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Status Updates posted by Jassifrass

  1. Happy 7/10!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. damnitDave


      hey i didnt even realize!cheers!

    3. damnitDave


      hey i didnt even realize!cheers!

    4. INDY510


      3 cheers to that!!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. flatcat19


      Prince was forced upon Nissan by the Japanese government. Not bought by Nissan.

    3. josh_t


      well it turned out good for us. who doesnt love an L? or the vehicles that they come in for that matter?

    4. 68Datsun510


      Ford isnt doing it, ford only approved it for sale. Dynacorn is making the bodies. And honestly, with nissans rationale these days, they would rather ommit hari kari than sell datsun bodies... =(

  2. Charlie Sheen is being roasted on Comedy Central like Sept 19th....Who wants to have a ratsun party and watch it?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jassifrass


      ^^it seems like everything I post like this causes you some sort of problem.... sorry :/

    3. RedBanner


      I couldnt view it through the link, googled it and ut loaded fine, weird

    4. Jassifrass


      yea that's usually what happens to Laecaon...dunno why. I even stopped posting from Stumble Upon and just use the direct link....

  3. Happy 7/10 :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nismo dr

      nismo dr

      no wonder this day is going so slow!

    3. INDY510


      oh shit .... I forgot


      does working all day to get money for my 710 count as celebrating???

    4. bananahamuck


      today is my one year sign-up date..:D

  4. Happy 7/10 :D

    1. datzenmike


      Damn. Was under the goon modifying the speedo pinion to slow the gauge down. Totally forgot to celebrate.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jassifrass


      me neither lol

    3. erichwaslike


      thanks u gave me and the gf a good laugh first thing after we woke up and i jumped on ratsun

    4. Jassifrass


      glad I could help :D


  5. I was just offered a free paint job on the wagon. I don't know how good of a job, like under the carpets and dash or not, but I kind of don't want to....I like it the way it is...at least until I can paint it myself

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Jassifrass


      yea I still have some body work to do to it too...He wont do that much

    3. INDY510


      just rattle can the door jams purple


      hard to turn down "free"


      but you might not have a car for a few months

    4. Jassifrass


      Looks like the 610 might get it....

  6. I hate electrical problems....why is it that my turn signals work but no brake lights? they run off the same bulb....

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      :-/ ,,, sucks !!!


      is your fuseblock bad on that circuit ?


      Is your ground(s) clean to the rear bulbs ?


      teast voltage resistance from leading wires to rear hatch/lights area ?


      run a jumper wire to verify ?


      electrical sucks !!!!



    3. Jassifrass


      It's all better. It was just the switch thing. THANK YOU!!!!!!

    4. Eagle_Adam
  7. thanks again for the pin striping!! I'll post pics as soon as I take good ones :D

  8. speaking of missing thing did anyone ever find my coffee cup? it was the disposable looking one with the purple in the middle...I have the lid but thats all....

    1. albyneau


      I remember that! It was sittin by the barbies saturday afternoon last I saw it...

    2. Jennifer


      i think ppl left a lot of stuff too..i don't know if anyone found the owner to the jack stands that were left.

    3. Dguy210


      I think those were Pumpkin's.

  9. I'm done with my finals!! Video games and Canby, then more video games here I come!

  10. is it next weekend yet?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jassifrass


      last year it was like this outside at Canby. it's Oregon so you never know but I have my hopes.

    3. fastdadd


      are we there yet are we there yet are we there yet are we there yet are we there yet

    4. Jayden71


      How bout now? Are we there? Is it Canby yet?

  11. Safety Tea FTW!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Eagle_Adam
    3. Sealik


      Yes...the earl grey psilocybe is also safety worthy...lol

    4. Jassifrass


      I thought they gave you some honey to Adam. If not we probably have enough for another cup. if you'd like it we'll save it.

  12. I dont wanna go to school today. I want to help with the 610 damnit!

    1. Eagle_Adam


      decisions decisions, lol


    2. Jassifrass


      I missed monday and I have a test in my comic class so the decision was made but not easy

  13. I need electrical help...I posted details in my thread.

  14. Remember kids, if a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you, because drugs are expensive these days.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jassifrass


      well then thanks :P

    3. skunk


      @ Eagle_Adam: bull shit, iv thanked you every time

    4. Eagle_Adam


      true true - but Ratsuners are a different breed :)

  15. holy shit did anyone else hear that thunder just now?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      lol ! ,,, AGAIN ??? someone drove into yer pad ???

    3. INDY510


      is the dryer okay???

    4. Jassifrass


      I don't have a dryer anymore Indy...

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