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Everything posted by Jassifrass

  1. I spotted this on my way home from school today. There were a lot of people behind me the first time so I turned around and was able to stop for a min to get a better picture. I didn't want to look like a stalker so this is all I got.
  2. I saw this the other day, it's awesome
  3. So I have been slacking on this. I have had a lot going on lately though so yea. Here are the oics of the awesome pin striping Monk did for me at Canby. Thanks again Monk I love it!
  4. I don't think it's to many but then again I plan on having a nice property full of cars to restore ASAP :D
  5. Seriously. At least have some kind of cover for it too like a net or something to keep animals out of it. If that's the clean treated water it shouldn't be so exposed
  6. I know how you feel. I didn't do well in high school but I've got straight A's so far in college. It feels good. :thumbup:
  7. I guess I'll put it here too...to funny http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PcAQbhnGNs&feature=player_embedded#at=14
  8. your not the first and won't be the last :lol: http://community.ratsun.net/topic/691-how-to-post-pictures-and-keep-online-photo-albums/
  9. I concur!!! and they would be pretty awesome for holding the Ratsun business cards Skib made...if they are small enough, or the box is big enough. It if held the whole package of smokes I'd think they'd fit...
  10. I love the striping he did on my car :thumbup: I'll take some oics today and post them here too seriously awesome and thanks dude!
  11. thats $10 for a set of two or $10 for 1? and is that shipped? and does that price include adding screen name?
  12. It was love at first sight, They spent a long time smooching like this.
  13. Indy was hard to track down. I was looking for him all day. Someone told me he was tall with brown hair and kind of looked like Phil before he shaved :lol: He was a lot taller than I expected too....so that IS what she said :lol:
  14. Oh Mike you left some trim and that broken glass. Eagle_Adam took the glass to dispose of it and I grabbed the trim. I wasn't sure if that was something you wanted or not but I have it if you do.
  15. thanks again for the pin striping!! I'll post pics as soon as I take good ones :D

  16. speaking of missing thing did anyone ever find my coffee cup? it was the disposable looking one with the purple in the middle...I have the lid but thats all....

    1. albyneau


      I remember that! It was sittin by the barbies saturday afternoon last I saw it...

    2. Jennifer


      i think ppl left a lot of stuff too..i don't know if anyone found the owner to the jack stands that were left.

    3. Dguy210


      I think those were Pumpkin's.

  17. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/28456-thievery/page__view__findpost__p__427802
  18. yea I was surprised I didn't get one too I did get a new valve cover, new used wheels and some pin striping though :D I'll have to get some oics with the actual camera...the phone sucks
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