defense budget...because trust me...at the rate this country is circling the toilet...pretty soon US citizens will be trying to cross the border to Canada or Mexico. Things are a mess, but you can vote for any president you want, blue or red...they cant fix this many years of debt and mistakes. Buy a shotgun, sit back, and watch this turd get flushed!

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Greed is fairly universal like other emotions like fear. The problem with bankers, wall street, lawyers, CEOs it that integrity and ethics is no longer offered as a course in schools and universities or at home for that matter. If there were, more people in high places would stand up and say, whoa hold on a minute, this ain't right. With a good grasp of ethics we would have a valuable tool to combat greed. Just like proper training can control fear.



Yeah...good luck with that. Not only are ethics not a standard teaching anymore, but most people are trained to expect things they don't deserve.


Most kids (keep in mind I am almost a kid myself) today believe the government (and the world in general) owes them something just because they exist. This sense of self entitlement is what has put so many people in debt. People today feel they deserve something just for existing. When I was growing up, I was taught the only right people should have was freedom. Everything after that had to be worked for.


I don't think it is the apocalypse or the end of world, but lets be honest, as America spirals further into debt, and we outsource more jobs and buy more oil from other countries to sustain a higher standard of living than we should have, expect things to get worse. The more debt and un-employment, the higher crime rates and poverty will be. Someday it will radically change...and that's why you need the shotgun(self protection). This country won't rise up in a mostly peaceful demonstration like Egypt...I mean, people here will destroy their own city because their football team lost a game.


PS: we can still fix things...those tits inspire hope...and other things.

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