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Everything posted by Pumpkn210

  1. Im the coolest guy I know and I have no friends!

  2. Totally Worth it! Kinda... Could but prolly better done differently. In a 510? Yes, many times over! Around here somewhere...
  3. Im going to lunch with BRE in a week-ish, EXCITED!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 420n620


      I'm EXCITED that UR EXCITED, don't forget the pic's or it nevr happened.




      I just wanna tell you both good luck. We're all counting on you.





    3. DatWifey


      I would have posted sooner on it, but we had to go watch the 510 in Transformers last night... But, I'm excited for the little luncheon that you've set up as well!! and so is Brody!! ;) Thanks Pumpkin, you're the BESTTTT!

    4. H5WAGON


      LOL....thinking Bre was a girl. So whats up with that lunch?

  4. ^^I know that kid^^ Not afraid to play in that thing either... Its a 720 under where!
  5. How bout oics of cool old cars from that country?
  6. Time to finish up this 75 ford elite!

    1. RedBanner


      Ive got some flairs that would make it look so much better, just pop the top drop it in the front seat and walk away like you where marky mark, jk, 351-400?

    2. bananahamuck


      Antonio Fargas




  7. Sharon is Karen!

    1. DatWifey
    2. Pumpkn210
    3. Jassifrass


      There's a house in Eugene that has a huge banner that says that on their front porch, made me laugh all the time.

  8. Everyone gets laid in the whitehouse, EVERYONE!
  9. Will be there, dont care where it is...
  10. Got my Dodge truck home today, what a ugly beast she is!

  11. If you think what I say is funny..... You should check out some of the stuff I dont say

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Jennifer


      ^^great minds think alike...when you fart..do you like to smell it too? (not speaking from experience..just saying)

    3. Rotary510


      i can;t get over those funny shoes you wore at Canby man! Ha ah ha, my little 7 years old daughter said "is that Ronald Mcdonald without his make-up and costume daddy?, LMFAO!!!!


    4. Jassifrass


      ^^that is to cute

  12. Sorry cant hear you, Im in a tunnell!

  13. Talk about period correct! Love it mang!
  14. Have you ever seen a grown man naked?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Pumpkn210


      If you think the stuff I say is funny, you should hear what I dont say!

    3. DatWifey


      oh jesus, I don't think it would be tolerable! lol

    4. Jennifer


      i wanna hear!!

  15. Pumpkn210

    sr20det 210

    Whatever way you slice it, thats fun times! :thumbup:
  16. Pumpkn210

    sr20det 210

    My 210 with a half tank of gas, 100lbs of tool box and no driver is 900lbs front 800lbs rear, total cereal! You gotta remember the 210 is a hole different car from the heavy narrow leaf spring B210 it was born from... Shit mang, mine was 1950lbs with a full interior and bumpers! :lol:
  17. I wanna see all the FAIL videos of us trying to get it runnin the first time... That shit is forl city!
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