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Sorry ladies but I might news to strangle my dam wife

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A much better example of Dubstep. I dont like all dubstep.





Rust, sorry this happened. But it seems like you are now planning for the best of the situation which might be all you can do now. Sounds like quite a few guys are interested in getting your car running. Hope it will be soon!

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wow. sad story. almost made me cry. Sounds like a failure to communicate!!!


510 $'s stay OUT of joint accounts, OUT of bank accounts..OUT of sight = out of mind.


I told my wife about this and she was blown away that she would do it. She asked if your wife knew that the $ was in there for a certain reason. If she knew that you had it in there for something, they she agree's it wasnt right. My wife doesnt like 510's....she agree's with your wife, but she would never blow my money like that.


Dubstep...sounds awesome in my car..


That vid of the girl "this is how you dance to dubstep" was so awesome and SO wrong.....

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Dude, seriously, SEVEN DAYS in Vegas??? Holy Crap! I've been to Vegas many times, and I can tell you you're totally DONE after 2. So not only are you going to be pissed that you're stuck there for another FIVE, and bored out of your mind, but doubly pissed that it's costing you serious dollars.


Also take note, if she's done this once, she WILL do it again.

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May be a nice room, but who goes to Vegas to stay in the room the whole time. In Vegas the whole idea is to NOT stay in the room, which is why we always get the cheapest room available. You're only going to sleep in it.


Man, it's not even my money and it pisses me off :)

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Lol yeah that's my girl, always thinking with my wallet in her hand, I agreed to go, and to have fun with her, I also created a new savings acc just for me and changed my direct deposit to place 100$ from every check into it.


I love my wife. I'm not going to waist my hard earned money she spent for this Vegas vaca by bring grumpy an unhappy, because then it's a Totall loss.

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Look, this would never have happened if you were both on the same page. Married couples work towards toward common goals. That's the whole point. For some reason she appears to think Canby is unimportant to you, that your Datsun hobby is unimportant to you and that any money seems to be available for a vacation surprise for the both of you. Now where in the wide world of sports would she get an idea like that?????? Assuming that you have made a good choice in a marriage partner, A, and that she loves and cares about you and your relationship, the only thing I can conclude is you, B, are the one who dropped the ball and failed to discuss your hobby/Canby/money properly with her. If A ... then B, and you need to talk this out so it does not happen again because it will and worse. Now, you know your partner best, so if you feel that you and her have a good understanding of each other's needs and wants then I'm at a loss to explain how your loving partner could be so thoughtless and not care to tell you what she was doing. Again you need to talk about this with her and set some rules in place so neither of you are ever in this position again. Shit happens I know, but it shouldn't happen more than once.


Marriage is a voluntary giving up of your needs for the greater collective good of the both of you. If you both give, you will both get what you want.

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Was there not someone on this board who used to tell his wife, "Honey, I can spend time and money on the Datsuns, or down at the strip club. You make the choice."


I don't spend that much on my Datsuns but it's the only hobby that I have. Mostly it's my time and if my wife should complain, (a lot less now that she has one!) I always point out that I didn't spend any money or time drinking, gambling or whoring around. The only time I may be unavailable is the middle of June. :lol:

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Look, this would never have happened if you were both on the same page. Married couples work towards toward common goals. That's the whole point. For some reason she appears to think Canby is unimportant to you, that your Datsun hobby is unimportant to you and that any money seems to be available for a vacation surprise for the both of you. Now where in the wide world of sports would she get an idea like that?????? Assuming that you have made a good choice in a marriage partner, A, and that she loves and cares about you and your relationship, the only thing I can conclude is you, B, are the one who dropped the ball and failed to discuss your hobby/Canby/money properly with her. If A ... then B, and you need to talk this out so it does not happen again because it will and worse. Now, you know your partner best, so if you feel that you and her have a good understanding of each other's needs and wants then I'm at a loss to explain how your loving partner could be so thoughtless and not care to tell you what she was doing. Again you need to talk about this with her and set some rules in place so neither of you are ever in this position again. Shit happens I know, but it shouldn't happen more than once.


Marriage is a voluntary giving up of your needs for the greater collective good of the both of you. If you both give, you will both get what you want.



Mike is a smart man. I don't think anyone can say it much better than that. It comes down to a lack of communication either way. I cant even spend $50 without feeling like I need to talk to Kelly about it. It's our money not mine so the decisions on how its spent is ours not mine...I can't understand any other way of looking at it. Even for the brief period I made more than Kelly I felt that way. Me making more money just meant we had more money, not just me.

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Look, this would never have happened if you were both on the same page. Married couples work towards toward common goals. That's the whole point. For some reason she appears to think Canby is unimportant to you, that your Datsun hobby is unimportant to you and that any money seems to be available for a vacation surprise for the both of you. Now where in the wide world of sports would she get an idea like that?????? Assuming that you have made a good choice in a marriage partner, A, and that she loves and cares about you and your relationship, the only thing I can conclude is you, B, are the one who dropped the ball and failed to discuss your hobby/Canby/money properly with her. If A ... then B, and you need to talk this out so it does not happen again because it will and worse. Now, you know your partner best, so if you feel that you and her have a good understanding of each other's needs and wants then I'm at a loss to explain how your loving partner could be so thoughtless and not care to tell you what she was doing. Again you need to talk about this with her and set some rules in place so neither of you are ever in this position again. Shit happens I know, but it shouldn't happen more than once.


Marriage is a voluntary giving up of your needs for the greater collective good of the both of you. If you both give, you will both get what you want.



Pay attention to the above.Then when the dust has settled HERE,quietly ask a mod to delete the whole topic so this thing doesn't bite you in the ass down the road.



Am i glad the 620 is my wifes truck and she wants it done.

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Finally she told me I should go to canby with rustina and she'd go to Vegas with his wife. I told her that didn't work out so well for Indy.

i could make that...



Was there not someone on this board who used to tell his wife, "Honey, I can spend time and money on the Datsuns, or down at the strip club. You make the choice."

\/ \/ \/ (i think thats a +1 for TX too <_< )

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Just finished this....interesting....x3 on what datzenmike said.


My wife and I celebrate 25 years this year. She hates my cars, but understands and tolerates it as my thing. We're going through a massive, stressful remodel. Money's tight...time is tight...etc...etc.... This morning we had quite the blow-up. However.....


...I got a line on a new windshield for my 411. It may be the last new 410/411 windshield in the world (or at least North America). It's gonna cost around $400...and she said buy it, you need it.


Sounds like you've recovered as best you can from a shitty-never-should-have-happened-situation, but you'd better work on those communication skills so you're both on the same life track. If not, at least you tried.


Pete "how many days til Canby?"

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