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Status Updates posted by Logical1

  1. My datto runs to well... I miss working on her!

  2. Got 1/2 my Rockauto bearing order, Beck/Arnley=NSK Japan Wheel Bearrings, Win!

    1. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      Sealed bearings are best when coming in 1/2's yo !!!! ollz

    2. pl521sss


      what bearings did you get?

  3. Better Living Through Chemistry

    1. Farmer Joe

      Farmer Joe

      i saw this, so i had to pull up the track... QOTSA kicks ass

  4. My record player is like a 70's pornstar... Too much fuzz on the sweet spot!

    1. bananahamuck


      I am not into the latest gadgets

      i prefer the older type of sound..



    2. FoxyRoadster


      I'm having to unwarp the Heavy Metal soundtrack I bought, one of the disc warped in shipping. D:

    3. RedBanner


      How to unwarp vynl ?¿?

  5. lolz, been away for a while and today was quite a day to log back in... Insert all complaining & whining here:

  6. Got side swiped by a uninsured, no license driver. The dime & I are ok but she needs body work...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DRIVEN


      Sucky! Engrish or Ingles?

    3. MicroMachinery


      To the dungeon with her..

    4. Radim


      No License? No Insurance? Seems like a "Give me x ammount of money or i'll call the cops" type situation...

  7. Hyper link post fail, Just do a Google search for 'Thursday Movie'

  8. Penn & Teller's 'Bullshit' should be required viewing for high school seniors.

    1. FoxyRoadster


      could just send them to a library and have them read a book.

    2. south of reno

      south of reno

      Love that stuff.


  9. Cops=0 Me=4 Just got back from court for 'blue looking lights' Did my research, got it dismissed. Why fight the law? Use it!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Logical1


      ^ Pumpy, I PM you and no reply :( Simple jack err.. Jake is full retard on phones!

    3. south of reno

      south of reno

      Very nice, stick it to the MAN.

    4. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      ^^^ nohomo ???



  10. Rattle Can Rising Sun?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      House Paint ???



    3. skunk


      as long as you know how to do it right, i hate seeing half ass rising suns.

    4. banzai510(hainz)


      best on a white or red beater car/truck in my opinion.matches better maybe black

  11. L18 = Loosing coolant, No leaks, Running cool, No water in oil, Slight oil in water, PCV catch can has lots of water... My thought is headgasket cracked. Opinions?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. bananahamuck


      Or your siphon system in catch can isn`t working correctly

    3. Logical1


      ^For sure, She still runs like a bat outta hell! Shit, Water injection raises your octane and scrubs the cyl right ;)

    4. Laecaon


      my thunderbird blew a head gasket. Water went straight out the tail pipe. Car always stayed cool, just lost a cylinder.

  12. Electric Fan Conversion Done on My L18, I Really Feel That 1/4 HP! ;)

    1. ariascarlos1990


      lolz. did you go probe style or inline? for the switch.

    2. Logical1


      Got the carquest adjustable controller. Uses a probe on the radiator fins. Works great!

    3. ariascarlos1990


      Nice I have that one in my 620 ya it does work great!

  13. Rock Auto is NOT my friend right now, Promised me a cast impeller water pump and it arrived with a stamped impeller! ARRGGG :(

    1. erichwaslike
    2. banzai510(hainz)


      try carqust locally. the stamped ones are OK just make sure you got good antifreeze in there

    3. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      that sucks !!!


      Did you buy it assuming the picture is what you were getting ?

  14. L-Series waterpump gasket: Dry, RTV, Or....?

    1. bananahamuck


      Try it dry but if it is used and looks like it might leak i use paper thin and i mean paper thin layer of ultra blue.just let it almost setup so it dont goo out.

    2. banzai510(hainz)


      my last motor I put dry and usually had good luck but it leaked. I thine got a new gasket and filled in the cavities on the water pump with black Permantex and now its OK.

  15. What Electric Fan Controllers Is Everyone Using? Post a Link!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. metalmonkey47


      You can get the whole kit at AZ for like...$25 I think? If you're interested, I can PM you a full price and PN later tonight

    3. wildmaninid


      I prefer the one car quest sells, about 35 bones, but it is solid state with a relay built in,

    4. Logical1


      Cool Thx, I really like my local carquest and will probably spend extra for the quality.

  16. Island Bonefire Party FTW!

  17. Why do people who know the least know it the loudest?

    1. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      WHAT !?



    2. Guest


      WHAT !?




    3. elmerfudpucker
  18. My tig welder Isnt beefy enough for aluminum... Stainless Intake? Pro's/Con's?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Guest


      Heat displacement. Welding stainless can be tricky too. What about going ABS plaz-tek?


    3. dirtydiesel


      what do you need tiged?

    4. dirtydiesel


      what do you need tiged?

  19. Welding Rodeo @ BTC tomarrow! I'm in Team 'Glacial Speed' ;)

    1. bananahamuck


      Gay rodeo at Evergreen state college tomorrow

      im in team greased lightning

    2. MicroMachinery
  20. Erotic is using a feather. Kinky is using the whole chicken.

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