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Everything posted by Pumpkn210

  1. Sorry guys, a friend took the video and has his shit set to private or somethin... Workin on it!
  2. Im workin in a sweat shop this week!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      super duper sekret den ?

    3. DatWifey


      yeah, something like that.....

    4. Pumpkn210


      I got a sekret


      by adam sandler!


      LOOK IT UP!

  3. http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=1773417347911#!/ Its on my wall bitches!
  4. KA-BOOM! http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=1773417347911 could someone embed this? Im dumb...
  5. Shit, you know Emma has style! :cool:
  6. Pumpkn210

    ka24de 210

    He was sayin that if you bolt in the A10 crosmember, you can bolt the KA straight to that... if you have the right oil pan!
  7. I just wanna tell you both good luck, were all counting on you!
  8. Imma drop it 2in when hes not lookin! Then Imma git bit bi Emma!
  9. Blew up a watermellon on a dock and splintered the piling! Was Bawse, video to come just gotta wait for someone to post it! Spent the day on lake tapps BBQ and boating, watched the bad ass show they had on, then played with fire irresponsibly! :cool:
  10. Man do I love these one year only cars, so sweet! And the lug nuts you need are just like accorns, but have a washer on them at the top of the bevel!
  11. Just a quick question on this statement... Where is the air that is not mixed with fuel coming from to starve it? If there is no vacumme leaks...
  12. People stop complaining..... Yea friggin right!
  13. America...... Fuck Yea!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DatWifey


      my husband lost his balls when we married too.... don't worry Kim, you're not alone ;)

    3. 420n620


      Thanks Jen, I feel better but what do u women do w/ the husbands balz, do you womens play golf w/them. :O

    4. DatWifey


      I put them in a jar above the fireplace =)

  14. Pumpkn210

    ka24de 210

    If you modify the car instead of making it all yourself, just seems easier to use the stock mounts. And I said "Phraising" as an Archer quote refrencing the miscommunication from earlier!
  15. Pumpkn210

    ka24de 210

    Phraising! I would mod the "towers" to accept a stock engine mount for ease of repair and replacement!
  16. Grew up in a small town too, Bro! ;)
  17. Pumpkn210

    ka24de 210

    To lower them in the front and still have decent susp travell, you can cut off and eaise the strut towers... But I am interested in where and or why you want and or ned to cut your towers for this swap, please explain!
  18. Douchy Fish Mouthed French CaNADianated Beiotch! You can haveing her! :lol:
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