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Everything posted by exit64

  1. Going to run PIR on Saturday in the Miatsun. SCCA event. Will try and make it Sunday with the Blue Lady, unless I'm in the running for a podium finish, which is highly unlikely.
  2. I got there as it was winding down. Must have just missed you guys. I was down in Laughlin so must have passed you going the other way at some point.
  3. The Carolla nomination was made totally in jest. Mike, not so much. The only asian tranny Carolla could identify was the one that he hooked up with at Jimmie's bachelor party up in Vancouver, eh. Or maybe not, depends on how drunk he was.
  4. exit64

    Back window

    Got one. Shoot me a PM and we can hammer out the details.
  5. Bummer. Talked with him a few times about an OS for the Roadster. Always nice and informative. Godspeed.
  6. I nominate Adam Carolla, a true Datsun guy if there ever was one. Or datzenmike for having thick enough skin to have to wade through fucktard shit posted on here every day.
  7. Did you check for carb icing? That would make it run as you described.
  8. Just like picking a scab, feels great at first and the next thing you know, blood everywhere. Been there more than once with the Roadsters and about to start another one.
  9. Should be there with the Blue Lady this year and the Black Bird for Canby. So much to do and so little time.
  10. Look in the tech wiki on www.311s.org. All the diagrams for every year are there. I print the color ones two feet wide and put them against the windshield when I am working on wiring.
  11. Look at the Archlight stuff. Built in Bend,OR. I am a partner in AdamsandHood.com, and we have a 5x10 with an 85 amp unit. Cuts 1" like butter. Also have the pipe roller attachment and the engraving option. Great customer service. Never misses a beat and makes us money all day long. Check out our website. We are already looking for a 3rd full time fabricator and about to out grow our current shop space.
  12. You hippy's and your drums...
  13. Check that firewall for cracks around the brake master. Weld it up if it needs it and even if it's good buy a brake brace from one of the vendors on 311s.org. Money well spent.
  14. Oh no, don't get me wrong. Total fan.
  15. I went and saw the podcast at the Aladdin Theater last year. His guest was Lars Larson. Are you kidding me. Of all the interesting people to choose from, that's who you get, and for the late show to boot. Carolla was fucktard drunk and Larson could only give a two word reply to anything. Here's some advice. Lay off the Mangria. That shit can't be good for you if you're drinking it 5 or 6 nights a week. And quit blaming Les for everything that goes wrong at the track. You want to play Speed Racer at least show up for practice and the drivers meeting. Just how long before you stack up one of Newman's cars? Fuck!
  16. Very doubtful. Hopefully it went to someone that can actually drive.
  17. All of this is written up in the Techwiki on 311s.org.
  18. You can use the bracket from the smog pump to move the alt over to the cool side. The GM unit is big and heavy compared to the stock unit and with the one wire setup it messed up the reading on the amp meter. Stock unit makes plenty of power for the stock accessories in the car. If your headlights are dim it's most likely a ground issue and not lack of amps.
  19. Just go remote res and it should work out fine.
  20. Oh yea, and do not drive on those tires.
  21. That is a 69 2000. Looks mostly complete with a bit of sorting to do. Connect that choke cable to the front carb or it is going to run like hell the first time you start it up. The U20 is a great engine if all the maintenance has been done. If not, well let's just say that the good deal side goes away pretty fast. You are looking at about $300 for a new windshield or so by the time you pay for shipping. Looks like the dash cap has been done which is a good thing as it is a pain to install. Best advice is to join 311s.org and start asking questions.
  22. Good tip. What most guys don't know is that paint stripper works way better if you only brush it on in one direction. Not sure why but it says it right on the can and makes a difference in the way that it works. Cover in plastic also works on houses when stripping for lead paint abatement. Gives everything more time to work before it flashes off all the "Good" stuff that does the stripping.
  23. I am willing to bet that they are not the only ones that are doing this, and not just on diesels either.Just the first to get caught.
  24. I ran ORP all day on Monday in a Spec Miata. 2+ hours of on track time. Came to the realization that no matter what I do to the Roadster, it will never be as good. It's a fun car and sticks like crazy on the Hoosiers. Sounds great and goes like stink as long as your keep up the momentum going into the uphill sections. I can buy into this car for about $4500. It's done right and ready to go. To build one to this level would be 10-12K. The other partner only wants to do occasional track days so it's win win all the way around. That being said, I still love the Roadster. Way more style points but why thrash a 45 year old car when the parts are getting expensive and straight body panels are hard to find? Partner up on a car with someone and save yourself some dough. Just a thought.
  25. Andy, the swap on the sending unit should work just fine. I never trusted the oil pressure gauge on my 2000. It always read low. I added an aftermarket it what do you know, oil pressure is great. Plenty of pictures of high windshield cars swapped to flat dash on 311s.org. Contact Alvin if you don't see what you are looking for. He has shots of pretty much every Roadster that go to meets in California. Amazing collection of documentation.
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