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Everything posted by Pumpkn210

  1. Oics or it didnt happening! :P
  2. Even the news monster is acting strange!

    1. hellamikey


      I love futurama.

  3. It was a moddified truck, the VIN is not as big a deal as ppl were makin it out to be! And the VIN thing is not all that was out of line... Dont take my word for it, read the thread! I did and was supprised again at who/what was said, from/to people that are supposed to like to Mod cars... http://community.ratsun.net/topic/16472-71-79-datsun-bagged-chopped-channeled-only-7000obo/page__hl__caddyhack
  4. I caant believe you assholes still have so much HATE for this truck!?!?!?! Its pure ignorance!!!! Like %90 of the vehicles on this forum are either non running/working! That truck is a purpose built vehicle that is DAMN good at what it was made for!! Tell me that a SR20DETT 2dr 510 is a driveable/safe vehicle!!! And for the previous owner... He got flammed for nonsensical BS and BOOTED when he started to strike back! Tell me that you could put concrete and wood in HALF of the trucks on this forum with no prollems! (Some can Some cant) If you dont like the truck, DONT POST IN THREADS ABOUT IT!
  5. Wha did you haeve to doo too maek it turm moare?
  6. Check this place out too, its our resident Yota Expert/fanatics site! http://blacksheepauto.com/ And welcome to the boards!
  7. What about the effects of being raised by TV and Music instead of your parents??
  8. I just wanna tell you both, THOSE TORQUE WRENCHES ARE THE SHIT. Were all counting on you!
  9. Buy it, anyone and I will give you a credit card for Pumpkn Labour! ;)
  10. Those are some cool carbs MO! :angry:
  11. Wonder if the parents would get in trouble for shaken baby syndrome....
  12. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE bring your Steam Engine to the meet on sunday...

    It would totally make my day!

  13. ^^^WTF you jus say to me bisch? J/K Im kinda silly... Bro-5 Do It Zach... will see you there!
  14. I want a mini Steam Engine!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dirk Diggler

      Dirk Diggler

      I know a guy who makes them if anyone ever needs parts or engines

    3. RedBanner


      i got the wistle, found a train in idaho out in the woods, no track just a steam engine rusting away

    4. nismo dr
  15. Pumpkn210

    ka24de 210

    Now thats a good way to do it, I like that!
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