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Everything posted by Pumpkn210

  1. Yes but does posting in here make us part of the solution or the problem?
  2. Pumpkn210

    Canby 2011

    Found... Ass Pennies!
  3. Heres to extending weekends!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pumpkn210


      I know right!?

    3. Jassifrass


      if my place was bigger I would have invited you guys to Jen...sorry lol

    4. DatWifey


      lol... sadly, we had to be back at work today. sad reality. It was rad meeting you and Kelly though! =)

  4. Can you pre register? And also, is there any dogs allowed?
  5. Pumpkn210

    Canby 2011

    Some asshole started it...
  6. Pumpkn210

    Canby 2011

    Bleach Judges for FREE!
  7. Where? WA, AZ, CA? Every state hav different laws and wording of laws...
  8. I need some better Pants! lol!
  9. I cant find the E-mail, but I talked to the RCW people and found out that there is a law that states that you cant take off your bumper if it makes your vehicle moare dangerous to a pedestrian in a car vs people accident. The "Dick" Puyallup cop told me it had to be there cause the car came with one, I proceeded to tell him politely the afore mentioned info and he backed off and didnt write me up for it. I must admit that this made me not too popular with the local law. I got pulled over for BS the next two friday nights, on the last one I proceeded to hand the officer my lawyers card and told her that she could call my lawyer for moare info and said nothing else! Havent had a prollem sence.. The moral of the story is to get on that email with the state and make them clarify anything and everything, save those e-mails and take em into court! There is no point in arguing with the cops, some of em are DICKS! Remember, Im pullin for ya... were all in this together! ;)
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