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Status Updates posted by tdaaj

  1. Damn it, i guess its been awhile since i was last here. Did you assholes miss me?

    1. datzenmike


      Were your ears warm?

    2. tdaaj


      They were a few weeks ago

    3. datzenmike


      Sounds about right....

  2. So who's all keeping up with the AutoZone 620 build?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      Do e he live in Georgia?



      Metalmonkey47 ?



    3. Hawaiian620


      I can picture all the stick on chrome shit, spinner hub caps, light bars and spoiler

    4. metalmonkey47
  3. Let's keep feeding that dog that bites our hand uh?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. jrock4224


      links or i dont believe u

    3. dat521gatherer
    4. tdaaj


      No links jon, but you know who im talking about, we had a conversation with the person last week about it

  4. If i get anymore datsuns im gonna throw my keys in a raffle box to choose which one to drive each day

    1. dat521gatherer


      Thats how I do it. One Datto for each day of the week. That way I don't have to trade a new car in every five years cause I'm board of with it.

    2. mhub91


      Sort of how I feel too... Prius, Corolla, 620, B210, or 320 if im feeling dangerous.


    3. tdaaj


      Mark you should add an fxgts to that mess

  5. Dirt cheap 620 tachometer on ebay http://www.ebay.com/itm/292069148042

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rjawm


      IDK, seller looks kinda sketchy

    3. tdaaj


      I always go by a sellers feed back, seems he has pretty good feed back unlike some others in the community

    4. tdaaj


      Not too bad for a working rusty tachometer

  6. Seems to be a lot of snow (flakes) in bend

    1. ArchetypeDatsun


      I heard they like cocaine like they like their snow.

    2. KoHeartsGPA


      Cuz there are and they snore it :P

  7. I need more property, running out of space, just made a deal for another 521

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bleach


      Get rid of some parts cars. :)

    3. KoHeartsGPA
    4. tdaaj


      That's a great idea bleach......

  8. I once had a cat called snowflake

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. flatcat19


      No denial of blowing gato though. Hm.

    3. tdaaj


      That's Ubers job

    4. Noflers


      Uber, the ride service, could add that option.


  9. Datsunmike= death of Ratsun

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mhub91


      I'd have to disagree, a little. He does have very valid points.


    3. tdaaj


      He does but, he's giving himself more leniency than he does with members. Not holding himself to his own standards.

    4. KoHeartsGPA


      All he needed to do is contact Steve, he's the leader of DNW, not ratsun.

  10. Damn if I didn't know any better, id think obama was a moderator here

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. 510freak


      #fml 148 users are online (in the past 15 minutes)


      12 members, 136 guests, 0 anonymous users (See full list)

    3. tdaaj
    4. Dat810Goon


      haha im glad im not the only one that was thinking about how annoying and controlling it can be.


  11. Funny how the trolls get their panties in a twist when trolled.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tdaaj
    3. tdaaj


      I do need to get in and get some new glasses

    4. That4doorKiD


      this isn't facebook you geisers...it's a car forum

  12. Heard hrh was back and lost respect for some, but i saw no proof. So is this conspiracy or ?

    1. Draker


      Sounds like grade A conspiracy to me.

    2. Rick-rat


      HRH and flatcat are starting a datsloco's chapter for eastern Wa.

    3. tdaaj


      Lol, no surprise there

  13. Wow, ever since hrh got a girlfriend, hes started to remind me of a chick, soft shelled, bitchen and whining whe its dished back to him. Almost like theres some sand in his vag. Disclaimer: no offense to any of the great ratsun ladies here.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jrock4224


      lol says the pot ....



    3. bananahamuck


      Forget it,, he's rolling

    4. tdaaj


      Like you're a giant ray of sunshine yourself jrock

  14. Anyone else having problems with Craigslist? Apparently my IP address has been "automatically blocked"

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. jrock4224


      noppe still flakes every day


    3. bananahamuck


      If you are using your phone,, wouldn't your IP be changing every time you moved??

    4. bananahamuck


      Try switching to "airplane mode" then back,, i think that automatically changes your IP also..

  15. Lately, datsun is life and life is datsun.

  16. If you rock the boat, expect waves. Fucking idiots.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. 420n620


      if the boat sinks, you'll make a great floating devise

    3. tdaaj
    4. 420n620


      maybe mrbigtanker can hold your hand. He's an excellent swimmer.

  17. So apparently the fanboys are into datsuns pretty hard now. Expexting everything to be free these days....

    1. HOGIE
    2. ArchetypeDatsun


      Then they expect them to be turn key like newer cars and can't even work on them by themselves kinda sad.

    3. KoHeartsGPA


      But they don't want free parts that need work either!

  18. Just put a 620 tachometer in the classifieds, first time ive posted in there in a long time

  19. Ratsun member stranded in Bellingham, needs fuel to get home to Portland today. No cash on hand and lost debit card. If someone can help him, i can PayPal them.

    1. Rjawm


      Anyone take care of this yet? PM me if help is still needed.

    2. bananahamuck
    3. tdaaj


      Got it taken care of yesterday

  20. Witnessed a man take a steel plate to the face today in a work related explosion. I'm really hoping he pulls through ok.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bananahamuck


      Talk about exploding diarrhea.
































      Oh,,, like none of you were thinking it.

    3. tdaaj
    4. tdaaj


      Shit and blood everywhere, last i heard he was taken to harbor view, dude is not some one id want to pick a fight with. Guy is tougher than nails, damn near blew him over, spitting chicklets broke his jaw in 3 places and still standing. Dude was in some serious pain.

  21. Just washed one of the 620's with scotchbrite and sandpaper.

  22. You'd think i could find at least one of the ten pair of wire crimpers around here, but noooo, just bought the eleventh pair , and the napa in Tenino can suck balls.

    1. MicroMachinery


      Start an FML thread about it.

    2. Dattokai


      No #fml status updates.

    3. tdaaj


      That wasn't the bad part, i like my life. I even managed to catch a 2" reciever hitch with my knoggen after it fell off the jack today

  23. Its like everyone here just wants to stick there head in the sand. It doesn't matter who ended up with the raffle truck. What matters is someone could have gotten hurtand or killed driving it. Its shear luck no one has. Ratsun nor datslocos need to have this kind of mess associated with them.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. EastBay521


      I get it.I cant tAKe side either. I see it from both ends of the spectrum.It Just Makes Me Feel Good To Talk Shit To people I dont know online.

    3. tdaaj


      Talking shit about people doesn't make me feel good, but then again is it talking shit when its felt that its true?

    4. EastBay521


      It makes me feel big

  24. Rip Datdoug

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mhub91


      Folks on FB said he lost a long battle with cancer. There will be a local meet for him.


    3. skyblue
    4. izzo


      Brain cancer

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