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Status Updates posted by ArchetypeDatsun

  1. Job interview crossing my fingers for this need this job!

    1. Cleopatra Jones
    2. ArchetypeDatsun


      Pretty much got the job just need to do the piss test and background check they said 2 weeks but I'm sure I'll be starting sooner, can't wait to quit my weekend job been meaning too for a damn long time!

  2. I can't sleep like usual keep having this dilema when I get my tax refund is 1. Buy myself a 200sx (S10) or a 610 coupe 2. Save the Datsuns from rotting away in fields I've seen here and resell them to prope that need a datsun, decisions, decisions.

    1. oldskoolvws
    2. dat521gatherer
    3. r0p0doe


      Tax season struggles man, I just have to buy some furniture for my new house and I can go parts crazy.

  3. Just saw a 71 Toyota Crown 2dr Hard top and it's for sale! Anyone wanna buy a 84 datsun maxima?

  4. Saw this really nice lowered Red 620 on the highway in Medford I5 zoomed by them in my 810 lol!

  5. <<<<< 5 2 1 o w n e r YAY!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. denmarkboy


      Jorge at canby in a 521 ? it could happen!

    3. ArchetypeDatsun


      Photos are on the 521 section.

    4. ArchetypeDatsun


      I'd really like to take the 521 to canby so I might take both!

  6. Didn't get a chance to drive to Myrtle Creek to check out that 74 710 wagon, if anyone has a trailer and wants a straight looking 710 it's $900 on CL!

  7. If anyone is close to southern oregon there's a local guy selling his B210 shell for $150 engine blew.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Curt


      I gotta get rid of donor truck before I have room for it unfortunately. Do you know what year it is or style?

    3. Sastis


      Any luck on the pictures, somewhat interested in the shell just to have throw a l20b in it.

    4. ArchetypeDatsun


      I guess they never took pics. Maybe I can ask for his number and I'll pass it on.

  8. Picking up a maxima tomorrow whoop whoop!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ArchetypeDatsun


      Yeah there's like 3-4 nice ones this one doesn't look too bad getting it for $200 bucks.

    3. bananahamuck



      Lift with your knees not your back

    4. ArchetypeDatsun


      It made it home wall most thought it wasnt, needs a good tune up, and exhaust redone.


  9. Talked to one of the guys at Historic J and there thinking of finding a spot in the Northwest to do a show on the shoreline keep your fingers crossed would be bad ass to have car shows up here along with Canby!

    1. mrbigtanker


      Don't hold your breath.lol


      Just kidding good luck

  10. Selling my 810 it's gonna be hard to let go but I just don't have money or time for it. It was great being part of a great community.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. denmarkboy


      right ! beside once your an addict always and adict.sucks to here that. it was awesome seein your ride at canby this year.

    3. ArchetypeDatsun


      It's something ni been thinking about lately, work isn't doing much for me only working like 15hrs Friday-Sunday just been stressed out.

    4. Dat1977
  11. Almost forgot my buddy Dru is giving a 75 280z away for FREE here Medford, Oregon needs body work non of which I have skill or I'd snag it up for myself.

    1. bonvo


      if i had a way to get it home i would take it


    2. ArchetypeDatsun


      Me too, I do t have a truck or trailer.

    3. FiveSeventyZee
  12. Wish I would have made it to the Bayline show, need moar monies!

  13. Anyone that know Tristan in person tell him I'm waiting for a response from him please!

  14. Damn missed a great deal for a 75 280z 2+2 for $600 ran and drove.

  15. Would anyone be interested in some American Eagle Hammerheads 15x10 for $550?

  16. Just saw a nice 710 wagon hoping to work a deal hopefully have another datsun!

    1. RatVonDude


      nice one, good luck!

  17. Anyone interested in buying an Xbox 360 250GB with 5 games need gas monies for my trip to Canby!

  18. I hope I can make to Canby it's not looking to good so far need moar money!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. devilsbullet


      Never used radiator and roof rack

    3. ArchetypeDatsun


      Oh snap how much would you want for those?

    4. devilsbullet


      Check your messages

  19. Finally! I got my fender mirrors from the land of down under for my 810 there from a 200B which is just a shorter front end now to find the exact locations they go on.

  20. This really sucks I hit a dodge ram today at yield at a off ramp he was going and I was looking for incoming traffic when I ready to go he decides to slam his brakes and of course I hit my brakes but still manage to hit him on the passenger corner and fucker my hood and fender. Gonna be a bitch to repair or find a new hood and fender.

    1. MikeRL411


      Rear end collisions rely end up favorable for the "ass ender", sorry!

    2. ArchetypeDatsun


      Yeah that's what I was afraid of when I got out the car to look at it and he didn't care since his truck was big but I gotta admit the 810 is pretty tough.

  21. Fuck! Same fricken problem again last night I disconnected my battery to check a headlight that didn't work connected everything back exactly the same and now it won't start? I checked all fusible links they all look fine all my battery cables are good everything is hooked up the same battery is pretty new and was working fine yesterday.

    1. H5WAGON


      Can you bump the starter...Maybe your switch is going bad. I have to mine just right or won't start sometimes.

    2. H5WAGON


      Do mine just right...


      U know how to do screwdriver jump right? :)

    3. ArchetypeDatsun


      Yeah you touch both negative to positive at the same time, but the thing is that not of my lights nor interior lights nothing at all works I turn the key and nothing.

  22. Got my 810 back but it needs something idk seems weak maybe not timed right plugs could be gapped wrong stupid rain always against me eerrrrrr!

  23. Finally get my 810 back I can't wait.

  24. Man I'm ready to get my datsun back I wanna drive it so bad.

    1. H5WAGON


      Where did it go :(

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