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Everything posted by exit64

  1. Let's just hope this dirtbag defaults. Off the streets for a mere $2700. Sorry about the truck, I know how much effort I have in my ride and would be sick about it getting stolen. Sounds like it will end up pretty good overall. Mike aka exit64
  2. He got the goods in HR and is I 84 westbound. Good to meet you Zero. Come back sometime when you can hang out longer. Mike aka exit64
  3. Buy the right tubing and springs from z therapy. Most of the fuel line you can buy OTC is too stiff. Same with the springs. Too heavy and they tend to fuck up your throttle shaft bushings over time. Buy two sets and carry a spare. I really sucks if you have one break on a road trip. It can cause all kind of havoc.
  4. They are just soldered into the banjo fitting. You can unsolder the broken one and re do it using fuel line. There is a write up on it in the wiki section over on 311s.org, if I remember right. Not hard to do with a map gas torch and a little bit of time.
  5. It's in Redding. That's a hell of a drive for a $3.00 hamburger. Worth every mile though.
  6. I never let these no talent ass clowns in this town even remove the gas cap. Last thing I need is for one of them to break the key cover off the Roadster cap and then go to jail for beating him to death with a gas cap. I can however get non ethanol premium at one of the stations here and it is worth the extra 25 cents a gallon.
  7. I live right on I-84 in Hood River. You better stop in for a quick pit stop and some hospitality. From here it is a quick 4.5 hours to Spokane.
  8. Hey welcome aboard Frank, I still haven't heard from your Dad but am too busy this week to run up there anyway. I will give you a call later in the week and try to get this thing rolling. Later, Mike aka exit64
  9. exit64

    H20 option

    Yea, what Shifty said. About 12 hours of quality time with a dremel tool. Match the intake ports to the manifold and open up the exhaust side as much as you can. You can look at the stroker head for reference.
  10. Give me a ring if you want to meet up for lunch. I'll PM you my cell #. Mike aka exit64
  11. Scott, Keep at it with the parafin and heat. It took me eight cycles of wax and heat to get a stuck stud out one time on a head. It is a slow process but it does work. MAP gas might be a little too cool for this. get your hands on acetalene if you can.
  12. exit64

    H20 option

    I've got a spare R 16 head or two taking up space. You better come over and dig through the pile before the price of aluminum goes up. I wish I had that H20 block when I built the stroker instead of going with the U20 crank and all the fooling around getting that machined. Good score.
  13. Ok, whether or not you like that product, that is on clean install. Those audio geeks have got themselves mad skills.
  14. Check out the price of a brake job on a Mini before you buy. I think that they call to do a bunch of extra stuff or else it voids the warranty. I know my neighbor is always bitchin about the cost.He is on his second one though so there must be something he likes about that car.
  15. Don't forget everythingnissan.com but you gotta have the part number or you will give yourself a flat spot on the front of your head.
  16. Wow, that RX is spectacular. No wonder he get's followed home. Thanks again for the " souvenirs". I am now sufficiently motivated to work on the 1200.
  17. Here's the problem. These carb set ups are all old and most of us are too cheap or broke to do it right. The best money I have spent on the Roadster every time is to switch over to a match box dizzy and get a set of Z therapy carbs. Those two thing pretty much solve drivability and reliability problems. Half the time people call me up to dial in their SU's and it usually a combination of worn out carbs and slop in the dizzy shaft to the point that the dwell is jumping all over the place. SU's are great for street use. Once they are set up correctly there is no reason to mess with them hardly ever. There is a great SU section in the wiki over on 311s.org. I use the micrometer method to get them set the first time and then tune from there. Spend the money for a set of rebuilt SU's from a known and reputable guru. These guys know what they are doing. They replace the throttle shafts and bushings that are the source of tunability issues. You have a vacume leak, you have a problem. If you go with Mikunis get a hold of Dan Garrison in Portland. He is the man. Once again, not cheap but how much is it worth to you to have it done right? I am saving my pennies right now so that I can afford to have the 44's gone through. One last thing to think about. You can buy SU's on CL all day long for $100-150. There is a reason they are no longer on a car. Unless they are freshly rebuilt they are only worth the price of a core charge. You can see what that is on the Z therapy web site. These are just some of the conclusions that I have reached on my own through years of messing with Datsuns and roadsters in particular. Good luck and do a search on 311s.org as this subject has been beaten to death on that site.
  18. OK for the record. The casting on the JAM stuff is shit. I did better in 9th grade shop class stoned to the gills. I have put my hands on the R16 intake and the thing was terrible looking. Sure the inside was machined but the guy who is doing the sand mold needs to go back to school. Outside was so rough and tumble that there is no way it would ever look good without about ten hours of grinder and sander work. The linkage pack is nothing special either. You could put together a good linkage with a little time spent with a Mc Master Carr catalog.
  19. I scored an intake for the dual 40mm Mikunis today. Rory found it while he is NZ. Thanks. That should just about cover the 620 rent on the driveway. :lol:
  20. There is nothing on their website for that late in the year yet. April 10th they are having an open house and will be pulling out a lot of the cars. I just called up the museum and got the info for the fly in in September. If you are serious about this, the sooner we let them know the better odds we have of getting the grass parking right in front. We might want to let the Roadster guys know over on 311.s also anybody else that might want to show up. I would like to see 50 Datsuns show up this year. Shouldn't be too hard to pull off.
  21. The Fly-in is September 10th this year. We need to have a strong Ratsun showing if possible. Why should the Porsche and Corvette guys get all the good free parking?
  22. Given some of the Ratty's I've seen on here, it might just take 5-10 days. :lol: If you guys come out this way on the weekend, hit up Double Mountain for some pizza and then take in the air museum up at the airport. Skib knows the way to both spots.
  23. Wear a respirator or you are going to end up two brain cells short of a talking monkey.
  24. WTF. I have never in my life seen so many lame ass tire kickers on one thread in my life. You guys should reach down and did out some dough-ray-me if you want this truck and quit talking about it. And while you're at it, give your self a nad check too. Man up and buy this thing already or quit throwing out stupid shit suggestions. I got a feeling that if Z takes the time to get it back to Cali the price is going to go up. It's obvious they sure as hell aren't falling off trees down there. Go clog up your local Cl with stupid replies if you have nothing better to do and quit burning up space on Ratsun. This is a clean truck and the price is beyond fair. If you want it, get off your ass, turn off your PS3, leave your Mom's basement and go earn some green backs. Rant mode now set to "off" position. exit64
  25. exit64

    no headlights...

    Skib, Check your power across the switch with your volt meter. Almost sounds like a loose ground wire somewhere or an internal break in one of the wires. Turn on your headlights and flex the wires going into the switch and see if you get any results.
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