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Status Updates posted by metalmonkey47

  1. got the new rims going on right now...

    1. Stupid_fast


      did you get deeper dish?


      15x15, yo.

    2. Kirden


      15x15 o.O You might need more power...

    3. Stupid_fast


      Nop just run a 225.

  2. Got my Recaro's in tonight. SO COMFY!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. metalmonkey47


      They were free :P Get more jelly! They were nothing special. Cheap Recaro's from an 80's Suzuki Swift GTI

    3. I'm BLUE
    4. Stupid_fast


      Oh no biggie.


      I got acura seats. :P


      Nice seats make stiff suspension livable daily !!


      My 510 is so comfortable, and has suspension like bricks.

  3. Last LZ parts are ordered. Not we wait.... give me about a month and I should be pounding asphalt with a new motor.

  4. Alright, gotta get head dowels, head gasket, header gasket, and oil filters and the LZ will be ready. Oh, and a chain tensioner.

  5. Looking at a 2 door 510 for monkeygirl.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. metalmonkey47


      haha yeah man! Been talking to him about it for a while ;) Gonna call him tomorrow about it


    3. TENDRIL
    4. Kirden


      Good luck. If I had the money I would have grabbed it instead of the B210, but all of his prices are great. I need to get in touch with him about those 6 zpoke Z rims and the 510 crossmember he had, but the 620 is still down for repairs :(

  6. Buy new rims, now I need new lug nuts. GHEY

    1. nismo dr

      nismo dr

      if only you knew someone who worked at a parts store

  7. Going to look at a set of rims Saturday morning.

    1. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      those three piece?

    2. metalmonkey47


      Yeah. They aren't real 3 piece though :( No seam on the barrel.

    3. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      Still look rad. Buy them and rock them in my honor lol

    1. metalmonkey47
    2. bonvo


      that is just to fucking cool

    3. Draker


      So awesome! You're talking mad restoration costs here though! (Id assume..)

  8. Got to ban Braden on Datsun Religion for being a douche. The hammer feels so good!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. danfiveten
    3. Skib


      he doesn't go full retard... he is full retard

    4. jrock4224


      link to ban thread...

  9. Sooo got my promotion and 15%ish raise... moar datto parts!! LZ build is gonna get crazy son! Thinking about putting it off for some turbo stuffs

    1. Wormdrive66
    2. jrock4224


      time to shop for a ring.........

  10. Photographing a beautiful '49 Ford F1 tomorrow.

  11. Got 27.5MPG out of my 620 today on the interstate! Soooo happy with that

    1. sick620


      and 50hp right? lolz!!!

    2. MicroMachinery


      Just got 15.7 in my LZ23 4x4 720. Blech.

  12. Jam on the brakes, and the truck jolts to the right. FUUUUUU... got a long drive tomorrow.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. metalmonkey47


      ^^Dude, my drums are WARPED. It shakes like hell when they warm up haha

    3. jrock4224


      Drums ......u gotta love the incostinecey

    4. Master-O-Turbonics
  13. Started assembling the LZ tonight, until we realized the head gasket had a small bend in it around cylinder 3. Gheyyyyy

  14. Dang, NISMO head gasket here I come... $78

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. metalmonkey47


      I need something good and thick. FelPro and all that crap won't cut it.

    3. metalmonkey47


      Need thick shit to lower my CR on the LZ

    4. TENDRIL


      i think i seen a copper HG spacer on E-gay for pretty cheap... and im pretty sure you can use it with standard HG

  15. Made some bacon, now frying up some hashbrowns in the bacon grease. YUM

    1. MikeRL411


      If you have enough bacon grease, try getting it hot and dumping in a finely diced eggplant!

    2. ruckycharms


      " Cuz you my friend.. are part eggplant...! "

  16. god my truck is always stupid hard to start in the rain

    1. bananahamuck


      Have you tried getting in and shutting the door?

    2. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      That's strange. Mine was hard to stop in the rain.

  17. Welcome to Atlanta where the playa's play, ands we ride on thangs like every day.

    1. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      Welcome to Atlanta where the gangsters play, and rob old honkys like er'day.

    2. erichwaslike


      youre so white matt

    3. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      whitest kid I know

  18. Found a Weber 38/38 new for $150. WTF?

    1. Eagle_Adam


      for me? how sweet matt

  19. Motor's finally here. Need to clean up the head and make it shine. Got all of my parts collected, so all I need is oil and time and we'll get the LZ in. Got it's gonna be a wicked motor.

    1. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      sweet man ! looking forward to seeing that.

  20. Need to finish with my ellipsoids. Damn I've been lazy

    1. Kirden


      Don't be lazy man! If I knew how to wire them up I would come help, I'll be up in ATL picking up a bench seat from Squatches this weekend.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. JAKE719


      I like them, honestly. I dont think tires are going to be hard to find though. Youd easily be able to get away with 195/55(or 50)/15 on those, or even 205/50/15. Most Hondas run that tire size, plenty of demand out there for them....

    3. metalmonkey47


      I like WIDE tires on my wide rims though. Traction is gonna be difficult on my LZ as is. It's going to be a very torquy motor


    4. JAKE719


      ahhh ok, that makes more sense now. Nevermind me! lol


  21. They're casting for extra's (70's trucks and cars) locally in the area for a Monday movie shoot! Wish me luck!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      Just make sure they give it back to you in the same condition they received it and get it in writing. Movie production companies are notorious for destroying shit and then disappearing. You don't want yours ending up in a wreck scene.

    3. Skib


      needs moar Ratsun stickarz!


    4. squatches


      yeah their doing one for need for speed and another for the new anchor man I think


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