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Everything posted by exit64

  1. Red Banner, Best sticker ever. Need one for my snowboard.
  2. "The sum of the parts is worth more than the whole." Spock
  3. Two nights this year. This is the Ratsun show of bikes. Dollar PBR's, great builds done on the cheap, and hot girls. What's not to like? http://theonemotorcycleshow.com/
  4. Datsunparts.com Pt # 2508 are the red ones pt # 2509 are the amber ones
  5. Fear not, oh faint of heart. After seeing his Roadster at Canby, I'll bet good money that Mark has one of the nicest 1200's on the road at the end of this process.
  6. You guys are getting punked, straight up. Look at this ass clown's post count, or am I missing something here? And next time I need some new wiper blades I am going to find Red Banner's car and camp out in the parking lot for a few hours.
  7. On my 16th birthday in 1980. Took it in a 1973 Dodge Maxi Van. Passed it on my first try at 98%. Got dinged pulling out of the parking lot for not stopping short of the side walk. As soon as I parallel parked that van though, the DMV guy stopped the test and gave me my license. Had a great driver's ed instructor. Some guy from Sweden who insisted that we do some drifting in a snowy parking lot to get the feel of the car in a slide. Good thing to know as I would chain up that van, load it full of kids and drive it up to White Pass to go skiing. Never had a problem. I picked up my first Datsun in 1983. It is a 67.5 1600 that came into Evergreen Datsun on a trade for a 200sx. Still got it and should be back on the road sometime this spring with any luck, although not quite stock. :devil:
  8. I'll be there most of January and Feb. Got a big kitchen job up in Wailuku. I'll ping you when I get on island. There is some guy in a sick 521 running around. Saw it a couple of times in April when I was over getting the job rolling. Tried to catch up but traffic is a bitch at times. I got a couple of contacts up in Lahaina if you want to do some resort work. PM me if you want a phone #.
  9. And now there is a Stolen Car Alert on a Smart Car's version of Ratsun.
  10. Make sure you go over all the hidden expenses that goes along with owning a car. At 17, insurance is going to be steep and he should carry full coverage until the car is paid off so that you get your dough should he happen to rear end his buddy in a Honduh screwing around in the parking lot. You got gas and maintenance and all the other crap that goes wrong on a regular basis with older cars. What he will gain is a bunch of mechanical know-how that he will use the rest of his life. My TR-4A made me the mechanic that I am today. I can fix anything with a 1/2" wrench, a screwdriver and some wire. Although that wagon is never going to die so he most likely won't learn squat. Do your part too and show him how to check the fluids, air pressure and make him change a tire with some supervision one time. Mold him into a responsible Ratsun guy. In these situations, I usually just trust my gut feeling and go with that. Just the fact that he actually has the gumption to get off his ass and get a job says a lot about his drive. I have only gotten burned once on a car deal and it was because I got lied to about the insurance bit. Luckily my name was off the ownership of the car with the DMV. Always fill out the change of ownership section and file it ASAP. Fucking strippers! :P
  11. exit64

    S. OR Ratsun meets

    Zack, I just took a good look at your avitar. Eat Mrs. Beesley's is my #1 favorite sign of all time. They have killer T shirts too. Makes me laugh every time I pass Vader headed north.
  12. Don't out him as a closet Honda guy. Not cool. :lol:
  13. Great to hang out with you Josh. You got out of here in the nick of time. Woke put to pretty snowy conditions this morning. Any freeride guys on here can look up Columbia Gorge Free Ride Association and check out all the stuff up in Post Canyon with more getting built all the time. It's done with the Hood River County Forestry's blessing so it's well built and maintained on a regular basis. Even if you don't take the job, come back in the summer so we can get some shuttle rides in and then more beer at the Double Mt. May be we can host a Ratsun free ride weekend if you move down here.
  14. Not in Hood River, dumbass. As the saying goes, you don't loose your girlfriend, just your turn. Actually easier to find a Datsun here than a girl that one of your buddies hasn't been under the hood on. :huh: What company are you interviewing with? I have been here a long time and pretty much know everyone in the business community. Great summers and long wet winters. Get a pass to Meadows if you want to keep sane during the dark months. Or a garage space so you can wrench. If your girlfriend has a solid skill set, there are a few internet based companies in the area. Housing is the tough one here for sure. Hard to find a reasonably priced year round rental. Tons of seasonal stuff but you usually have to move in the spring and then you are screwed as it get impossible to find cheap housing from May- Sept. Hit me up with a PM and your phone number if you want to get together for a beer later. Double Mountain is a must for pizza and a beer if you are in the area. Oh yea, it's snowing here this morning so take your time down the gorge. Usually the roads are the worst from Cascade Locks to Mosier. I am off to the mountain for opening day of riding so maybe catch you later today. Mike aka exit64
  15. Now someone needs to build this. No excuses, so cheap even Bonvo can afford it. :lol: http://portland.craigslist.org/mlt/cto/2704559430.html
  16. Looks like there is going to be some base accumulation at Mt Hood Meadows this week. Any of you guys ride or get a seasons pass? We should have a Ratsun powder day sometime this winter. Or do it true style and night ride for those of you guys that are too hung over for first chair. :blink:
  17. Any Gx heads and carbs? PM me if that's the case. Thanks. Mike aka exit64
  18. Get a hold of Morrisun. He's a hoarder by nature but has been known to sell one every now and then. Or he knows where one can be had more than likely. Great guy and know his stuff.
  19. Fuck, I thought this was going to be a Volvo thread.
  20. Just get it. Cool car and hard to find. Used to run around with a guy in high school that had one and it was a total blast.
  21. I was there all day on Sunday too, picking up the next Roadster project. Then I hopped over to Corvallis and checked out Spriso's shop and latest project. He is without a doubt, turning out the nicest SR swaps going. Attention to detail and execution is top notch.
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