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1 hour ago, paradime said:



Looks like the studio audience at these shows were more confused than I was. They had no idea when they should laugh and when they should cheer. John Steward was even looking at them like, I'm making fun of them for doing a shit job,why are you cheering?!? He practically told them Harris was a joke and they still cheered for her as if she were the greatest candidate of all time.

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Meanwhile in the destruction of Florida that short little cocksucker we have as a governor (DeSantis) thinks its a good idea to develop our state parks with golf courses and hotels. Thankfully the backlash has been severe and i don't think it will happen. Just shows where that little fuckers mindset is. Oh and read about his golf simulater "Gift". These corrupt fuckers have zero bounds, glad he wasn't nominated.


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First interview where RFK jr. explains the reasons why he chose to take his name off the ballots in 10 states and endorse Trump.


Last thing I'll say is make sure you not only vote this November, but you also encourage everyone around you to vote as well 🇺🇸 🇺🇸.



Edited by IZRL
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7 hours ago, paradime said:

If you knew what the truth was, can you at least give us a link so we can know the truth? Don't get mad at me for saying you discredit anything critical of Trump, because it's a fact you can check without using Google. 

Not mad. Kind of find it funny you refuse to look into it yourself. Making up shit that didn't happen and pointing that out isn't what I consider critical. Can you criticize things that aren't true ? Check you out getting all upset over stuff that never happened. None of what I posted had anything to do with you yet here you are. Use the ignore feature maybe ? LOL.

Edited by john510
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Using the ignore feature???? That's rich!!!! coming from you!


You can't see this post but everyone else can. I call that being willfully blind to anything that opposes what you think is true.

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4 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

Meanwhile in the destruction of Florida that short little cocksucker we have as a governor (DeSantis) thinks its a good idea to develop our state parks with golf courses and hotels. Thankfully the backlash has been severe and i don't think it will happen. Just shows where that little fuckers mindset is. Oh and read about his golf simulater "Gift". These corrupt fuckers have zero bounds, glad he wasn't nominated.



I don't think DeSantis is the mastermind on that, even the article notes it surfaced in 2011, the article also says parks must update their plans every 10 years so those idea's were there and have been replanted its typical of bureaucracy to return to plans not followed through good or bad, its how desk miners maintain jobs.

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19 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Victimless crime? If you're talking about hush money to a whore to keep certain events quiet in order to affect the outcome of the election. The American public was ripped off. If you mean over valuing assets in order to secure a more favorable loan rate then the lender was ripped off. 


Thanks for supporting my point and being typically opinionated and at the same time clueless.  The American public was not "ripped off".  Publicity is one thing, but you have no legitimate way to quantify it's effect.  Regardless, withholding information is not a crime, at least not in this circumstance.  The lender never complained in the second case because there was no fraud and the loans were paid as contracted.  Matt explained that to you many pages back.

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5 hours ago, IZRL said:

First interview where RFK jr. explains the reasons why he chose to take his name off the ballots in 10 states and endorse Trump.


Last thing I'll say is make sure you not only vote this November, but you also encourage everyone around you to vote as well 🇺🇸 🇺🇸.



Yes get out and vote ! And what's even more important is to vote early and vote often. 

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5 hours ago, a.d._510_n_ok said:

......and water is wet......

He claims he's sorry. I don't believe it. I believe he's proud of the fact he used his authority to influence an election. If he's sorry about anything maybe he thinks he'll be in trouble soon and he's doing damage control. 

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4 hours ago, john510 said:

Not mad. Kind of find it funny you refuse to look into it yourself. Making up shit that didn't happen and pointing that out isn't what I consider critical. Can you criticize things that aren't true ? Check you out getting all upset over stuff that never happened. None of what I posted had anything to do with you yet here you are. Use the ignore feature maybe ? LOL.

I have no links of truth Paradime, I was hoping you'd find them for me. Please ignore me though, so I can echo Trumped up shit in peace.


Now it's        jedi-starwars.gif.be4a10adb8688d08a0474c125bfd6416.gif     🤣

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1 hour ago, iceman510 said:


Thanks for supporting my point and being typically opinionated and at the same time clueless.  The American public was not "ripped off".  Publicity is one thing, but you have no legitimate way to quantify it's effect.  Regardless, withholding information is not a crime, at least not in this circumstance.  The lender never complained in the second case because there was no fraud and the loans were paid as contracted.  Matt explained that to you many pages back.


I believe there is a election/campayne law that prohibits covering up details that might negatively affect an election.... but I can't find it. I don't concede it doesn't exist I just can't find it. If I later find it we'll revisit this.



It's immaterial if there was a complaint. Two things are at play here.


ONE Lets say I ask you for a $10 loan. You say I need collateral. I say that my car is worth $20 and you lend me the $10. I default and cannot pay back the loan and you take me to court and you seize my car to make good on the loan. You try to sell it but unknown to you it's always been worth just $5. You are left holding the bag. Now I agree that if it's paid back there is no harm, no foul but scale that up and people stuck as investors in your lending institute could be seriously damaged by this. 


TWO By presenting collateral of twice the amount of the loan you give me the best rate there is for the loaned money. Even if you pay it back you really only had a 25% collateral and the rate of loan interest should have been much much higher to cover the obvious increased risk. Again you or your investors were cheated out of income by a fraudulent claim.


For ONE and TWO this is like driving without insurance. As long as nothing happens no harm no foul but the law doesn't see it that way. Rather than waiting for an actual complaint offenders are prosecuted and fined for this.


The reason Trump borrowed from some German company is because all the local lending companies have already been fucked by him. He defaults (weather he has the money or not) it gets dragged out in court over years and eventually settled for a much lesser undisclosed amount. He has a history of not paying his bills because he has learned that he can drag things out in court and evade paying or pay an even lower amount.

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3 hours ago, Ooph! said:


I don't think DeSantis is the mastermind on that, even the article notes it surfaced in 2011, the article also says parks must update their plans every 10 years so those idea's were there and have been replanted its typical of bureaucracy to return to plans not followed through good or bad, its how desk miners maintain jobs.

This get more entertaining. The nonprofit sounds noble but the name is bazaar. Tuskeegee airman linked to golf courses is nuts. In the airmans day I doubt they were allowed on a golf course unless they were carrying some else's bag as fkd up as that is. Looks like the developer got the message they weren't welcome.  Even Pave Florida Senator and former governor Rick Scott chimed in this was a bad idea.


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4 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


I believe there is a election/campayne law that prohibits covering up details that might negatively affect an election.... but I can't find it. I don't concede it doesn't exist I just can't find it. If I later find it we'll revisit this.



It's immaterial if there was a complaint. Two things are at play here.


ONE Lets say I ask you for a $10 loan. You say I need collateral. I say that my car is worth $20 and you lend me the $10. I default and cannot pay back the loan and you take me to court and you seize my car to make good on the loan. You try to sell it but unknown to you it's always been worth just $5. You are left holding the bag. Now I agree that if it's paid back there is no harm, no foul but scale that up and people stuck as investors in your lending institute could be seriously damaged by this. 


TWO By presenting collateral of twice the amount of the loan you give me the best rate there is for the loaned money. Even if you pay it back you really only had a 25% collateral and the rate of loan interest should have been much much higher to cover the obvious increased risk. Again you or your investors were cheated out of income by a fraudulent claim.


For ONE and TWO this is like driving without insurance. As long as nothing happens no harm no foul but the law doesn't see it that way. Rather than waiting for an actual complaint offenders are prosecuted and fined for this.


The reason Trump borrowed from some German company is because all the local lending companies have already been fucked by him. He defaults (weather he has the money or not) it gets dragged out in court over years and eventually settled for a much lesser undisclosed amount. He has a history of not paying his bills because he has learned that he can drag things out in court and evade paying or pay an even lower amount.

At Trumps level those people fuck each other over all the time. Corporations go bankrupt screw their creditors and vendors then "restructure" and they are back in business. Most people really don't care about that level fuckery because it doesn't involve them. Trump Corp is no different. If you are stupid enough to lose your money at Trump college well it was just blind luck you and your money got together to begin with. You are leaving with an education. Just not the one you expected.

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How in the Wide Wide World of Sports in this eleven dimension string theory universe can Trump's casino go bankrupt???? Basically it a money printing press????? How TF can you fuck that up?

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12 minutes ago, datzenmike said:



How in the Wide Wide World of Sports in this eleven dimension string theory universe can Trump's casino go bankrupt???? Basically it a money printing press????? How TF can you fuck that up?

He was highly leveraged on all of his businesses.  He did exactly what you are saying.  He got his casinos projects assessed at highly inflated values.  Took out massive loans that helped him finish building the casinos and took from those loans for his other projects.  He traded stock in failing businesses to make deals on debt payments.  That stock was worthless of course as he was driving the casios into bankruptcy anyway.  The entire point was to borrow massive amounts of money against a business that was difficult to verify books.  Take out all the money he could from them before they failed.  Or they succeed in spite of his efforts and he wins either way.  So ultimately, he was able to borrow a ton of money and have the banks, investors, and tax payers cover the bill.  Corporations, investors, and banks pay taxes based on profits, so when a massive loss such as this hits the loan originator it results in profit losses that are claimed on tax filings.  Shared burden without shared benefit.  For scale, Trump was leveraged in the Billions of dollars in his Atlantic City business'. 


The part that makes this tragic is that MAGA sees this as Trump winning.  Sometimes because they see this as something they would do if they had the means.  They stand on moral toothpicks raising them without footing. 


One side saying:  "If you cant win honestly, you aren't winning." 

And the other side saying:  "Fuck you bitches, I got mine!"      

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Trump runs his casino into the ground on purpose? The mainstream news said others had the same issue.

Taj Majal was the 5th casino to go under in Atlantic city.

Eventually It became Hardrock and I'd bet a doughnut that the reason that's been so successful is the Indian tribes get a special deal.

I had spent some time there as I was working in Newtown Pa. off and on and witnessed the overall lack of business in the area.

During the day the boardwalk was dead and at night streets were almost empty.

Back in the day I worked for awhile at Green Giant the food processor in Watsonville, Ca. After I left a few years later I watched the union cut its own throat in the same fashion. The business was struggling and needed to cut costs but the union kept to their demands so the Corp. closed that factory moving its operations to the mid west and Mexico, so no more jobs because it sat empty for many years , its a warehouse now. When I worked there in 1975 I was making more than $5.00 an hour when the minimum wage was $1.25 The union screwed them instead of accepting less and working back up from there.


ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. - Donald Trump opened his Trump Taj Mahal casino 26 years ago, calling it “the eighth wonder of the world.”

But his friend and fellow billionaire Carl Icahn closed it Monday morning, making it the fifth casualty of Atlantic City’s casino crisis.

"Carl Icahn closed it Monday morning, making it the fifth casualty of Atlantic City’s casino crisis.





Edited by Ooph!
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2 hours ago, tr8er said:

He was highly leveraged on all of his businesses.  He did exactly what you are saying.  He got his casinos projects assessed at highly inflated values.  Took out massive loans that helped him finish building the casinos and took from those loans for his other projects.  He traded stock in failing businesses to make deals on debt payments.  That stock was worthless of course as he was driving the casios into bankruptcy anyway.  The entire point was to borrow massive amounts of money against a business that was difficult to verify books.  Take out all the money he could from them before they failed.  Or they succeed in spite of his efforts and he wins either way.  So ultimately, he was able to borrow a ton of money and have the banks, investors, and tax payers cover the bill.  Corporations, investors, and banks pay taxes based on profits, so when a massive loss such as this hits the loan originator it results in profit losses that are claimed on tax filings.  Shared burden without shared benefit.  For scale, Trump was leveraged in the Billions of dollars in his Atlantic City business'. 


The part that makes this tragic is that MAGA sees this as Trump winning.  Sometimes because they see this as something they would do if they had the means.  They stand on moral toothpicks raising them without footing. 


One side saying:  "If you cant win honestly, you aren't winning." 

And the other side saying:  "Fuck you bitches, I got mine!"      

You were doing so well and then you made another one of those bad assumptions about what a Trump supporter thinks about it. Why do you keep assuming these things that couldn't be farther from the truth ? You have no idea what you're talking about.

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1 hour ago, Ooph! said:

Trump runs his casino into the ground on purpose? The mainstream news said others had the same issue.

Taj Majal was the 5th casino to go under in Atlantic city.

Eventually It became Hardrock and I'd bet a doughnut that the reason that's been so successful is the Indian tribes get a special deal.

I had spent some time there as I was working in Newtown Pa. off and on and witnessed the overall lack of business in the area.

During the day the boardwalk was dead and at night streets were almost empty.

Back in the day I worked for awhile at Green Giant the food processor in Watsonville, Ca. After I left a few years later I watched the union cut its own throat in the same fashion. The business was struggling and needed to cut costs but the union kept to their demands so the Corp. closed that factory moving its operations to the mid west and Mexico, so no more jobs because it sat empty for many years , its a warehouse now. When I worked there in 1975 I was making more than $5.00 an hour when the minimum wage was $1.25 The union screwed them instead of accepting less and working back up from there.


ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. - Donald Trump opened his Trump Taj Mahal casino 26 years ago, calling it “the eighth wonder of the world.”

But his friend and fellow billionaire Carl Icahn closed it Monday morning, making it the fifth casualty of Atlantic City’s casino crisis.

"Carl Icahn closed it Monday morning, making it the fifth casualty of Atlantic City’s casino crisis.





Oh come on it's only a Trump thing. It only happens to Trump because he did it on purpose. It's one of the reasons he's flat broke today, not a penny to his name. The others that had issues ? Trump's fault I'm sure of it. 

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A quick break from destruction... I just finished bringing another Datsun back to life with multiple electrical issues, bad rings, chipped valves etc. I wanted to give thanks to everyone on this site for the selfless sharing of knowledge and guidance in the past 15 years I have been here. I knew nothing about automotive engineering and now I help more people just as a hobby with their vehicles than I can count and it is all in thanks to everyone here who has joined together in a common cause! I think this is relevant to the destruction thread as there is such a clear divide politically between many of us, but even more that unites us! Now, back to the bickering! 🤣 

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