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78kc head on collision last night


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you might remember my truck i bought a week ago.... yesterday morning i spent 4 hours taking off thoughs 30 year old decals and was leaving to go to my buddys house. Some ass hole decided to swarve over 3 lanes into oppisite direction traffic and hit me head on. i happend so fast i had no time to react. he was not wearing his seatbelt and i saw him get ejcted from the car. next thing you know he was pulling me out the car because i was stuck. i was awake the whole time. i left the hospital with a beat up body and some stiches in my knee (cant walk very good..19yo using a cane lol) so here are the pics..by the way if you live on antilope rd in citrus heights sorry for the traffic







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HOLY :poop: glad your ok and still able to walk I guess it could have been alot worse for you, he got ejected and was still able to get you out? :eek: how bad off was he and what the hell was he driving? any pics of his car.

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sorry to see and read that, glad u r ok, the truck is now salvage material, how did he get u out, wasn't he beat up from getting ejected??? like i said glad u r ok..:) thank the lord, and u definatly had angels protecting u...

Edited by dat620
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The LORD was Definately watching over that one!! This is what We all dread to happen, not just in a Datsun, but any vehicle. It might have been a little worse had You been on a BIKE!!! Get well soon!! Maybe between a bunch of Ratsun'ers, a new kingcab could be put together! I would volinteer if I weren't down here in Arizona! But maybe enough of Us have parts lying around to make a complete kingcab. It's worth the thought, at least.

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The LORD was Definately watching over that one!! This is what We all dread to happen, not just in a Datsun, but any vehicle. It might have been a little worse had You been on a BIKE!!! Get well soon!! Maybe between a bunch of Ratsun'ers, a new kingcab could be put together! I would volinteer if I weren't down here in Arizona! But maybe enough of Us have parts lying around to make a complete kingcab. It's worth the thought, at least.


that would be great if i get some parts together i could get my 79 on the road though and would be happy when i get a little better im going to pick n pull to get some parts and some of the wireing harness i need thanks for everyones support:D

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holy mother of fucking sheepshit :eek: and i thought my accedent was bad i could rebuld mine this is a crying shame but from what im seeing your local antolope road is where i get off the freeway to see my friend bout an hour from here send me a pm and maybe we can get together and i can help you hit the yards glad to see your ok and a speedy recovery man if the motor isnt that bad pull it :P its heart can live on:D

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