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24 minutes ago, tr8er said:

I cant refute what you've witnessed.  Nor do I care to.  But that is an application to register.  They are not registered automatically by filling out a form and mailing it.  I could certainly be wrong, but the registration office does go on record stating that the system does not allow anyone without legal status to enter the registration for federal ballots.  


“Undocumented Californians are not eligible to register to vote and [the] DMV has programming measures to prevent that from occurring,” Jessica Gonzalez, the California DMV spokeswoman, told us in an email. “One example is the technician is unable to enter information that would allow the undocumented customer to register. It is automatically greyed out and cannot be bypassed.”


Could they be lying?  certainly.  Maybe they are all part of the cabal that is taking the country over.  


No, you are wrong. It was NOT an application to register. It was an unsolicited ballot. AN ACTUAL BALLOT. 


So they can say whatever the Hell they want about "fixing" it. They are either lying or incompetent. 



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57 minutes ago, tr8er said:

You are running scared from a boogie man that simply isn't there.  What gun legislation has taken an arm and a leg after you've given a finger?  Seriously.  Almost NOTHING has happened in gun regulation in forever.  Bump stocks were made illegal under Trump, and that was later overturned under Biden.  (see how crediting the sitting president isn't always appropriate?)  Assault weapons were banned, but there was now arm and leg to follow it.  In fact it expired largely on its own.  There is almost zero effort, nor traction in the direction you fear.  And it is all fed to you to build fear and influence your vote.  Most democrats I know would never want to lose their guns.  It's not just republicans who like them.    

Them banning "Assault weapons"(they're not Assault weapons) is taking an arm.


I wasn't just talking about gun laws when I said they've taken an arm and a leg. I'm talking about all the rights we've allowed the gov to infringe on.

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1 hour ago, tr8er said:

In non- federal elections, some jurisdictions do allow non citizens to vote.  But not many.  Zero allow non citizens to vote in federal elections.  AKA the presidential election.  Cases exist, but in the audits resulting from Trumps challenges, the numbers are tiny.  Georgia found less than 2000 illegal voter registration applications of non-citizens in the last 25 years.  Zero were awarded registration.  Zero voted as a result.  This won't matter though because it's just a conspiracy when the facts don't match the narrative people are given.  And Trump did a fantastic job of that.  Making his people feel disenfranchised is his greatest ability.  

It has nothing to do with Trump so stop tying everything to him. This was going on before he was even in the picture. How did Georgia find those illegal votes ? They looked ? Something that's typically not done is it ? Don't be so naive. 

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2 hours ago, tr8er said:

You wont gain ground on the gun debate.

Neither will you. I have been fighting those wanting to steal my guns for a very long time.  I limit my news consumption as much as possible and up until the last year or so, thought I could watch some Fox and some mainstream media and guess the truth was somewhere in between. But, as you and other members of Ratsun often prove, we have different interpretations of reality, there is no middle ground. 

Biden granted citizenship to all who crossed the boarder, legally or illegally it didn't matter. Therefore, it is not million(s) of illegal immigrants voting, it is immigrants voting. All that needs to happen is registration and processing, which is and has been happening in mass, right now.

It is strange to me when someone acknowledges or believes in political deception, but only part of the time. 

1 hour ago, tr8er said:

Requiring identification makes a ton of sense logically.  But when you actually look at the numbers, you start to see the real motivation behind it.  The majority of the folks without a drivers license are the democratic voters.  These are often impoverished, homeless, ng elderly, minority, or disabled.  Often not having a mailing address even.

Some gun restrictions make a ton of sense, (most of them are already laws) but when you actually look at the current laws, the real statistics, you see adding to the thousands of gun laws isn't necessary and you start to understand the real motivation behind it. 


The truth is that you don't care about gun rights because you are not worried about an overstepping authority or being attacked and you're lucky, statistics are on your side, you and yours will probably be ok, so you feel confident calling for others to disarm. Like many, you have been lulled asleep.


The truth is that I don't care if folks without identification or a mailing address vote. If the choices you have made leave you homeless, I support programs to help you get back on your feet. If the choices you made leave you homeless, you refuse to apply for identification or take steps to rejoin society, then I am unconcerned if you cannot vote and would rather you didn't.  


The slippery slopes that Democrats are trying to exploit with their constant yak about "common sense" focus on unnecessary, gun laws very similar to what is current. So why the fuss? Because, Democrats are trying to use their new carefully crafted laws to parlay them into retroactive gun registration, gun confiscation and forced gun relinquishment. It has already happened. There are counties in the United States were possession of an AR-15 will land you in jail for a long time and it has been disputed and still stands. An AR-15 is a semi automatic rifle, like millions of semi automatic rifles in America. Those living in that county with registered AR-15's were sent letters asking for proof of sale or proof of relinquishment. After a date specified in the letter, SWAT was sent to search for the weapon, this happened in America. 


An AR-15 is not a machine gun, it is not the gun used by the military, that is an M-16. I do not believe and have  seen no evidence to support that guns are easy to get and I am  certain that machine guns, like an M-16 are not easy to get. The constant rabble about guns of mass destruction etc. etc. is not common sense it is subterfuge. A trained individual with a bolt action is twice as deadly as an untrained with a M-16. If you want to dig in and go historical policy, philosophy, guns legislation past, current, pending, the nature of man, feel free to throw down. 

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On 8/6/2024 at 2:59 PM, Dguy210 said:

hmm... I'm thinking I found one 🤣



Edit: digging further in, maybe not. Looks like this award has been around for a while now. Mike is this yours or did it come stock with the board... and how the Hell does someone even earn this? 😁


Excited Kramer - Reaction GIFs


3 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Page 732 of POST ASS.






They say the Simpsons predict the future??


   The  crazy thing,,,,, i was just about to start  "prepping" for my colonoscopy yesterday when that was posted .  


i am going to win the lottery and hunt down that miserable fuck that invented that jug of liquid,  and trap him in a cave like Tony Stark till he invents something humans can ingest . 





Edited by bananahamuck
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About the gun debate and changing minds on who's right or wrong. I was very anti gun a few years ago. My mindset has been changed because of the Democrats. It wasn't because they want to take guns away. That was only a very small part of it. It was the way they dealt with the rioting and destruction over a dead drug addict passing counterfeit bills. They encouraged lawlessness and stood by and watched while prohibiting law enforcement from stopping it. Well fuck them. If you aren't going to protect the good people in this country than we'll have to protect ourselves. With those guns you aren't going to take away. If they put the same effort into stopping gun related crimes (prosecute and jail criminals) that they put into trying to enact gun laws they might get somewhere.

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1 hour ago, bottomwatcher said:

This isn't making any sense. They beat Trump with a corpse last time. Just need to dig up a slightly fresher one for the win. The rules are out the window so I don't get why they would pic Kamala? Shit Hillary a corpse too but would have a better chance than Kamala. Why give up the presidency by running such a shitty candidate?


Either they are confident they won't lose even with a puppet that follows orders or incompetence, which I don't buy

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1 hour ago, bottomwatcher said:

This isn't making any sense. They beat Trump with a corpse last time. Just need to dig up a slightly fresher one for the win. The rules are out the window so I don't get why they would pic Kamala? Shit Hillary a corpse too but would have a better chance than Kamala. Why give up the presidency by running such a shitty candidate?

Because they already know the outcome ? I don't get it myself. I have zero confidence Trump wins. I'm already used to the idea we're screwed for another four years.

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8 minutes ago, john510 said:

Because they already know the outcome ? I don't get it myself. I have zero confidence Trump wins. I'm already used to the idea we're screwed for another four years.

For all the shit talk, I and everybody else, one  thing cannot be denied, Trump made me care about politics again. I was so sure, and depressed, Hilary was going to win and fuck with gun rights, I didn't even watch the election and went to bed. I woke up, my phone was going crazy, the internet was freaking out. TRUMP WON! I had 2-2 1/2 years of easy sleep. I enjoyed turning on the TV, even mainstream and watching everyone shit themselves. Some of the third and fourth year wasn't as peaceful. I still watched Trump on TV, but sitting on the edge of the  couch talking to it. "Trump, shut-up and let it go, Trump, don't do it, SHUT UP!!!!" But, even that will not erase those first couple happy politic years, they were the best political years of my adult life. SO, my hopes are up, I agree and have been posting like a fiend because I am worried. I don't understand the Kamala. The why she was picked. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. In all seriousness, I can't see her winning any part of the vote, she is a joke, even more than Trump. I guess I proved that I don't know politics with the assumption that Trump lost, so my  thinking he is the winner....don't quote me boy, I ain't said shit.. 

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49 minutes ago, frankendat said:

Neither will you. I have been fighting those wanting to steal my guns for a very long time.  I limit my news consumption as much as possible and up until the last year or so, thought I could watch some Fox and some mainstream media and guess the truth was somewhere in between. But, as you and other members of Ratsun often prove, we have different interpretations of reality, there is no middle ground. 

Biden granted citizenship to all who crossed the boarder, legally or illegally it didn't matter. Therefore, it is not million(s) of illegal immigrants voting, it is immigrants voting. All that needs to happen is registration and processing, which is and has been happening in mass, right now.

It is strange to me when someone acknowledges or believes in political deception, but only part of the time. 

Some gun restrictions make a ton of sense, (most of them are already laws) but when you actually look at the current laws, the real statistics, you see adding to the thousands of gun laws isn't necessary and you start to understand the real motivation behind it. 


The truth is that you don't care about gun rights because you are not worried about an overstepping authority or being attacked and you're lucky, statistics are on your side, you and yours will probably be ok, so you feel confident calling for others to disarm. Like many, you have been lulled asleep.


The truth is that I don't care if folks without identification or a mailing address vote. If the choices you have made leave you homeless, I support programs to help you get back on your feet. If the choices you made leave you homeless, you refuse to apply for identification or take steps to rejoin society, then I am unconcerned if you cannot vote and would rather you didn't.  


The slippery slopes that Democrats are trying to exploit with their constant yak about "common sense" focus on unnecessary, gun laws very similar to what is current. So why the fuss? Because, Democrats are trying to use their new carefully crafted laws to parlay them into retroactive gun registration, gun confiscation and forced gun relinquishment. It has already happened. There are counties in the United States were possession of an AR-15 will land you in jail for a long time and it has been disputed and still stands. An AR-15 is a semi automatic rifle, like millions of semi automatic rifles in America. Those living in that county with registered AR-15's were sent letters asking for proof of sale or proof of relinquishment. After a date specified in the letter, SWAT was sent to search for the weapon, this happened in America. 


An AR-15 is not a machine gun, it is not the gun used by the military, that is an M-16. I do not believe and have  seen no evidence to support that guns are easy to get and I am  certain that machine guns, like an M-16 are not easy to get. The constant rabble about guns of mass destruction etc. etc. is not common sense it is subterfuge. A trained individual with a bolt action is twice as deadly as an untrained with a M-16. If you want to dig in and go historical policy, philosophy, guns legislation past, current, pending, the nature of man, feel free to throw down. 

I like this response.  Solid.  


Also, I don't support legislation against AR's.  I was going to get one a while back but just wasn't impressed at the range overall.  I am glad automatic fire is prohibited though.  I guess that's where I'm at.  No issue with the line that is currently drawn.  I'm not concerned with legality issues.  And if my freedoms are infringed because I am deemed mentally unsound or a felon, I guess that's the sacrifice I'll make to possibly safe lives of innocents.  I am a firm believe in guns don't kill people, people do.  So lets address that.    

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1 hour ago, john510 said:

It has nothing to do with Trump so stop tying everything to him. This was going on before he was even in the picture. How did Georgia find those illegal votes ? They looked ? Something that's typically not done is it ? Don't be so naive. 

And when it is done, on a 25 year sample pool, they find less than .001%.  We should be checking regularly and randomly, but nothing will satisfy those who want there to be corruption.  

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I try to stick to just reading but I have an opinion on this id like to share. its 2024, We are much more technologically advanced than just 10 years let alone 20 years ago. I think voter registration, registration confirmation and voting itself should be done from your computer or phone and it should be done by your ss# and zip code. Very easy to remove dead people and illegals, very easy to stop calling ID racist very easy to self confirm your vote was actually counted, very easy to prevent ballot harvesting because elderly can assign a trusted verifier. As far as gun laws go, that should never be up to a federal body, that should be a county by county basis, voted on locally and enforced by an ELECTED sheriff. If you dont like the rule in your county talk it out with your neighbors. Like most rules and laws a blanket application of doesn't fit everywhere. If you live where there is excellent police coverage and higher crime like a metropolis it makes more sense but if you live an hour from the police station and you have someone on your property threatening your life then what? Just send the coroner? 

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6 minutes ago, jbirds510 said:

I try to stick to just reading but I have an opinion on this id like to share. its 2024, We are much more technologically advanced than just 10 years let alone 20 years ago. I think voter registration, registration confirmation and voting itself should be done from your computer or phone and it should be done by your ss# and zip code. Very easy to remove dead people and illegals, very easy to stop calling ID racist very easy to self confirm your vote was actually counted, very easy to prevent ballot harvesting because elderly can assign a trusted verifier. As far as gun laws go, that should never be up to a federal body, that should be a county by county basis, voted on locally and enforced by an ELECTED sheriff. If you dont like the rule in your county talk it out with your neighbors. Like most rules and laws a blanket application of doesn't fit everywhere. If you live where there is excellent police coverage and higher crime like a metropolis it makes more sense but if you live an hour from the police station and you have someone on your property threatening your life then what? Just send the coroner? 


I'm going to go with an opposite opinion. I think voting should be divorced from technology as much as possible. Making it electronic makes it more susceptible to manipulation.


This is an already solved problem in many parts of the world. Dip a finger in an ink that takes a couple of days to wash off so no double voting and everyone votes the day of in person on paper ballots. A picture ID showing citizenship is required to get a ballot. Make it a holiday if necessary. This method has been used successfully in multiple countries that had shall we say "voting issues" with great success. 

If you are not able to vote in person then you just don't vote. No excuses or "circumstances". You don't go in person, you don't vote. KEEP IT SIMPLE


It is either important enough for you to vote and you make it work or your opinion doesn't count. No ID because you couldn't get one, well then you are too stupid or lazy and your opinion shouldn't count either. Too old to travel in person or too sick, well tough shit you are not involved in the business of the country so you shouldn't have an opinion on it.



You might say "this isn't fair", yeah it isn't fair. It is just though. Life isn't fair.



The more complicated you make it the more easily it is too be fucked with.

Edited by Dguy210
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14 minutes ago, jbirds510 said:

I try to stick to just reading but I have an opinion on this id like to share. its 2024, We are much more technologically advanced than just 10 years let alone 20 years ago. I think voter registration, registration confirmation and voting itself should be done from your computer or phone and it should be done by your ss# and zip code. Very easy to remove dead people and illegals, very easy to stop calling ID racist very easy to self confirm your vote was actually counted, very easy to prevent ballot harvesting because elderly can assign a trusted verifier. As far as gun laws go, that should never be up to a federal body, that should be a county by county basis, voted on locally and enforced by an ELECTED sheriff. If you dont like the rule in your county talk it out with your neighbors. Like most rules and laws a blanket application of doesn't fit everywhere. If you live where there is excellent police coverage and higher crime like a metropolis it makes more sense but if you live an hour from the police station and you have someone on your property threatening your life then what? Just send the coroner? 

Because computers and technology have never been known to get hacked or break at the worst possible time. Look at all the hacking etc. that goes on. No way I'd trust that when somebody in government would be in charge of it. I could see that being more fraudulent than what we have now.

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44 minutes ago, tr8er said:

And when it is done, on a 25 year sample pool, they find less than .001%.  We should be checking regularly and randomly, but nothing will satisfy those who want there to be corruption.  

Who wants there to be corruption ? I certainly don't. You know if you don't look for things you'll never find them ? 

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39 minutes ago, Dguy210 said:


I'm going to go with an opposite opinion. I think voting should be divorced from technology as much as possible. Making it electronic makes it more susceptible to manipulation.


This is an already solved problem in many parts of the world. Dip a finger in an ink that takes a couple of days to wash off so no double voting and everyone votes the day of in person on paper ballots. A picture ID showing citizenship is required to get a ballot. Make it a holiday if necessary. This method has been used successfully in multiple countries that had shall we say "voting issues" with great success. 

If you are not able to vote in person then you just don't vote. No excuses or "circumstances". You don't go in person, you don't vote. KEEP IT SIMPLE


It is either important enough for you to vote and you make it work or your opinion doesn't count. No ID because you couldn't get one, well then you are too stupid or lazy and your opinion shouldn't count either. Too old to travel in person or too sick, well tough shit you are not involved in the business of the country so you shouldn't have an opinion on it.


The more complicated you make it the more easily it is too be fucked with.

We have the ability to provide an absolute secure system. As much goes to NSA we have no excuse not to either. If the system is as foul capable as you suggest I will not be volunteering my Identifier, print or DNA to be stored digitally either. But as a citizen and a war time veteran that would be unacceptable to force me to choose between my rights(Privacy or voting). Same goes for deployed troops. Also who will check 331 million finger prints? right? Id love to be able to open my tablet, log in to the portal based on my zip scroll to my last 4 and see that my vote was counted correctly. thats just my opinion. A recount would be much faster too if needed. easier than firing up boats in Florida and motoring out to recover the missing ones. Yes that happened. Also no weird shit like a leaky toilet in Georgia that stopped the count until the representitives from both sides retired for the evening before counting the Remaining 4 votes for trump and 288000 for biden. just sayin.

Example, your zip has 650 registered voters, 650 voted submitted, each person verifies their vote to be accurate, where is there room for corruptibility? when you can remove your own doubt? You've met me Dguy, in fact I think my lack of understanding of tech was touched on, because we talked about promoting. But It leaves no-one out who shouldn't be and everyone that should. Tech is an undeniable inevitability. My dad was the only person I know who didnt have an email. he left us in 2019. Kids are born into and COULDNT function without it. If it's done correct it's Do able. Also I love the idea of a woman in office, the world may not be ready to consider one, nor a "them/they" an equal in negotiations and that is NEVER a good situation for us to be in. I think Im skipping this cycle because Im neither trump or Harris but will continue as always to participate in state and county.

Edited by jbirds510
added an afterthought. paragraph 2
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1 hour ago, tr8er said:

And when it is done, on a 25 year sample pool, they find less than .001%.  We should be checking regularly and randomly, but nothing will satisfy those who want there to be corruption.  


Yup, tell the lie enough times it's then true. Paper ballots. For only certified shut-ins an advance ballot for voter with a retinal scan, and one on file to confirm. Mail it in. 


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5 hours ago, tr8er said:

There is almost zero effort, nor traction in the direction you fear.  And it is all fed to you to build fear and influence your vote.  Most democrats I know would never want to lose their guns.  It's not just republicans who like them.    

Let's talk about this for a second. You accuse the right on running their compaign on "fear". There's a difference between running on speculative fear tactics vs showing people the other party's (left's) recent track record of them doing everything in their power to destroy this country. 


The only thing the Democrats have left in their arsenal is trying to demonize Trump with every ad saying "Trump is Hitler, he will be the end of democracy". There's nothing Trump did or has done to show that we would be at risk of this happening... <<< Fear mongering based on delusional speculation. 


On the other hand, the left has proven with actions that they are a threat to democracy. The right "reminding" Americans what the left has already done and how much worse it can get if they stay in office. Is a fact that just happens to be terrifying.


I'm not republican by the way, closer to an independent. I vote for who I believe is best for the country. I voted Democrat after how devastating the G.W. Bush administration was for this country(still affecting us 20+ years later) . Now the tables have turned somehow and the left are the blood thirsty psychopath democracy ending party. So even though I'm not 100% with Trump, he's miles less dangerous than the left at this time. 


Edited by IZRL
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8 hours ago, Dguy210 said:


Places with mail-in ballots often send them out ONLY based on the driver license rolls. There is no test involved for citizenship.


I HAVE LITERALLY SEEN THIS WITH MY OWN EYES. My wife before she was naturalized would get a mail-in ballot on a regular basis even when it was reported she was not a citizen. 


My fiance got a summons to jury duty in my town the other day and she's a Colombian here on a student visa.

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  Fat510 has left out the part the Columbian has also "technically"  overstayed her student visa sooo .. 


But since the "let everyone vote regardless of them being able to actually prove who they are",  guy,  probably will let that die and not respond to it.. 


I think we already talked about me getting 2 mail in ballots every election including this last primary because i have never went by my legal first name. We all got a chuckle but it still sketchy as fuck . 


I remember when i used to take my son (FAT510) over to the firehouse to vote in person i remember the old lady that lived 3 houses away would ask for my ID even though she knew us by sight.. 


Last election it took 5 days to count my vote , ever though i deposited it in box less than 8th mile from where they actually count them ,, so there's thaaaat. 



And since we like to copy and paste 

Here's one from Thurston county, Washington web page where FAT510 lives

RCW 2.36.070

Qualification of juror.

A person shall be competent to serve as a juror in the state of Washington unless that person:
(1) Is less than eighteen years of age;
(2) Is not a citizen of the United States;
(3) Is not a resident of the county in which he or she has been summoned to serve;
(4) Is not able to communicate in the English language; or
(5) Has been convicted of a felony and has not had his or her civil rights restored.
Edited by bananahamuck
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18 hours ago, tr8er said:

I like this response.  Solid.  


Also, I don't support legislation against AR's.  I was going to get one a while back but just wasn't impressed at the range overall.  I am glad automatic fire is prohibited though.  I guess that's where I'm at.  No issue with the line that is currently drawn.  I'm not concerned with legality issues.  And if my freedoms are infringed because I am deemed mentally unsound or a felon, I guess that's the sacrifice I'll make to possibly safe lives of innocents.  I am a firm believe in guns don't kill people, people do.  So lets address that.    

There are aspects of current gun legislation that I neither like nor agree, but if you said "Let's lock in the gun laws, today, no new reinterpretations, no new laws, no change in enforcement strategies with the only exception, if a new gun is invented, then a new regulation can be crafted to address the new features, but nothing will apply retroactively..ever." I would like something in there like, any politician who promises this and breaks that promise forfeits all his property, savings, and freedom for life, but I realize that's dreaming. Anyway, I would chill. I can live with where the line is at. I do not agree in application of the "mentally unsound" bit, because it is a subjective standard that has far too much grey area for me to trust my freedom. Who is to say who is unsound? What is the criteria for unsoundness? Sure, extreme examples are easy, but then it will become uncomfortable. Too much power given away to the subjective. Felon no argument, it would be just (in my opinion) to allow some felons the opportunity to earn their rights back, dependent on the felony of course, but I won't die on that hill.

I don't like AR's, not a fan of the M-16 either, for many, many, years both were garbage but Uncle Sam proved, if you throw enough money at it,  then you can make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. Of course, now that there a number of fine AR offerings, the Government is switching gears. Fucking politics. 


BUT and this is why you should join my side, the Democratic Party does not want the line to stay where it's at. The only time a background check isn't done, is when a firearm, purchased before background checks and registration is sold. California already uses this to fuck over defendants. It doesn't make the news because the people getting fucked over are thought to be "criminals" and most likely are, but it always starts with the easy targets, before it gets to you.

It plays out like this...for some reason police search your home, there are many who jump off right here with "if you did'nt do anything wrong or have nothing to hide, it shouldn't matter if the police search your home" If you are dumb enough to believe that in the slightest, then I am embarrassed that I have spent time typing responses, treating you like an adult.

While searching your home, nothing "illegal" was found, or maybe something was, but your firearms were found and confiscated. WAIT, why? what? None of your firearms are illegal, one was given to you by your grandpa, wait. No problem, say the Police, produce the registration documentation proving they are yours and we will not take them. Any firearm that you do not have registration documentation we will need to secure at the station and return once it is determined the firearm has not been used in a crime or stolen. 

That scenario is not fiction, it is not speculation, it has happened to American citizens. It takes a court order to have the firearms destroyed and in the few cases I followed the citizens had their firearms returned, after a court proceeding, which took 1 1/2 to 2 years, thousands spent on lawyers, time in court. I will not go into all the egregious facts regarding these cases, because I can't confirm and thinking about the horror if this happened to you, should be enough.

That scenario is where the line is at in California and it is one of the lines the Democrats want to move for  the nation. One of many, Democrat agendas that keeps me awake and to stop it from happening I will vote a red ticket, even if they all start playing banjos and fucking each other in the ass.

Edited by frankendat
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