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Everything posted by exit64

  1. Also make sure that when you push in the choke that it retracts all the way tight to the bottom of the jet seat. Other wise you will always run rich and it will make you crazy. Most guys miss this if their carbs are over flowing out the top and start messing with the float level. Then it just compounds the problem. If you cut off the frayed ends of the choke cable you can make them too short and cause the above mentions problem. Also, only use silicone spray on the outside of the brass choke tubes. Works great and other stuff tends to gum up the works. There is a write up I did in the tech wiki on 311s.org on how to replace the inner choke cable with a teflon coated bicycle brake cable it you really want to get fancy. Call me if you have any questions as I have got this shit pretty dialed in from all the roadster stuff of this sort over the years.
  2. Good thing that wasn't a U20 or the Roadster guys would be all over you like a two dollar hooker on cowboy payday. :lol: And everybody else, lighten up, Francis!
  3. Slam, I am so sorry for your loss. Stay strong and let the little one know how much you loved his mother. There is something for you from Rory and I from our Datsun PP fund. I wish it could be more. This group is very good at taking care of our own so do not hesitate to ask if you need help in any way. Mike aka exit64 Rory aka 67411sss
  4. Great video. I sold my RMK a couple of seasons ago as it wasn't getting used enough. It was a 98 700,piped and reeded and no problem keeping up with the newer stuff. Riding up on Hood is good but Adams is even better. The Hell Man now lives in Bend and hopefully is being ridden on a regular basis.
  5. Here's what you want for your U20. I have seen these in person and drooled all over them. These are truly a bolt on and go setup. Don't whinge about the price, just sell a kidney or head down to the plasma center. We are all junkies in our own way. These are man jewelry to the first degree. Hands of Dan Garrison have been in every nook and cranny on this set so they are 100% correct in every way. http://portland.craigslist.org/mlt/pts/2214503700.html
  6. Not a problem. Unscrew the dash pot and set it in a glass jar to keep it clean. Remove the screws that hold the dome onto the body of the carb. Pull straight up on the dome and make sure that the piston doesn't come out with it. If it does and the needle hits the floor and bends you are screwed for the price of a new set of needles. Ask me how I know this. :angry: Under the dome is a long spring that rides over the part of the piston that the dash pot rides in. Now is a good time to clean the outside of the piston with carb cleaner and a soft rag. I use a buffing wheel chucked up in my drill press to polish the domes. Works great with Mother's Aluminum polish. I use a Dremel with a polishing tip to get into all the tight spots. There is oil in the piston dash pot so dump that out when you go to work on cleaning the piston. Do not bend or adjust the needle coming out of the bottom of the piston. It is made out of soft brass so be gentle with it. Clean the inside of the dome with carb cleaner and a soft rag and then reassemble. Don't forget the spring. Refill the dash pot with ATF using a straw to fill it. Press the straw into the ATF container and then cover the end with you finger to pull some ATF out. You get the idea. Fill the dash pot until you feel pressure about 1" from the top of the dome when you push down the plunger. Do one carb at a time. When it is back together lift up the piston with you finger through the front of the carb to the top of its travel and then let it drop. Should come down smoothly and make a nice "clunk" when it hits the bottom. Make sure you get the same amount of oil in each carb so that they stay synched when you get on the gas. You can also use a syringe if you want to be more precise. I am not that fussy and never have a problem. Don't use Marvels Mystery Oil in the dash pots, I find it to be too thin. If you get stuck, go over to www.311s.org and look in the techwiki for the article by Keith O. He is the man when it comes to this tuning stuff. Also get a copy of Just SU's from Ztherapy. More information than you ever wanted to know.
  7. What # intake is that. I have a 220 for an L series that I can throw some carbs on and check the spacing of the roadster backplate if you want.
  8. I would use a roadster style filter on there if you can make it fit the carb spacing. They are open all the way around the outside and you can modify a K&N round filter to work in place of the stock element.
  9. Contact Slodat. He was making noise about selling the KC that I sold him a while back. He has a thread about it attached to his tag line under his user name.
  10. So close to pulling that move last Sunday. I made a run into Ptown for The One Motorcyle Show and then hit Union Jack's afterwards. Many beers later I made it home to Hood River at 2 AM. I figured what better way to get the poison out of the system than an 8AM yoga class. I made it down to the studio smelling like stale beer and strippers just in time for class. About 40 minutes into a 90 minute class I am holding in the mother of all beer farts. I am talking eye watering, paint stripping, gagging for air variety. Some how I made it through the rest of class but couldn't get out to the truck fast enough. Moral of the story is beer will make you fart and yoga does it's best to squeeze 'em out.
  11. At least they weren't Mikuni's. :blink: PM me it you want some weber 40mm. I am about to pull them off my 2000 and put on the 44's.
  12. Being what one might call an aging carpenter, I started looking into way to lengthen the life span of my back and knees. I have been practicing Yoga seriously since October. The benefits have been very startling. I am on the smallest hole on my belt, I am stronger and more flexible than I have been in years and three times a week I get to work up a sweat with the hottest women in Hood River. I have learned that it is not acceptable to drop the "F" bomb on hard posses but have been told that I bring a certain "blue collar flavor" into the studio. The vegans really love it when I wear my Mrs. Beasely's Hamburger shirt to class But I am pretty sure that I could beat any one of their skinny asses to death with a yoga mat. Namaste.
  13. Back in the day(mid 80's) I used to drive from Pullman to Yakima every weekend in the 67.5 1600 with skis on the hard top. I would roll into Yakima about 8pm on Friday night and then bounce up to White Pass to hook up with my GF who had a cabin in Packwood. I would haul ass back to Pullman on Sunday night and get in around midnight. Never let me down once. I did run with 90 lbs of sand in the trunk for traction and not once did I ever get stuck. Good times.
  14. Did any other Ratsuner's make it to this last night. I was in PDX for the weekend and just happened to luck out and stumble onto this. These guys would feel right at home with this crew and vice a versa. $1 PBR's and no entry fee. There were probable 5000 empties in the dumpster out side the front door. Some bag ladies wet dream. The bikes were the best I have ever seen. Period! I guess this is an annual 1 evening event so mark your calender and don't miss it next year. Wish I could have given you guys a heads up on this one. Sorry about that. Time to buy a web type cell phone. http://theonemotorcycleshow.com/index.html
  15. No Shit! I swear I am going to post the next guy who asks for OICS user name in the man love section of Willamette Week.
  16. Looks like that picture was taken at Maryhill Winery, for sure east of Hood River on the Washington side somewhere.
  17. I had this job where you worked a late, middle and then early shift on consecutive days and then had a day off. Pretty cool to have almost two full days off every fourth day. We ran that schedule from May to October every year. I would get lots of fishing and camping in during those months.
  18. The big question is " What's that U20 going in?"
  19. That was me. I live over by the May Street School. I figured you needed a sticker judging buy your outstanding taste in vehicles. Welcome to Ratsun and enjoy the crowd. Oh yea, it's an 83 Toyota 4x4 long bed and it's RED.
  20. exit64

    My '72 1200

    The Vector wheels live on my 1200 now. Score!
  21. http://portland.craigslist.org/clc/cto/2175327251.html IBTL
  22. My DD is an 83 4x4 longbed. 263k on the clock but I have had it for 16 years and have done everything to it... twice. It is a rolling tool box and does exactly what it is supposed to, get my tools to the jobs site and me to the woods or the ski hill. Never let me down yet but I spend the appropriate amount of time on preventative stuff. She needs brakes all the way around right now and will get them as soon as I finish the house that I am working on at the moment. There a lot better ones out there that are not rusty for about the same money. 22R's are a dime a dozen and are bullet proof. Unless you want a total project, steer clear of this one.
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