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Everything posted by Jassifrass

  1. This is my favorite picture of the 3 of us. It took me a while to find it. Turns out Ed sent it to me a while back. I don’t have a lot of words. This one really hurts.
  2. Well some bitch backed into me early May. Just got her back from the body shop this morning. Pull post pics as soon as I remember how...
  3. I'm doing lots of shit to the goon this summer. I suck at posting on here but I'll try to get better ish. I also need my thread to reference some stuffs and it was really hard to find again so yea. Hi!!
  4. stupid phone double posting.... Hi guys!
  5. I sanded and painted the replacement grill. Once it's dry I'm going to put the emblems back on
  6. It wasn't hard to to...I've torn apart whole cars in a few hours before too. This was cake
  7. Yea it's really not that bad. It should be all better sometime this week thanks to Albert (Denmark)
  8. Got most of it taken apart. Gotta get the radiator out once I find something to drain it into. And the not smashed fender since I have 2 perfect ones here. The front end will be dark green for now. Hopefully I can get it all black before summer and the shows Albert and his crew will be by sometime this week to get her straightened back out and get the new pieces on
  9. 175 55 for the front. It may be 165 but I'll have to check
  10. Yea I suppose I should have said more :) too excited for words
  11. I'm doing another project and I need more pics. Particularly 411's and bre cars. I'll take some of any models but those are what I seem to be lacking the most.
  12. My car runs great now! Took Adam to work and back with no issues :D Thank you to everyone that helped!!!! Now for the fun stuff!
  13. Thanks Kim!!!! They are frickin awesome
  14. From what I could tell I'd say yes
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