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Status Updates posted by Logical1

  1. Just won a pair of Z SU's for $45 w00t!

    1. Guest


      260Z flatties, or round tops? either way, that's a score!

    2. Logical1


      4 screw round tops :) looking into CFM on them now for a turbo set-up

    3. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      nice, check throttle shaft play

  2. I know I'm not the most active member, But I Effen' Love Ratsun!

    1. Pumpkn210


      And a Good Ratsun member you are!

    2. I'm BLUE
  3. Search feature BLOWS! is there 6 speed tranny you can bolt up to a L series motor?

  4. Just picked up a 219sss Head from SHADY280, THANKS DUDE :)

  5. His name is Robert Paulson.

    1. Guest


      This is Bob. Bob had bitch tits.

    2. fastdadd


      haha..my son just walked into the house and said that

  6. Hows that peal & seal treating you? Helped quiet my vibration alot, I was very heavy handed with it though ;) Was cool to cruze down with you to Canby and your car is SWEET!

  7. Just picked up a Garrett T2 Turbo, Intercooler, BOV, & WG for $50!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SRSANDS


      SWEET!!!hey I picked up that peal and seal...stuck that shit everywhere if you can smell like tar this summer so can I :)

    3. SRSANDS


      SWEET!!!hey I picked up that peal and seal...stuck that shit everywhere if you can smell like tar this summer so can I :)

    4. 78kingcab
  8. Just flushed my coolant 8 times, no joke. Still came out a little brown. Idea's?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Guest


      You flushed your colont 8 times? I take PBR for that, works like a charm

    3. Pumpkn210


      cereal though, new coolant and keep an eye, on it, on it!

    4. Logical1


      Chuckle, rofl, snicker, barf :P

  9. Thanks for the wheel bearing dude! That was awesome we randomly stopped for a BBQ by your house :) Frank Ended up making it home on his bearing no prob, but we raced a little to much and he blew a piston! His car is CRAZY fast (and hes nutz) ;)

  10. Chuckle, Yea I got sucked into a mini BBQ by skibs and forgot to have a 'meeting' with you ;) Its all yours dude, or save it for the next pumpkin patch :) I'll bring my manifold!

  11. In a room with 500+ cops and they are kissing my butt!

    1. sssr20det510


      must be a big room

    2. skunk


      and a big butt, lol

    3. Logical1


      Its a 'training seminar' in the Arts center I work at. I'm running A/V

  12. ARGG! Why Do I wait last minute to actually install my Canby projects!

    1. Jassifrass


      I feel your pain :0)

  13. Just a whisper. I hear it in my ghost.

  14. Thanks for the dogleg! Made it home without any more tickets too ;) Cant wait to put this baby in....

  15. Fast Orange? More like Gojo Goon! ;)

  16. Just found your dime on CL love the write-up ;) sorry to see you selling it :( hope your feeling better!

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