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my revenge upon those wronged by home depot

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today i went to home depot to buy tile for an invesment condo i purchased.

i bought 24 cases of 16x16 tiles.

they gave me a pallet, i called it good:cool:

got to the condo and started unloading it.

27 cases in i actually counted how many i got.

there was 50 in that pallet:D

home depot literally paid me to take that tile off their hands

because i paid 400 for the tile

and got 427 when i returned the excess


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He didn't steal shit!


They fucked up (BIG SURPRISE) and he came out on top...

(maybe motavated's bro rang you up?:lol::D:rolleyes:)


Home depot is gut-wrenchingly frustrating, no matter what you go there to buy.


No, after realizing Home Depot made an error and gave him more mechandise than he paid for, he returned the unpaid merchandise for a refund. That's theft.


And no, I avoid Home Depot like the plague. Ever since Bob Nardelli became CEO, the stores have really gone downhill, both as a shopper and from a stock price perspective.


Put it another way, if you owned a business and one of your less experienced employees made a similar mistake, what action would you want the customer to take? Do keep the extra change a cashier inadvertantly hands you when they make a mistake at the grocery store?

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I had the same type of thing with an office supply store the other day. I went in to buy an office chair and a stack of DVD-r's I hate going to this place cause the manager there is a complete dick and has been on many occasions. so anyways i pick out the chair and one of the workers gets it and brings it to the checkout. they place it on the floor at my feet and i go and grab a stack of DVD-r's, now this place is pretty much a ghost town and i am the only customer. They ring me up and i didn't really even look at the amount cause i was in a hurry anyways. The girl behind the counter was nice and the guy even offered to carry out my chair to my car and put it in my truck. I was actually really surprized how their service changed from the last time i was there. When i got home my wife asked me how much it cost and i gave her the receipt and the look on her face was priceless. they only charged me for the cost of the DVD-r's! I was going to take it back and get my money back but decided to take the "prick tax" and call it even

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I'm trying to remember the last time I got mischarged (low) on something. I felt guilty about it, but damn if I can remember what it was now.


Oh, yeah, it was at a junkyard. I'd picked up a rather large quantity of small crap. They marked everything, but when I got home I noticed they hadn't charged me for the most expensive item in the bunch. But they HAD marked it. I don't remember what the part was.


I did end up with double items a couple times online. Both times I didn't get the items in a timely manner (expected 2-3 weeks, complained after a month, got the "replacement" items, and a month later the originals show up). One time I'd ordered a book from the UK and their post misinterpreted "Tacoma, WA" as Western Australia. My book had quite a voyage... had an Austrailian post on it and everything. Took 4 months to arrive.

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