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Status Updates posted by ArchetypeDatsun

  1. I've really had the worst luck with all my datsuns this year. First my 810 and 84 maxima blew a headgasket while warming up. Then my 200sx carb pukes fuel, my turbo on the turbo maxima went to shit and, now my 521 heater core went back on the way home from work. May the Datsun god give me the will power to fix them.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bananahamuck


      I bet if i brought my Datsuns down there we could stack them up and have a really nice bon fire

    3. ArchetypeDatsun


      Good idea, sounds like a good restart lol.

    4. KoHeartsGPA


      Datsun happens, keep at it, enjoy the good times.

  2. Anyone in Portland got shank lug nuts for 280zx turbo wheels? In desperate need.

    1. Draker


      Got them in Eugene.. not much help probably.

    2. ArchetypeDatsun


      Ended up getting some.

  3. Gonna be in Portland next weekend picking up another Datsun lol. Any Datsun meets going on?

    1. Hawaiian620


      Any 4x4 720 leaf springs around that you can bring up?

    2. ArchetypeDatsun


      Haven't seen any in years.

  4. What do you guys use for picture hosting that works for phones and tablets? Wish I had a computer but don't at the moment.

    1. Draker


      postimg works.. but more for one off pictures I think.

    2. opalbeetle
    3. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      I've been using imgur but it's best if you use the browser on your phone so you can use the desktop setup. The app blows.

  5. I need to get a computer kinda tired of the mobile shit. Been meaning to share my 2nd 521 with you guys.

    1. KoHeartsGPA


      Download the drivetribe app, look up Datslocos Oregon post those pics on there straight from your phone, no 3rd party BS needed :)

  6. Getting another 71 521 so my current 521 will be for sale soon.

    1. reza


      You are stoked!


    2. Angela


      I'll be looking out for that one : )

    3. ArchetypeDatsun


      I still need to get the title I totally forgot to do when my aunt gave me the bill of sale might just have to get again from her.

  7. Really sucks people can't be honest anymore in the datsun community as long they stuff there pockets with money why do they care.

    1. bananahamuck


      Has deleted his comment

  8. Anyone in Oakdale, California East Bay Area that can help a datsun guy out with datsun 620. A piece of the cab was cut off under where the rear window is i can get you in contact since he is 7.5hrs away from me.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EastBay521


      oakdale or Oakland? oakdale is like 2 hours from me. Oakland 20min

    3. pondking
    4. pondking


      thats is,

      if its hersheys chocolate covered festival fantasy town

  9. Is it wrong not being able to sleep because your excited to drive your old Datsun you had to sell because you were broke but broke again after buying it back.

    1. tdaaj
    2. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      Nope. Love is love. Drive happy my friend.

  10. Someone buy my 72 620 to fund the Repu.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sastis


      Very nice dude! I always wanted one. Condition, pictures etc

    3. charolastra


      I can buy your wagon or your sx

    4. flatcat19


      Is there a thread anywhere for your REPU?

  11. Someone buy my 72 620 lol.

    1. That4doorKiD


      buy my 200sx, you like 80's moar don't yuh

    2. ArchetypeDatsun


      The 810, 200sx, F10, and maxima are my favorite out of the late 70's and 80's. I like all datsuns. I don't need anymore datsuns I have 4 right now too many where I live.

    3. EastBay521


      I know the feeling. janksun offered me his 79 620 for a steal imo.but we have 10 cars here at the house. 5 of which are mine

  12. Well the Pizzazzy is gone it's going up to Bend to a good buddy of mine sad to have seen it go but on the bright side I got a running driving 72.5 620 thing is fricken cool lol.

  13. i would pay someone to drive the 810 coupe to me if i wasnt 8hrs away and didnt work weekends it would have been mine already.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tdaaj


      You and a friend could do it in one day

    3. ArchetypeDatsun


      Of course not but I work and also look after my kid when my gf is working my days off. Wish any of my friends would be down to go I would have gone already. The 810 is gone already anyway was hoping the damn person would answer there phone and texts even my buddy in Idaho couldn't get a hold of him.

    4. tdaaj
  14. Anyone in Boise Idaho wanna help me get a Datsun?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. flatcat19


      420n620 lives in Lewiston. Short ways North of Boise.

    3. flatcat19


      Banner lives in Lewiston too.

    4. ArchetypeDatsun


      The thing is having a way to get there I don't have a truck or an extra car all the cars I own are datsuns lol and only thr 200sx is running.

  15. At a gas station a couple roll in a 74 710 2dr sedan I been eyeing there car for years there selling it lets just say it ain't cheap and poor car sounds like it barely runs. Got there number maybe try to buy it if not I'll pass on the number to anyone interested.

    1. MikeRL411


      Just as clear as the original posting! Let's use a common apprfoach to "Common" or as least "Queen's English" or be silent!

    2. ArchetypeDatsun


      It's just a status, don't take it so hard it ain't a dick.

    3. Rjawm


      "Just as clear as the original posting! Let's use a common apprfoach to "Common" or as least "Queen's English" or be silent!"


      Always funny when the perfect can't proofread their own posts...

  16. Not much choices but I eventually have to get rid of the 77 620 KC & the 84 maxima if anyone is interested in either or both let me know.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Rjawm


      Take note of the quotes, as in I quoted someone else who normally posts that, go ahead and unwad those panties now, lol

    3. 510freak
    4. ArchetypeDatsun


      Lol didn't see that just now noticed.

  17. Anyone got a 77-79 200sx for sale by any chance?

  18. Might be saying buy to the maxima soon, local guy is wanting it bad it's fun to get people into datsuns in my area I know he will make it nice if he buys it!

  19. Someone buy my Maxima! Pretty please?

    1. uberkevin


      I love that thing! Been trying to talk my gf into it...

    2. arizonajones


      i keep ogling it, but... no monies to spend yet...

    3. ArchetypeDatsun


      I want to give it a good home locals here don't appreciate it as much.

  20. Why do I always get messages from new members needing help....

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. EastBay521


      I need help with my tranny

    3. EastBay521


      ive gone to help the two people that have messaged me for help. and both time ther cars were up on cl like a month later..

    4. ArchetypeDatsun


      Lol that happens a lot here.

  21. Well my new job was short lived got laid off there goes a good paying job.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. EastBay521


      sorry about that kinda sounds like im being an asshole bragging, that's not what in getting at. Figured I was just holiday help at my last job so I know the feeling

    3. ArchetypeDatsun


      No it's cool man I was just surprised to get laid off after I just started a month ago can't find good paying jobs around here unless I do retail or other Contruction like houses or street work. It's good you found better work gotta keep reaching higher every time!

    4. EastBay521


      yea workin for that guy is what made me go to school in the first place.good luck in searching

  22. Why do I feel weird quitting my old job but so satisfied I did. My new job though gonna ready to really put some money on my Datsun been too long since I've had a new job I feel proud of!

    1. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      If the new job makes you feel better don't feel weird about the old one. Happiness is the most important thing :) Congrats on the new gig!

    2. Mattndew76


      Its funny how we become loyal to stuff that isnt good for us.

  23. Anyone have a decent 620 King Cab for sale?

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