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1 hour ago, john510 said:

Exactly. Nobody pays attention to or gives a shit about "none of the above" Didn't the Muslim party choose "none" in the primaries for the Democrats ? How'd that work out ? I did that once (picked third party) and realized later on that it was basically meaningless and a waste of my time and vote. If it ever got to a point where the third party was actually competitive I might reconsider.


Speaking of 3rd party, with the Democrats in a panic to replace Biden why aren't they looking to bring RFK back into the fold?

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Is choosing between two puppets making a difference? Seems about as useful as asking what someone's favorite color is...

Is obtaining making a difference? There is no easy answer, I like many things the conservative party supports, I also enjoy the freedom to kill my unwanted babies that the liberals support 🤣 Is it all just an endless seesaw of spin to keep the common folk distracted? Yes.

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18 minutes ago, Ooph! said:


Speaking of 3rd party, with the Democrats in a panic to replace Biden why aren't they looking to bring RFK back into the fold?

 That's a good question. Even though he's a Democrat he's not "one of them"  They don't like him because he knows what they're up to and talks about it. He doesn't have anything nice to say about the Democrats. With that party you follow along and don't rock the boat or you get nothing from us.

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6 hours ago, john510 said:

So you no longer vote ? 

Rest assured John, if Trump runs for any office, I'll vote against him. Call me crazy, but do you really think you voting for him means something when you live in CA? My disgust is with ignorant media fed sheeple who think their ideological meat puppet actually runs the country. To recap my point, you're being played; While frightened little morons were, and still are, kept busy fighting over R v L BS, our country fell into the hands of corporate plutocracy. Thanks to Greenspan's deregulation of government insured mortgage lending, the 2008 crash consolidated the entire private mortgage an investing banking industry into 3 major players. Bernanke presided over the crash and orchestrated the greatest capital asset harvest in American history. Under his watch, the top 10%'s wealth more than doubled, and as usual, we were left with the bill. While we got fucked and the rich got filthy rich, libs blamed Bush, cons blamed Obama, and instead of being held accountable, banks blamed us for being greedy. Believing Trump will fix this is like putting the fat kid in charge of the cookie jar.

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16 minutes ago, paradime said:

Rest assured John, if Trump runs for any office, I'll vote against him. Call me crazy, but do you really think you voting for him means something when you live in CA? My disgust is with ignorant media fed sheeple who think their ideological meat puppet actually runs the country. To recap my point, you're being played; While frightened little morons were, and still are, kept busy fighting over R v L BS, our country fell into the hands of corporate plutocracy. Thanks to Greenspan's deregulation of government insured mortgage lending, the 2008 crash consolidated the entire private mortgage an investing banking industry into 3 major players. Bernanke presided over the crash and orchestrated the greatest capital asset harvest in American history. Under his watch, the top 10%'s wealth more than doubled, and as usual, we were left with the bill. While we got fucked and the rich got filthy rich, libs blamed Bush, cons blamed Obama, and instead of being held accountable, banks blamed us for being greedy. Believing Trump will fix this is like putting the fat kid in charge of the cookie jar.

I'm well aware my vote in California for President is meaningless because of the electoral college. Which I have no problem with. I'm glad California and New York don't have the power to determine who wins. As they shouldn't considering how they're run. With your thinking we should all just not vote and let corporate interests just do their thing ? I'll pass on that. Voting is just a cover to make us feel good about Democracy ? It's not as simple as that. I see a lot of the "I hate Trump" so I'm going to fuck myself mentality going around. Name something he did policy wise that affected you negatively. I think I've asked before and got no answer. Educate me on that because I've asked it elsewhere and got nothing. Mean Tweets don't count.

Edited by john510
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25 minutes ago, paradime said:

Rest assured John, if Trump runs for any office, I'll vote against him. Call me crazy, but do you really think you voting for him means something when you live in CA? My disgust is with ignorant media fed sheeple who think their ideological meat puppet actually runs the country.


I must be crazy as well because this is what I see when I think of trump in office...


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2 minutes ago, Logical1 said:


I must be crazy as well because this is what I see when I think of trump in office...


I don't know why anybody would think that. We had no war, and now ? He had four years to take over the world, he didn't.

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I am fairly die hard conservative, what bothers me about Trump is his inability to control himself and his unrelenting egocentric attitude. I can absolutely see him pushing the button out of righteous spite. I have thought about if I would ever work under someone like Trump, the short answer is no. I run large crews of people building huge projects and I don't think many people would respond or work well if I started self aggrandizing or was unable to control my decorum to the crew.  

Edited by Logical1
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I see the ego and his inability to bite his tongue. I just don't see him going first with that nuclear button. I think the guy we have now is more likely to get us into big trouble. 

Edited by john510
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Pretty sure he can't go out and push the button otherwise why is there a football with launch codes? Too many safeguards. Others would have to come to him and ask that it be so. A consensus of officials. Checks and balances FFS. 


This time next year things will be about the same with Biden. Otherwise there will be a crowning of a new King Jan 20.


Here, get Trump a dead man switch for launching the nukes. Just hope he doesn't die in office.



See through to the end.  There's nothing new under the sun....


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5 hours ago, john510 said:

Exactly. Nobody pays attention to or gives a shit about "none of the above" Didn't the Muslim party choose "none" in the primaries for the Democrats ? How'd that work out ? I did that once (picked third party) and realized later on that it was basically meaningless and a waste of my time and vote. If it ever got to a point where the third party was actually competitive I might reconsider.


I voted for Johnson in 2016 as I could not see Trump or Clinton as President, after the election was over and Trump won guess what the Democrat whack jobs had to say, if you voted for anyone other than Clinton, you voted for Trump, I felt good the way I voted in that election, but after watching what the Democrat Wack jobs did the next 4 years I voted for Trump in 2020, since then I learned how the Democrats cheated to win 2020, Wikipedia describes it dishonest and I undemocratic


Anyone that thinks voting for the third party was a vote for Trump does not deserve to be on the ticket, they are scum, if you want scum running this country into the ground/extinction vote Democrat.


By the way, after Trump won I did not hear weak minds say much about Trump until the whack job democrats got control of the airwaves(TV/Radio), some are National Enquirer readers the moment they enter the grocery checkout line(alphabet networks), also if anyone has noticed this thread was started in June of 2020, this is when the Democrat PBS(propaganda broadcasting service) was in full swing by then, Gene nailed this one.

Edited by wayno
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12 hours ago, datzenmike said:


The third choice is none of the above. You can write in your choice on the ballot. If 5% or 10% of voters choose neither of the only two sides this gets noticed and both parties will adjust to woo these votes back. It doesn't happen overnight but it shows voter discontent in a way even a politician can understand.


10 hours ago, datsuntech said:

I voted "none of the above" for years as did many I knew. It changed nothing. I now consciously vote for the least repulsive so my vote at least counts for something. 

A long time ago, I endorsed a third party candidate with no chance of winning. My thinking was the same as Datzenmike. I forget how many votes went to the third party, but nothing changed. The United States is a binary system. 

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5 hours ago, Logical1 said:

I am fairly die hard conservative, what bothers me about Trump is his inability to control himself and his unrelenting egocentric attitude. I can absolutely see him pushing the button out of righteous spite. I have thought about if I would ever work under someone like Trump, the short answer is no. I run large crews of people building huge projects and I don't think many people would respond or work well if I started self aggrandizing or was unable to control my decorum to the crew.  

I don't think he would push the button but the number of people that simply won't vote for him probably makes him unwinnable against anyone except the two vegetables in the Pres and VP position at the moment. Trump supporters better hope Biden doesn't drop out or if a candidate with a pulse and can complete a sentence takes Bidens place Trump will be in trouble. My money is on Newsome trying to slither into position.

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19 minutes ago, frankendat said:


A long time ago, I endorsed a third party candidate with no chance of winning. My thinking was the same as Datzenmike. I forget how many votes went to the third party, but nothing changed. The United States is a binary system. 

Maybe it should be non binary. No political parties, just run on policies alone. I imagine it would fix a lot of things.

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4 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Pretty sure he can't go out and push the button otherwise why is there a football with launch codes? Too many safeguards. Others would have to come to him and ask that it be so. A consensus of officials. Checks and balances FFS. 


This time next year things will be about the same with Biden. Otherwise there will be a crowning of a new King Jan 20.


Here, get Trump a dead man switch for launching the nukes. Just hope he doesn't die in office.



See through to the end.  There's nothing new under the sun....


I realize hyperbole is the name of the game in Destruction, but in things government and things legal, there is talking a big game, there is going on TV and declaring bullshit, there is what is proposed as law and there is what becomes law after both sides have a chance to hammer on it, try and veto it, attach special interests to it, etc. 

Abortion made it through the labyrinth and it surprised many, including me. Removing the hyperbole, abortion is not 100% illegal it is State determined, depending on where you live the rulings against abortion might have changed nothing. But, States are allowed to ban it, which is a big deal. 

I pound the 2nd Amend. drum because the Democrats want to run the same gambit with it. However, it will be worse because States like NY and Cali, already severely restrict firearm owners. The next step is confiscation forced (relinquishment) rewarding citizens for turning on citizens. Wait, I said this wasn't going to be full of hyperbole, here is just one of the 17000 new or pending regulations that return with a search for "gun". GoSafe Act https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/3369/text I can post more.


NO Hyperbole- Democrats want to disarm the American people. This is bad for citizens under Democratic leaders, because they will be free to reallocate resources (the governments and yours, oh yea, the Democrats believe those are one and the same) This is bad for citizens under Republican leaders, as they will not be quick to return weapons to citizens, but the Republicans will want to deal with the increased crime after mass disarmament and employ more police, even secret police, just to keep everybody safe. Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats should be trusted  BUT the Democrats want to disarm the American people while allowing criminals to walk across our borders in mass. THERE ARE NO OTHER ISSUES. TRUMP STOPS OR SLOW THE AFOREMENTIONED---AMERICANS WIN. No debate, no yea but, those are two very real unexaggerated crisis staring the United States in the face, until rectified everything else is secondary.  

Biden and the Democrats don't think those are problems and they have the gall to question the intelligence of Trump supporters


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24 minutes ago, bottomwatcher said:

I don't think he would push the button but the number of people that simply won't vote for him probably makes him unwinnable against anyone except the two vegetables in the Pres and VP position at the moment. Trump supporters better hope Biden doesn't drop out or if a candidate with a pulse and can complete a sentence takes Bidens place Trump will be in trouble. My money is on Newsome trying to slither into position.

I have a liberal neighbor who was agonizing over voting for Biden, because while my neighbor is a Democrat, he believes Biden is mentally compromised. I told him supporting a mentally compromised candidate is easier, after the first time. We agreed that if the Democrats threw in ANYBODY with some recognition, then it would be a landslide Democrat win. Michelle Obama, John Stewart, Mathew McConaughey and I could keep a musket and bury any weapons I wanted to save from the crusher somewhere in the desert. 

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1 hour ago, bottomwatcher said:

I don't think he would push the button but the number of people that simply won't vote for him probably makes him unwinnable against anyone except the two vegetables in the Pres and VP position at the moment. Trump supporters better hope Biden doesn't drop out or if a candidate with a pulse and can complete a sentence takes Bidens place Trump will be in trouble. My money is on Newsome trying to slither into position.

Yea Newsom's a snake that's for sure. I believe most of the country sees through his bullshit and is familiar with what goes in California. 

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24 minutes ago, john510 said:

Yea Newsom's a snake that's for sure. I believe most of the country sees through his bullshit and is familiar with what goes in California. 



MF is strait up Harvey Dent.. The gov of CA is literal batman villain.  



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15 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Bitching about current choices does not automatically require that it come with an alternative. If death by electrocution or death by firing squad you don't have to go quietly. For those that have chosen a side you don't have to sit and sneer at those who have concerns. In fact not complaining is troublesome, you can't possibly think it's the perfect choice so why be silent about it? No change comes about by silently agreeing.


Alright...put yourself in our shoes. Who do you vote for? 

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10 hours ago, Ooph! said:


Speaking of 3rd party, with the Democrats in a panic to replace Biden why aren't they looking to bring RFK back into the fold?


I would vote for RFK if he had any chance at all of winning. But the dems are avoiding him like the plague because he doesn't worship at the radical leftist looney bin. And I'm sure some on the right are on board with RFK over Trump but don't want to gamble with their vote and risk another Biden win. 

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6 hours ago, john510 said:

I'm well aware my vote in California for President is meaningless because of the electoral college. Which I have no problem with. I'm glad California and New York don't have the power to determine who wins. As they shouldn't considering how they're run. With your thinking we should all just not vote and let corporate interests just do their thing ? I'll pass on that. Voting is just a cover to make us feel good about Democracy ? It's not as simple as that. I see a lot of the "I hate Trump" so I'm going to fuck myself mentality going around. Name something he did policy wise that affected you negatively. I think I've asked before and got no answer. Educate me on that because I've asked it elsewhere and got nothing. Mean Tweets don't count.

My distaste for Trump stretches back 40+ yrs, you know, when he was a whiny ass rich democrat. I had hope when he came out against Citizens United, but came back to my senses as soon as he flip flopped on it. As for his admin's F'n batshit crazy chaos, Trump's dysfunctional leadership policies started by appointing a bunch of inexperienced friends and family to cabinet positions and used them like toilet paper. On the world stage, his adversarial foreign relations with our allies made me sick, but sucking Putin and Kim's dick sure kept them satisfied. He gave tax cuts to wealthy folk and corporations for the worst "greatest economy ever" and defunded the health and human services, education, and the Social Security that I paid for. His ill-informed botched handling of the pandemic gave no advisory or tech support for the overwhelmed healthcare system, or any help dealing with the subsequent economic fallout for hospitals. He definitely pandered to big oil interests though giving them the go-ahead for coastal drilling and frac fucking the environment. He signed laws protecting corporations while gutting workers rights and safety. He showed the same disrespect for US security agencies military leadership and intel services. His flaming rhetoric tore civility apart and put many people in physical danger. Hope my answer satisfies your educational needs.

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9 hours ago, paradime said:

Rest assured John, if Trump runs for any office, I'll vote against him. Call me crazy, but do you really think you voting for him means something when you live in CA? My disgust is with ignorant media fed sheeple who think their ideological meat puppet actually runs the country. To recap my point, you're being played; While frightened little morons were, and still are, kept busy fighting over R v L BS, our country fell into the hands of corporate plutocracy. Thanks to Greenspan's deregulation of government insured mortgage lending, the 2008 crash consolidated the entire private mortgage an investing banking industry into 3 major players. Bernanke presided over the crash and orchestrated the greatest capital asset harvest in American history. Under his watch, the top 10%'s wealth more than doubled, and as usual, we were left with the bill. While we got fucked and the rich got filthy rich, libs blamed Bush, cons blamed Obama, and instead of being held accountable, banks blamed us for being greedy. Believing Trump will fix this is like putting the fat kid in charge of the cookie jar.


I've been saying that the president doesn't run the country for many years now. There are people at the top who are pulling the strings of not only America but most of the world.


But I also believe that some presidents do push back. Even if its just a little bit, all I'm looking for is for someone to slow this craziness down. They clearly can't completely abandon the script or risk taking the room temperature challenge.


Trump & RFK are the only ones who would push back IMO. So I disagree that it makes no difference who you vote for these elections.


Also deciding not to vote because it's you're party's candidate or nothing at all. Is the biggest cop out ever. You guys keep bashing Trump but he is clearly the better candidate of the two (vegetable vs non-vegetable). Throwing your hands up and saying "well if Biden gets re-elected this country is 100% screwed, but I'll leave it up to fate to decide, cause id rather eat shit than vote for Trump", is the most irresponsible thing you could do. 



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10 hours ago, Logical1 said:


I must be crazy as well because this is what I see when I think of trump in office...



This is what mainstream media would like you to believe. I fell for it too the first time around. 


10 hours ago, john510 said:

I see the ego and his inability to bite his tongue. I just don't see him going first with that nuclear button. I think the guy we have now is more likely to get us into big trouble. 


"He's likely to get us in big trouble"? They did get us in big trouble. The country is currently on life support because of them. To think people are still juggling with the decision of voting for the administration who poured gas on the country and tossed a match on it vs the guy who has a bit of an ego and tells some off color jokes but managed not to break anything while in office. Is beyond comprehension.

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5 hours ago, IZRL said:


This is what mainstream media would like you to believe. I fell for it too the first time around. 



"He's likely to get us in big trouble"? They did get us in big trouble. The country is currently on life support because of them. To think people are still juggling with the decision of voting for the administration who poured gas on the country and tossed a match on it vs the guy who has a bit of an ego and tells some off color jokes but managed not to break anything while in office. Is beyond comprehension.

By "big trouble" I meant nuked. Our foes know how weak Biden is. They attack first and Blinkin starts negotiating peace while they destroy us. It's good a President himself can't strike with nukes without help from others. Except for Trump, he's the only President that could make that decision himself. LOL. I never fell for the media's scare tactics.

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