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Everything posted by exit64

  1. RX swap will give you disk brakes, too.
  2. Another great job done by Lars. Thanks. http://www.carpartsmanual.com/datsunB110/DatsunSunny1200Index.aspx
  3. It's actually under the 1/4 window. Swapping a door isn't going to help much. Let's hope we see the sedan at Blue Lake. Thanks again for the seats. They are great.
  4. You guys can most likely find him over on the Samba now, discussing the finer points of air cooled engines. I like the "little cash" line. My ass! Those buses are fetching big money. He must be getting paid too much for Drop Gear. Once he starts shoveling the green back into the bus he might see the error of his ways, but I doubt it. Plus I thought the whole idea was to "trade up". As my NASCAR watching buddy says, "You can't fix stupid, son". And Wood, that Ratsun sticker better not end up on that bus.
  5. Is this "The Rat"? If it is, give Leigh a shout and he can most likely get you squared away.
  6. Check out the vendor section on 311s.org. It is a very handy resource. It's Roadster specific but I have always thought that something like this would be very helpful on Ratsun.
  7. Way to go, Mike. Your knowledge of all things Datsun never ceases to amaze me. You truly are a scholar and a gentleman. See next year at Canby.
  8. Five speed or four speed?
  9. One of the Roadster guys turned me onto this site over the weekend. A great resource it you want to call up Nissan and not sound like a complete fool. I already used it twice for #'s in the past two days. The line drawings are very good too, so kudos to whoever is building this site. They even gave Ratsun some love. Enjoy, Mike aka exit64 http://www.carpartsmanual.com/
  10. Haha Micro, good one. Watch The Office much? :lol:
  11. Alrighty then, it's now out of 4th gear. Found the problem. One of the half teeth that the block goes through is missing and the block slipped over to the side a bit. Gave it a poke with my pocket knife and now shifts smooth as butter again. Who knows where the rest of that gear tooth went as it is not in the pan or stuck to the magnet. The rest of the gears and synchros are in perfect condition. I am going to make a pan gasket tomorrow morning and see what happens.
  12. Pretty much the same guts, with the starter on the other side. That is exactly how it is described in "The Roadster Book". I think I am just going to swap it out next week unless it is totally obvious when I pull the inspection cover.
  13. I want to see that guy when he sobers up and has the "Oh Fuck" moment.
  14. Mike, It does have the removable plate. I am going to open it up at some point today and see what goes. Skib said it made zero funny noises and was shifting perfectly up until this happened. I had this car for 6 years and it never missed a beat. Worst case scenario I can have another 70 tranny here by next weekend and then do a "Canby style" swap party over at the garage, so don't plan anything for next weekend. :cool:
  15. I just met up with Skib and Alicia a few minutes ago here in Hood River. They pulled into the parking lot at Safeway and the Roadster is stuck in 4th gear. The clutch is working fine as I can engage it and start the car. I tried to bump it out, yank hard, a few different combinations of cuss words, nothing. Any ideas? They continued on their journey and now the 70 is back in the garage next to the 69 2000. Maybe she was just home sick. I need to sort this out ASAP as Skib is selling his 620 this weekend and the 1600 is their only car after that. Let's hear some ideas from the tranny experts. Thanks, Mike aka exit64
  16. I don't think I would mess with that guy, he does have a light saber and most likely some Jedi mind tricks.
  17. Where's the pic's of the wife? :lol:
  18. Just take them out to Ratdat3 in Gresham and have them rebuilt. He just did mine for my 71 and they are plush. Worth every penny and he does Ratsun discount to boot.
  19. And now they are mine! :D Thanks Eddie, I will text you the delivery details later this evening. Mike aka exit64
  20. And it better be in the form of a Ratsun salute.
  21. God Bless Bingen and all who live there.
  22. This should cure the butt lice. I just burned the fuck out of my thumb last week fooling around with an empty grain alcohol bottle and a lighter. Those warnings are on there for reason I guess.
  23. That's the second time I have seen a Roadster that was sprayed with the hard top left on. How lazy can you get?
  24. Contact datsunrides on 311s.org. He turbo charged a U20 on his car. You could have seen it in person had you been at Canby. He's from down Cali way some where. Nice guy with a very clean car.
  25. Driven, Roadsters are 14" stock and will take up to a 16" with low profiles with zero modification. 1500's take a 13" wheel but also are drums all the way around so the wheels need to have the right setback. Love that paint job on the 1200, BTW. Very sweet.
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