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Status Updates posted by tdaaj

  1. got my internet back, slowly getting my depts that were left to me payed off too. i think things may be looking up now.

  2. off to bed, back to the grind tomorrow

  3. just farted, doesn't smell very good either

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. dat77sun
    3. tdaaj


      kinda tickles when it does that, gives me the eeby jeebies

    4. skunk


      the warmer they are the worst they smell, thats they way it works for me at least. its a good warning system

  4. getting a new used computer tomorrow. divorce sucks ass.

    1. kingdaddy96706


      almost went there myself. bro, it's cheaper to keep her.

    2. freaky510


      ahh but the freedom is priceless.

    3. tdaaj


      not cheaper at all, she's run off to alaska with new boyfriend and left me with a $15k tab to pay off.

  5. I'm alive, just not doin so hot with some stresses right now. Feel like I'm being drug through the ringer. I'm in a very frustrating point right now. The pit in my stomach feels worse every day.

  6. just broke my gosh damned mouse, no scroll, hardly any moovy, piece of shit.

    1. Stupid_fast


      Microsoft optical mouse should be around $10...

    2. Pumpkn210


      Why did you break the good working one you have?

    3. AtomChurch
  7. my stitches itch and i can't sleep

  8. thank god for stool softeners

    1. Cahoon520


      Well we cant say your full of shit now.

    2. Pumpkn210


      Do you like Gladiator movies?

    3. tdaaj


      yeah give it a day, i'l be as full of shit as ever, just takes time

  9. pooring in my neck of the woods.

    1. Pumpkn210


      I just wanna tell you both good luck, were all counting on you!

    2. tdaaj


      thanks man, i think things are healing pretty well but goddamn this shit hurts.

  10. going through divorce

  11. tired of being tired

  12. tenino is nice and quiet, and its an added bonus having a covered area to work

  13. how was the ride home and where are those pictures?

  14. no i don't, sorry. those things are really hard to come by. you are talking about the bar that attaches to the front bumper right?

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