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ratsun pets, we know you got-em, now show-em

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I hope the fire marshall is ok with the door being 100% locked.lol


His crate has two doors. A front and a side door.




I pushed the side door up against his dog door so he can still go outside all day long. The front door is the one we use to let him in the house.. and that's the one he broke open. Today it's zip tied and pad locked shut. 


Tuesday he starts training.

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You should test it out for a half our or an hour over the weekend if you have the chance.  See how he does with it, and maybe do it a few times if possible.  Help him to understand that he's going to be okay and you WILL come back for him.  He'll figure it out.... he just may take some time after being cooped up for a year at the place you rescued him from.  Good luck dude. 

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You should test it out for a half our or an hour over the weekend if you have the chance.  See how he does with it, and maybe do it a few times if possible.  Help him to understand that he's going to be okay and you WILL come back for him.  He'll figure it out.... he just may take some time after being cooped up for a year at the place you rescued him from.  Good luck dude. 


I don't think he minds the crate. He will go to sleep in it with the door open. He just hates when we leave. Good news is we knocked out day one of doggy training classes today and we have a lot of homework to work on for next week.

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Our little warrior, Liam, is almost 5 months old now. 


For the super short version; we took him in for his neuter and two other operations that are common for short-snout breeds on October 14th.  His heart stopped just before the Vet wrapped up the third procedure.  The Vet Tech ended up doing CPR on him for nearly 3 minutes before finally being able to revive him.  He came out of the anesthesia super fucked up, and clearly blind as fuck.  They had no idea what kind of long-term effects it may have caused, but hoped for the best.  We brought him home that night, and babied the shit out of him and tried to comfort him as best we could.  He was terrified, wouldn't walk, couldn't see, pissing and shitting himself, not eating, not taking water, etc for the first night.  It fucking sucked.  Within 30ish hours, with some meds, canned food and finally some water, he was damn near back to his crazy, puppy self.  Now, he's 200% back..... and has been for a little while.  Damn near lost a 3rd dog in just under 2 years (we lost our last Pug 10/23/11, then our Mastiff/Lab mix on 6/9/13).... thankfully those boys kicked Liam's ass back to us and rejected him from the Rainbow Bridge :fu:







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I feel you on babying the shit out of Liam. I was unbelievably scared when Zelda couldnt walk and all she did was cry in bed. I stayed up for hours trying to console her and do everything I could. It was heartbreaking that although she couldnt even walk, she would try to pull herself across the bed to wherever I was to make it better, yet I had no idea what to do. 




I was following along on FB and glad to hear the little guy is back to normal. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Rick-rat

:angel:   NO.... She's OK just went to live with someone else for a month or so, Wife needs to have surgery and can't happen until all her open wounds from the dog are healed ,She  is a crazy hyper dog, jumping, playing and accidentally scratching  and breaking open skin on wife's arm. She will be back after surgery unless the gal that has her wants to keep her

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  • 2 months later...

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