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Everything posted by exit64

  1. There is a link over on 311s. The vendor is East Coast Roadster or do a search for Dave Brisco.
  2. Why? You are going to get better performance out of the dual SU's, they are easier to rebuild and they are twice as cool. Go over to www.311s.org and look at the top of the page at the wikki. There is an excellent carb section. You should also look at Ztherapy's website. If you have the money, do two things to your roadster. Get Ztherapy carbs and get a Dave Brisco electronic dizzy. Your car will run like it was meant to. At forty years old now, you can pretty much be sure that both the carbs and dizzy need some attention.
  3. Hell yea, move to Orygun. Dufur, Joseph,Drain, wherever. The Dalles tends to not be too cold in the winter. :lol:
  4. Wow. I am such a slacker. I thought I was doing good installing new wheels and glovebox door yesterday.
  5. That really "greats" on my nerves. :blink: And that's just one more reason why this guy is down on 82nd selling used cars.
  6. I did until you started hiding all your junkers from your wife in my driveway. :lol:
  7. You should know the rules by now. Pictures of you wearing it, or it doesn't count.
  8. No parts were harmed in the making of this picture. After the photo shoot they were returned to suspended animation in the proper orientation and coated with an approved rust inhibitor. The Ratsun Paramilitary Parts Squad can stand down and carry on with the next level of Grand Turismo...... Over and out.
  9. I'll take that glove box door. PM me your contact info and how you want your money. Thanks, Mike aka exit64
  10. Now that's a clean looking 521. Any shots of the interior? Nevermind, I just found your other thread. Welcome to Ratsun.
  11. You better bolt that down quick or Shifty is going to own it.
  12. Just get a used motor that has been bench tested and get on with it. If you want a manual tranny go find a truck that already has one. There a million of these still around so unless you got this super cheap (<$500) just roll with what you got. My DD is an 83 4x4 with 260 K and it never skips a beat, even loaded down with 500 lbs of tools all the time.
  13. Oh yea Skib, forgot to tell ya that they have "range day" with the .50 cal every now and then. Only $5 a round. How many do you want to squeeze off? I'll give you a heads up on the next one.
  14. Hey Murph, Get over to www.311s.org and poke around. There is are a few Canooks and a bunch of right coast guys on that forum. Roadster specific. Mike aka exit64
  15. I've got some of those contacts in my tool box as my DD is a 1983 Toyota 4X4. PM me an address for your son and I will drop some in the mail for him.
  16. Yet another fine example why you shouldn't drink from unmarked bottles. A BRG roadster topped off with a double hood scoop. Brilliant.
  17. Get over to 311s.org and check out the work of Spriso in the "member's ride" section. Then you can decide whether you are a hack or not. :lol: I wouldn't want all the weight of a V8 hanging out there in front as the car is pretty balanced with a 4 banger for a mill.
  18. Damn Pete, That almost belongs in the Postits thread over on the 1200 side of things. Nice one Dan, Can't wait to see how this turns out. Just about to drop that SR into the Roadster that you sold me 2 years ago. Mike Stubbs aka exit64 Hood River, OR
  19. Awesome Orange from the dollar store is about the best biodegradable stuff that I have come across yet. Just don't get it on your paint job.
  20. Skype is your friend. Now nut up and go fix your 610!
  21. So the question is, did anyone witness this and is insurance going to pay out? I'm guessing no as it would be written off as a total. Did you take it to a body shop and have it checked out on a frame rack or are you just eyeballing it and guessing that it is straight? Post some pictures of the damage. If the frame has a twist in it call it a day and use the good bits on a different car. They come up for sale all the time with bad running gear. I would spend the money to have a shop go over this very carefully. If you decide to fix it, Pay the money to have the A arm welded up by someone who knows what they are doing. You don't want this coming apart at speed. Very bad. Get over to 311s.org and see if there is anyone on there that is local to you. Lots of WA folks that know their stuff with the roadster. Also check out Gordon's Garage online and see if he can point you in the right direction. It sucks that you only got to enjoy her for a day but at least everyone was OK. Cars are easier to fix than broken lives. Mike aka exit64
  22. We can make that, no problem. You haven't been paying attention when you go in the basement. All those slope planes are made out of glass and epoxy. Way more complicated than that flat slab of glass. Let's get that car down to the nice warm space this week.
  23. Find alvin over on http://www.311s.org and see if he will put his eyes on it for you. He helped me do a Roadster deal last summer and I trust his judgment. There is also a Z car shop in SJ that might give it the once over for you also. Can't remember the name of the place but Alvin will know. Regards, Mike aka exit64
  24. How fast do you need it? I am about to yank out a great running R16 and replace it with an R 20 stroker that I am just finishing up. You can even drive the Roadster to see if it is the combo that you are looking for. Carbs and dizzy aren't included. Located in Hood River.
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