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KA-Kait's 2dr. First Time Dime.


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WOW that 510 sure has cum along way!!!!! you 2 are doing an amazing job. WE love the pink.!!!!!!! o sparkleys. We would, how ever like to see more pink. Any ideas on what else might in up pink? The white wagon is gone and Victory is driving her dime from when she was a little girl. Waiting to see what cool 510 event will be going on next. looking forward to more updates.

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i know I know. I've been neglecting this. >.< I'll hide now for being a bad girl. haha. Either way, no MAJOR updates, hence the no posting. tonight I attempted to bolt my seats in. got the passenger in fine :D it's comfy. the drivers... well I need some strong muscle man help for. aka, Sean is gonna come help me sometime soon. :D either way, it'll be good. I'm picking up my alternator this weekend, and hopefully by next week the engine can go in? maybe.... *crosses fingers* It's slowly but surely coming together. Sanded some rust off the body and um... im not sure what else I've done to be honest. I'll post some pictures tomorrow to satisfy your need for them!

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oh man. an update?! NO WAY. with pictures, you have to be shitting me






oh shit. they're installed. haha I will be purchasing shaft collars soon to get them to where they need to be and then it's coming OFF jackstands! thank the lord!!




interior is put together...... ish. haha. well as much as it's going to be when I start driving it.



ooh clean parts. those don't belong in a dime, right?







and finally. my grille is put on. sean donated a badge to me. THANKS SEANY B!

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dont do shaft colars!!!!!!


now me thinking your a typical girl has me saying that... but this build of a Datsun 510 from you has me thinking your not a typical girl and may know how to drive....


with that said... with the shaft colars be very care full cuz i NEVER had a problem with mine till one day, Fathers day to be exact... my dad (witch is a pretty skilled driver) says hey son how about you let me take the ka510 for a ride since its fathers day... me being the great son i am, i said sure pops... so we are off. Everythings going good till we are driving and their is this nice size pot hole i ALWAYS go around it, befor i could say anything all i could do is hold my breath as he hit the pot hole DEAD ON with my pass side tire, in that instant the front tire bottoms out on the fender well locks up slides us a lil side ways (cuz the pot hole is in the middle of a turn) and then as my pops recovers it the car skids to a hault!!!!!!!! middle of the road STUCK!!! i had to get a tow strap and DRAAAG my poor dime out of the road!!!!!!!!


front pass tire is stuffed WAAAY up in the well... we are SOL!!!. so a cell phone call later a jack (pain in the ass to get the jack under the car cuz it was to low to get the jack under) and some tools to bring the colar back up it was fine to say the least.... that day i went home and welded colars on the car!!!!



soo take from that storie what you want... just know how to drive and dont let people drive your car and youll be fine... or just weld the perches SOOO easy and be done with it and have the peace of mind that your colar might not ever slip cuz those 2 bolts on the colar are holding the hole car up!!!!!

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Hey, I know that car!


It's weird from some angles, because it looks like my wagon used to! My old seats, my old grill... And a spare Datsun badge to boot! Kait, you can try to get that harness mounted sometime soon, too. And snag the spot weld drill bit you'll need as well! At the very least, we can remove this valance, and then drill some holes and bolt it on for the time being. That way, when we get the fiberglass one, we can just bolt it on the same way!


As soon as those shaft collars get in, we just need some lug nuts and the car will be back on the ground and the motor can go in. Brake lines should be ordered soon, too, so we can get the pedal feeling good and the brakes bled front and rear... always important!


She installed a brand new braided clutch line, too, and it looks awesome. Can't wait to get the motor in and see how things look for real!


EDIT: With her shaft collars, we'll be bolting them on and then tossing a bead underneath them so they can't slide down. If we welded on actual collars like she already has, it would make it a total pain in the butt to readjust things. This way, we'll have to grind down a small bead, readjust the collar, then reweld it. Shouldn't be an issue.

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EDIT: With her shaft collars, we'll be bolting them on and then tossing a bead underneath them so they can't slide down. If we welded on actual collars like she already has, it would make it a total pain in the butt to readjust things. This way, we'll have to grind down a small bead, readjust the collar, then reweld it. Shouldn't be an issue.


very smart idea i like cuz i welded my new ones on and i was thinking if i ever wanted to move them it was going to be more of a pain in the ass

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The problem with the weld on collars is that depending on wheel/tire size and where it's welded, you can have issues with rubbing. Using the bolt-ons will allow us to change things around if we need to without much problem.


I've been using them for almost a year with no problems, and I've gone back and changed ride height twice on the struts that Kait now has, and just put my new struts together with MR2 inserts. Way nicer than cutting the metal collar off the strut, and buying a new one every time.

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I think they're a great option. I think I might weld on a stop a bit lower...for that "just in case" scenario. If the collar slipped, it wouldn't let the spring drop enough for the tire to hit the spring perch. Of course...knowing I can make as many stop collars as I want on the lathe might be part of why I'd do it :)

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  • 2 weeks later...




So the shaft collars came in, and they're ON! woohoo. only thing stopping me from putting the wheels on is the fact I dont have lugnuts that will fit the fucking studs >.< So those are getting purchases as i am typing this up. the car will be on the ground again, which means motor will be back in sooooon. either way, doesn't look half bad, right?

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KAIT, any updates? What about the inside door trim, Are you going to do pink... Are you going to do the rear crossmember in pink too? I like the color and this build!!:)


Haha ohh pink and how i love it. I'm going to actually paint the car a peagreen. and as for pink. well I kind of want to keep it hidden underneath the car. like peaking out a bit. Im not going to go pink heavy on this ride, More or less, keep it to the engine/suspension components.



Haven't thought about the rear crossmember, but HEY! i might :D thanks for the love. i thought it was cute and a wee bit different. I gotta add my flare into this project, right?

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PEA Green? like the factory #546 color? Back to the pink, I think iondized pink looks cool too. Are havin JJohnson paint your car?


PEA green like factory, indeed. haha. and No, I don't know what I'm going to do about paint and such. I'm kind of far away from that aspect of it right now. Working on getting it running and reliable before i such paint/bodywork. that in itself is going to be a huge project. haha.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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