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Not sure if they puppet masters want the US destroyed but I know the US military is the weakest and most fragile it's been since the late 1930s. Biden wanted boots on the ground in Palestine and Ukraine but the bodies just aren't there. They woke the military until they broke the military. I'm wondering if Joe got dethroned so that the profiteers can rebuild the US military so they can start WW3. BTW,, if the US military supports Critical Race Theory does that mean command would be more or less likely to put whites in extremely hazardous situations while keeping POC in the rear with the gear? Picture unrelated. GPpxDpAW4AEZrYe.thumb.jpg.d8c80329c27b347f27e1248a63e2ac2f.jpg

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Why does pigmentation have any value here. Im greek, does that make me whiteish or semi black? I see people ate talking about it like it matters. All that should matter is are you qualified? Check or no check, are you capable? Check or no check, do you have a track record of being someone the citizens can count on? Trump has been in the job before albeit under unnecessary stress in my opinion but got the job done and obviously carried a lot of support over so we know he can do it. Do we think the Harris gal can do it better? If yes vote that way, if no then dont. Wheres the problem. Why is this additional nonsense even a thing? Asking for those who care. I ldgaf either way who pilots the sinking ship. The outcome wont vary too much.

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19 hours ago, a.d._510_n_ok said:

 Jimmy Carter was the president of my elementary years. Always believed him to be a nice man. He supported HFH for decades and seemed truly dedicated to helping folks. He was the sweater president with lust in his heart who was attacked by a bunny rabbit but I personally never thought he lost his dignity. Thank you for helping those folks too!


Muh Dad set up the Carter library, in Georgia, while he worked for the Nat'l Archives Presidential Library Division!  Dad always spoke well of Carter.  We did travel there when we were kids, but the only thing I remember, was peanuts & Dad buying me a case of Billy Beer, cuz I collected beer cans!  No, I did NOT drink them...........Mom would drink one beer on Saturday's for lunch!  She even went thru the trouble of punching a hole in the BOTTOM of the can, so I could have them in my collection, with the pull tab intact!  I did keep 2 full 6-packs in my collection, but my older brother stole one 6 pack, years later (my collection was on shelves in the crawl space), had to "filter" the beer thru a sock, to drink it.  Yes, I am SURE he got sick as a dog 🤮...........and he deserved it!! 😡😂 

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3 hours ago, jbirds510 said:

Why does pigmentation have any value here. Im greek, does that make me whiteish or semi black? I see people ate talking about it like it matters. All that should matter is are you qualified? Check or no check, are you capable? Check or no check, do you have a track record of being someone the citizens can count on? Trump has been in the job before albeit under unnecessary stress in my opinion but got the job done and obviously carried a lot of support over so we know he can do it. Do we think the Harris gal can do it better? If yes vote that way, if no then dont. Wheres the problem. Why is this additional nonsense even a thing? Asking for those who care. I ldgaf either way who pilots the sinking ship. The outcome wont vary too much.

The additional nonsense is a thing because it attracts votes. Sad but true. People aren't voting for Trump because he's white (actually he's orange according to many) But people will vote for Harris because she's part Black now and runs around acting all proud of it. Imagine Trump running around playing the race card for whiteness. Harris can't run on her "Indian" thing because not many are interested.

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11 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Well I would agree somewhat but you two are a little too far off the reservation for me. The left does have those elements if you project it too far. You are saying that the left is going to cause a total destruction of America, the America that is a house that they are also in and are setting fire to and will be destroyed along with everyone else. There's no logic in that. Perhaps ask a lefty what they expect for the future with their (misguided) ideas. As for the young you actually have control of their education/beliefs if you don't forfeit that right.

The game is being rigged and played to create an "elitest" eutopia. A world where the elites own all and rule all. This future eutopia is not America, it includes it. It is not crucial to this agenda for the US, or any other country to be at the top. This is why the elites are ok with the US falling apart.


When I say the "left", I'm talking about 3 different groups. The average low level American lefty pawns, the upper level lefty and some righty pawns (politicians on both sides of the isle), and the Elites.


The two lower levels are both working towards building this eutopia for the elites. But they are both getting played IMO. The upper level pawns(politicians) are the dogs under the elitest table fighting to catch the scraps that fall off of it. They know that they're destroying America but are ok with it because they are hoping they will be allowed to keep their place under the table.


The bottom of the barrel average joe lefty Americans are just useful idiot pawns who will get shafted in the end just like the rest of us. It's not that they purposley want to destroy the house they live in. It's that they're so indoctrinated/ programmed by the people at the top. That they have no clue that what they're doing is destroying the country. In fact they're so lost they actually believe they're doing good.


Edited by IZRL
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3 hours ago, jbirds510 said:

Why does pigmentation have any value here.

It shouldn't, that's the point. The left has made this a thing in recent times. Now they're trying to use this new race card to their benefit.

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23 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Jimmy Carter is my favorite president. Unlike all the rest he seemed genuine. At least he strived to do good and the right thing even when circumstances were against him.  

He lacked the spine needed to be President. "Spine" might not be the right word, whatever the correct terminology, to be a leader, it is necessary to be an asshole once in a while. Americans, with our sweet food and air conditioning, often forget that fact and every time we do, American lives are lost. 

I remember the Iran hostage ordeal and the weakness Carter displayed, it haunts the United States to this day, as we keep making the same type of bad choices. 

I put Carter's actions with Iran in the same category of bad moves as Truman firing MacArthur, not the actual firing, MacArthur didn't follow orders, but not following MacArthur's plan was a colossal fuckup. If Carter had acted with balls, the Middle East would be a prosperous Jewish country and resort location.  

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1 hour ago, frankendat said:

He lacked the spine needed to be President. "Spine" might not be the right word, whatever the correct terminology, to be a leader, it is necessary to be an asshole once in a while. Americans, with our sweet food and air conditioning, often forget that fact and every time we do, American lives are lost. 

I remember the Iran hostage ordeal and the weakness Carter displayed, it haunts the United States to this day, as we keep making the same type of bad choices. 

I put Carter's actions with Iran in the same category of bad moves as Truman firing MacArthur, not the actual firing, MacArthur didn't follow orders, but not following MacArthur's plan was a colossal fuckup. If Carter had acted with balls, the Middle East would be a prosperous Jewish country and resort location.  

Carter was way too nice to be the President of this country. A great human being that's for sure. I remember hearing about that hostage crisis everyday on the news even though I wasn't old enough to give a shit. Reagan gets elected and it's over with. Iran knew better than to mess with a stronger leader.

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6 hours ago, jbirds510 said:

Why does pigmentation have any value here. Im greek, does that make me whiteish or semi black? I see people ate talking about it like it matters. All that should matter is are you qualified? Check or no check, are you capable? Check or no check, do you have a track record of being someone the citizens can count on? Trump has been in the job before albeit under unnecessary stress in my opinion but got the job done and obviously carried a lot of support over so we know he can do it. Do we think the Harris gal can do it better? If yes vote that way, if no then dont. Wheres the problem. Why is this additional nonsense even a thing? Asking for those who care. I ldgaf either way who pilots the sinking ship. The outcome wont vary too much.



If white is sunny side up Greek might be over easy? You are right color/race shouldn't matter and appearing to get the job done is key. Appearing? well how can you know in advance what their job performance will be like?  As for discussion of race by politicians, it's to see if someone will fuck up and out themselves as the racist they are. Trump outright hates women. He doesn't hate Christian values but he doesn't give a shit about them... lair, adulterer, racist, rapist, criminal but will sell them bibles to make himself look good. He hates blacks too, they are all sneaker/buying wearing criminals... but he want's their votes so he will say/do anything to get them.


Don't care for Harris but I think she would eat him up in a debate and why he cancelled. It wold only make him look bad.

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10 minutes ago, datzenmike said:



If white is sunny side up Greek might be over easy? You are right color/race shouldn't matter and appearing to get the job done is key. Appearing? well how can you know in advance what their job performance will be like?  As for discussion of race by politicians, it's to see if someone will fuck up and out themselves as the racist they are. Trump outright hates women. He doesn't hate Christian values but he doesn't give a shit about them... lair, adulterer, racist, rapist, criminal but will sell them bibles to make himself look good. He hates blacks too, they are all sneaker/buying wearing criminals... but he want's their votes so he will say/do anything to get them.


Don't care for Harris but I think she would eat him up in a debate and why he cancelled. It wold only make him look bad.


When you say all that negative stuff about Trump do you just make it up?

As far as the debate goes until she is the official nominee why should he? it just elevates her. 

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No, he's a liar, adulterer, racist, rapist, criminal is he not? Didn't make it up, he did that. I'll add misogynist to hates women.


The debate is a long way off. It was already on so cancelling it made him look weak and it elevated her!!!!

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31 minutes ago, Ooph! said:


When you say all that negative stuff about Trump do you just make it up?

As far as the debate goes until she is the official nominee why should he? it just elevates her. 

You must be referring to Mike. For a guy that claims to NOT watch the news or pay attention to politics he sure sounds like he watches way too much news and is paying too much attention to politics in the wrong country. He doesn't make it up, he just repeats what he hears.

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10 minutes ago, datzenmike said:



If white is sunny side up Greek might be over easy? You are right color/race shouldn't matter and appearing to get the job done is key. Appearing? well how can you know in advance what their job performance will be like?  As for discussion of race by politicians, it's to see if someone will fuck up and out themselves as the racist they are. Trump outright hates women. He doesn't hate Christian values but he doesn't give a shit about them... lair, adulterer, racist, rapist, criminal but will sell them bibles to make himself look good. He hates blacks too, they are all sneaker/buying wearing criminals... but he want's their votes so he will say/do anything to get them.


Don't care for Harris but I think she would eat him up in a debate and why he cancelled. It wold only make him look bad.

I realize Trump is bloated ego over substance, but we must give credit where credit is due, compared to Harris, Trump is  velvet tongue Einstein. With Harris the pejoratives are baked in, she really is a DEI hire attempting to take the Presidency based on gender and race, while concurrently crying victimization for classification, by gender and race. In no reality should she have a chance at the highest office in the nation. No reason Trump should debate or even engage Harris, no upside; it would be like fighting an 8th grader, lose and you're a joke, win and you're still a joke. For all the shit I talk about Trump, in all seriousness, Harris is beneath him. As for the rest of the accusations, they are just that accusations, there is more evidence the Clintons had people murdered, then Trump is a rapist. Rapist, Racist, Domestic Violence, these are all murky accusations that are rarely clear and the only thing for certain is you don't want to be accused of any of them. The Russians have a saying about searches for such crimes They look for something never put there - The Gulag Archipelago  

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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:



If white is sunny side up Greek might be over easy? You are right color/race shouldn't matter and appearing to get the job done is key. Appearing? well how can you know in advance what their job performance will be like?  As for discussion of race by politicians, it's to see if someone will fuck up and out themselves as the racist they are. Trump outright hates women. He doesn't hate Christian values but he doesn't give a shit about them... lair, adulterer, racist, rapist, criminal but will sell them bibles to make himself look good. He hates blacks too, they are all sneaker/buying wearing criminals... but he want's their votes so he will say/do anything to get them.


Don't care for Harris but I think she would eat him up in a debate and why he cancelled. It wold only make him look bad.


I'm gonna ask you another tough multiple choice question so that you can dodge it just like other's I've asked.


You're now an American, Trudeau and Trump are the two presidential nominees. Who do you vote for? ("Neither" is not an option).


This ^^^ is the predicament we're currently in. Biden, Harris, Clinton, Obama(the Left) are America's Trudeau presently.


"Trump outright hates women. He doesn't hate Christian values but he doesn't give a shit about them... lair, adulterer, racist, rapist, criminal but will sell them bibles to make himself look good."  <<<< Let's just put aside the fact that this shoe fits pretty much every politician in history. Even if it were true that Trump was all this (which he isn't), he would still be the better choice.


It's very simple. We've seen what a Trump's America looks like and we've now seen what a Biden/Harris America looks like. I believe I'll take my chances with a second Trump term.

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I wouldn't vote for either and neither should you or Harris. How can anyone actually live with themselves unless willfully blind? But you go ahead and WTSHTF later I'll say 'I told you so and YOU voted him in'.  



I said"lair, adulterer, racist, rapist, criminal " so rebut me. Even if true???? Prove this statement wrong. You may think Trump is the greatest thing since sliced bread but he's all that and more. At least admit it.


Wish I knew more about Harris but not much is said about her here other than the usual generalized... crap. Trump is a much larger target. Is she secretly a convicted criminal? Has she been recorded saying 'just grab them by the dick'? Has she fucked a male or female porn star and paid them off, all while being married? Does her moral compass point firmly south? Does she sell ridiculous merch to those in her thrall? While she may tell untruths does she do so with ones so easily fact checked? Has she sexually abused anyone? How many court cases has she lost and how many more are pending? How much money does she owe leaving her vulnerable to being manipulated by others? Has she ever mentioned Hannibal Lecter in her deranged speeches? Does she wander off topic, struggle for the correct word and then slur it? Has she flown on Jeffrey's plane? Other than that silly smile and laugh, is she otherwise more creepy?



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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

Wish I knew more about Harris but not much is said about her here other than the usual generalized... crap. Trump is a much larger target. Is she secretly a convicted criminal? Has she been recorded saying 'just grab them by the dick'? Has she fucked a male or female porn star and paid them off, all while being married? Does her moral compass point firmly south? Does she sell ridiculous merch to those in her thrall? While she may tell untruths does she do so with ones so easily fact checked? Has she sexually abused anyone? How many court cases has she lost and how many more are pending? How much money does she owe leaving her vulnerable to being manipulated by others? Has she ever mentioned Hannibal Lecter in her deranged speeches? Does she wander off topic, struggle for the correct word and then slur it? Has she flown on Jeffrey's plane? Other than that silly smile and laugh, is she otherwise more creepy?



Harris was in California government, What did she do? Start running for Senator, What did she do? Start running for President. What will she do? Dictator? She has done nothing except further her own ambitions. I would never support her for dog catcher, she would abandon the dogs if it suited her ambitions.

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3 hours ago, datzenmike said:



I wouldn't vote for either and neither should you or Harris. How can anyone actually live with themselves unless willfully blind? But you go ahead and WTSHTF later I'll say 'I told you so and YOU voted him in'.  


I said"lair, adulterer, racist, rapist, criminal " so rebut me. Even if true???? Prove this statement wrong. You may think Trump is the greatest thing since sliced bread but he's all that and more. At least admit it.


Wish I knew more about Harris but not much is said about her here other than the usual generalized... crap.

Your opinion isn't fact according to your own words there aren't any facts its all just crap.


Trump is a much larger target. Is she secretly a convicted criminal?

Trumps conviction was a political hit in a deep Democrat area using laws specifically created after the fact to prosecute him, it was meant to prevent him from running for Pres. again

Name the crime he committed.


Has she been recorded saying 'just grab them by the dick'? Has she fucked a male or female porn star and paid them off, all while being married? Does her moral compass point firmly south?

Kamala latched on to Willie Browns dick and sucked his brains out with it. He was married at the time, she was given at least 2 Gov't. positions by him that moved her up the ladder into a position of political power and with his continuing assistance became what we see today. You cannot discount the political power of Willie Brown he was so influential he maintained his role as California speaker when the Republicans held the majority.


Does she sell ridiculous merch to those in her thrall?

There's no market even if she did.


While she may tell untruths does she do so with ones so easily fact checked?



Has she sexually abused anyone? 

Have the Republicans used the court system to attempt to imprison her for politics?


How many court cases has she lost and how many more are pending?

It wasn't her going to jail it was other people, prosecuted and imprisoned 1924 people on Marijuana charges not all for sales but also for possession. that was the law then so good on her for doing so but she said in an interview she had smoked it and of course cackled. But importantly she withheld evidence showing innocence until forced in court to release such data.


How much money does she owe leaving her vulnerable to being manipulated by others?

An obvious puppet she is vulnerable to whomever has the power behind the curtain.


Has she ever mentioned Hannibal Lecter in her deranged speeches? Does she wander off topic, struggle for the correct word and then slur it?

She is known for word salad explanations of simple idea's. Kind of like The wheels on the bus go round and round


Has she flown on Jeffrey's plane? Other than that silly smile and laugh, is she otherwise more creepy?

A vacuous puppet that's now the embodiment of evil attempting to destroy our country by continuing the Obama "change" she reminds me of the clown in the gutter Pennywise or the Joker


The Giggler.jpg

Lets go Brenda.jpg

Edited by Ooph!
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6 hours ago, datzenmike said:

I wouldn't vote for either and neither should you or Harris. How can anyone actually live with themselves unless willfully blind? But you go ahead and WTSHTF later I'll say 'I told you so and YOU voted him in'.  



I said"lair, adulterer, racist, rapist, criminal " so rebut me. Even if true???? Prove this statement wrong. You may think Trump is the greatest thing since sliced bread but he's all that and more. At least admit it.


Wish I knew more about Harris but not much is said about her here other than the usual generalized... crap. Trump is a much larger target. Is she secretly a convicted criminal? Has she been recorded saying 'just grab them by the dick'? Has she fucked a male or female porn star and paid them off, all while being married? Does her moral compass point firmly south? Does she sell ridiculous merch to those in her thrall? While she may tell untruths does she do so with ones so easily fact checked? Has she sexually abused anyone? How many court cases has she lost and how many more are pending? How much money does she owe leaving her vulnerable to being manipulated by others? Has she ever mentioned Hannibal Lecter in her deranged speeches? Does she wander off topic, struggle for the correct word and then slur it? Has she flown on Jeffrey's plane? Other than that silly smile and laugh, is she otherwise more creepy?








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4 hours ago, Ooph! said:


I wouldn't vote for either and neither should you or Harris. How can anyone actually live with themselves unless willfully blind? But you go ahead and WTSHTF later I'll say 'I told you so and YOU voted him in'.  


I said"lair, adulterer, racist, rapist, criminal " so rebut me. Even if true???? Prove this statement wrong. You may think Trump is the greatest thing since sliced bread but he's all that and more. At least admit it.


Wish I knew more about Harris but not much is said about her here other than the usual generalized... crap.

Your opinion isn't fact according to your own words there aren't any facts its all just crap.


So you can't rebut or disprove my statement that Trump is a; liar, adulterer, racist, rapist, criminal??? I'll wait.


As for Harris, little is discussed here about her fuck ups. I'm sure she has some but not much come to mind. Mostly generalized 'crap'. Trump is a much larger target and a far bigger douchebag demanding a lot more attention on Destruction. 


Trump is a much larger target. Is she secretly a convicted criminal?

Trumps conviction was a political hit in a deep Democrat area using laws specifically created after the fact to prosecute him, it was meant to prevent him from running for Pres. again

Name the crime he committed.


A criminal is a criminal. His crime was falsifying business records to hide payments to suppress damning information from the electorate. Do you actually believe he didn't do this???? It's laughable.


Has she been recorded saying 'just grab them by the dick'? Has she fucked a male or female porn star and paid them off, all while being married? Does her moral compass point firmly south?

Kamala latched on to Willie Browns dick and sucked his brains out with it. He was married at the time, she was given at least 2 Gov't. positions by him that moved her up the ladder into a position of political power and with his continuing assistance became what we see today. You cannot discount the political power of Willie Brown he was so influential he maintained his role as California speaker when the Republicans held the majority.


Right, is there a picture or recording of this dick sucking? Until there is it's just a rumor you started.


Does she sell ridiculous merch to those in her thrall?

There's no market even if she did.


Again... no answer.


While she may tell untruths does she do so with ones so easily fact checked?



To the extent Trump lies at every fund raiser or rally???? Actually almost every time he opens his mouth. He bullshits like breathing because his intended audience are morons. But for everyone else they are see through lies but choose not to notice.



Has she sexually abused anyone? 

Have the Republicans used the court system to attempt to imprison her for politics?


Again again, deflecting and not able to answer or refute my claim.


How many court cases has she lost and how many more are pending?

It wasn't her going to jail it was other people, prosecuted and imprisoned 1924 people on Marijuana charges not all for sales but also for possession. that was the law then so good on her for doing so but she said in an interview she had smoked it and of course cackled. But importantly she withheld evidence showing innocence until forced in court to release such data.


I wasn't clear. Court cases brought against her for any crimes. As she is not a convicted criminal and felon I would guess you would have to say none. 


How much money does she owe leaving her vulnerable to being manipulated by others?

An obvious puppet she is vulnerable to whomever has the power behind the curtain.


Again again again, no answer at all.


Has she ever mentioned Hannibal Lecter in her deranged speeches? Does she wander off topic, struggle for the correct word and then slur it?

She is known for word salad explanations of simple idea's. Kind of like The wheels on the bus go round and round


That's no answer to the question.


Has she flown on Jeffrey's plane? Other than that silly smile and laugh, is she otherwise more creepy?

A vacuous puppet that's now the embodiment of evil attempting to destroy our country by continuing the Obama "change" she reminds me of the clown in the gutter Pennywise or the Joker


So no answer and deflection again. She has not been on Jeffrey's plane and all that entails.


The Giggler.jpg

Lets go Brenda.jpg


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26 minutes ago, datzenmike said:



I dunno maybe I'm not being clear again.

You won't acknowledge your own TDS and ignore everything we say.

The image I have of you sitting behind the screen arguing is =-->



dMike II.jpg

Edited by Ooph!
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