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"The poison killing our country is pervasive untruth. Every institution we have relied on to run the public interest has become a factory churning out lies, evasions, and misdirection "... then goes on to spew his 'truth'. Isn't that what everyone is doing???

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1 hour ago, Ooph! said:


Trump is disliked by the establishment, the Uniparty, the bureaucracy, the Country club Republicans however you wish to describe them some have an R next to their name but are really there for the power and the money.

To me they are worse than the opposition because they hide behind the curtains and the flag and tell us how they are looking out for our interests all the while stabbing us in the back.

 The Koch Brothers included it does not surprise me that the ultra rich and corporations would back Haley hoping to dump Trump. Yes it'd be great to have the money but I'm glad they show their hand now. 


The Republican platform appeals to diverse socioeconomic interests, and you don't win the general election by dividing the party into separate camps. Some folks believe what they're told, and blinded by emotional manipulation. For the most part, when it comes to old school conservatism, it's a matter of earned trust. That simple form of pragmatism cuts through BS propaganda like a hot knife through butter. In 2016, the uniparty, the bureaucracy, and the country club Republicans all backed Trump. Why did they stop trusting him? They were curious enough to look behind the curtain. 

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43 minutes ago, difrangia said:


In a contest of differing ideas, when the opposition is overtly defined as evil, that binary frame appeals to emotional conformation bias. There is no logical credibility to that position, but it feels good and for sheeple, that's all that matters. 



The systematic dissemination of information, esp. in a biased or misleading way, in order to promote a particular cause or point of view, often a political agenda. Also: information disseminated in this way; the means or media by which such ideas are disseminated.  


The illusory truth effect:

The tendency to believe false information to be correct after repeated exposure. It plays a significant role in the fields of advertising, news media, and political propaganda.


Joseph Goebbels “Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth is a law of propaganda".




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3 hours ago, difrangia said:

Read this link two or three times, real damn slow.


We humans are blessed with reason and common sense as opposed to what some of the other animals have naturally. We are also blessed with emotions and sometimes emotions get in the way and the rules of nature are obscured by these emotions. How do your fortunes, economically and socially speaking, compare under the different leaders we've endured over the past 40-50 years, wherever you're located  ?? Do the 'fookin' math, mates. As my little brother once said in the middle of a big Wallapalooza partying binge; 'We all leave a trail'.


Disclaimer: A trace of 'Johnnie Walker Red' and 'Inver House' Scotch and 'Ron Rico' Rum may be detected in this post !! 



Well if that doesn't explain it in simple terms what does ? I wonder if Mike will read that ? He might start and find out it's not what he wants to hear then stop.

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19 minutes ago, john510 said:

Well if that doesn't explain it in simple terms what does ? I wonder if Mike will read that ? He might start and find out it's not what he wants to hear then stop.


Is that a reverse psychology to get me to finish it? I got as far a Trump being right to not rile the Russian bear and cause a nuclear war. What horseshit. Expert diplomacy is to cuddle up to a dictator? Trump, like Tucker is a Russian dupe. We're already balls deep in sanctions so fuck Putin. The same was said about Hitler. All Tyrants need to be stopped hard. Boy... talk about propaganda. Oh what they say is propaganda but what he says is the truth??? perfect example of propaganda.  

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4 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Been meaning to ask... so after a cooling off period, what's the general public opinion on Tucker's interview. Is he a radicalized Putin publicity agent and pawn? Or is he a journalistic god making the scoop of the century telling it like it is for those who want to know???

Tucker is a tabloid quality journalist interviewing a murderous thug spewing out all kinds of propaganda. Really not worth spending much time on because neither party has any credibility in promoting the facts. So really just a dog and pony show.

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12 hours ago, datzenmike said:


Is that a reverse psychology to get me to finish it? I got as far a Trump being right to not rile the Russian bear and cause a nuclear war. What horseshit. Expert diplomacy is to cuddle up to a dictator? Trump, like Tucker is a Russian dupe. We're already balls deep in sanctions so fuck Putin. The same was said about Hitler. All Tyrants need to be stopped hard. Boy... talk about propaganda. Oh what they say is propaganda but what he says is the truth??? perfect example of propaganda.  

No. I knew you wouldn't finish it as soon as it described the behavior of those similar to yours.

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3 hours ago, ratpatrol66 said:




Sure, I'll go along with pushing back against the WOKE culture, gender and pronoun nonsense and more. It just doesn't have to be U-no-who doing it. He doesn't give a shit, like all politicians he's just playing to the gallery and he brings baggage with him.. 

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14 hours ago, datzenmike said:


Is that a reverse psychology to get me to finish it? I got as far a Trump being right to not rile the Russian bear and cause a nuclear war. What horseshit. Expert diplomacy is to cuddle up to a dictator? Trump, like Tucker is a Russian dupe. We're already balls deep in sanctions so fuck Putin. The same was said about Hitler. All Tyrants need to be stopped hard. Boy... talk about propaganda. Oh what they say is propaganda but what he says is the truth??? perfect example of propaganda.  

I'm curious how you think the current diplomacy regarding Putin is working out considering we're now involved in a war against him and we weren't before ? What worked and what didn't ? Fuck Putin I agree but here we are sending billions to a country that to me seems to be taking advantage of us. Zelensky is a beggar and not worth the money. A comedian turned President. What does that remind you of ? 

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19 hours ago, paradime said:


The Republican platform appeals to diverse socioeconomic interests, and you don't win the general election by dividing the party into separate camps. Some folks believe what they're told, and blinded by emotional manipulation. For the most part, when it comes to old school conservatism, it's a matter of earned trust. That simple form of pragmatism cuts through BS propaganda like a hot knife through butter. In 2016, the uniparty, the bureaucracy, and the country club Republicans all backed Trump. Why did they stop trusting him? They were curious enough to look behind the curtain. 


I don't think earned trust has much of anything to do with presidential candidates, aside from the hope that the candidate will act on certain issues the way you would like.  I would rather have Trump than the other available options at the moment, but that doesn't mean I trust him to be a righteous or non-corrupt individual.  He's still a blowhard who should stfu half the time, and that hasn't helped garnish support from his adversaries.  

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2 hours ago, john510 said:

I'm curious how you think the current diplomacy regarding Putin is working out considering we're now involved in a war against him and we weren't before ? What worked and what didn't ? Fuck Putin I agree but here we are sending billions to a country that to me seems to be taking advantage of us. Zelensky is a beggar and not worth the money. A comedian turned President. What does that remind you of ? 


WTF has happened to the America I grew up with??? Viet Nam and Korean war, supporting rebels in Afghanistan, NATO, SEATO, monetary support to democratic nations and more, were all about stopping the spread of world communism and the defense of democracy. Now you think you should all forget about this and move back to quiet retirement in the Americas!!!!! All for a mere $billions of dollars??? Hell why let someone fight for you when you can sit back till the fighting comes to your shores. Wow the rot has penetrated way deeper into American resolve than I thought and why I detest those termites Trump and Tucker. 

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9 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


WTF has happened to the America I grew up with??? Viet Nam and Korean war, supporting rebels in Afghanistan, NATO, SEATO, monetary support to democratic nations and more, were all about stopping the spread of world communism and the defense of democracy. Now you think you should all forget about this and move back to quiet retirement in the Americas!!!!! All for a mere $billions of dollars??? Hell why let someone fight for you when you can sit back till the fighting comes to your shores. Wow the rot has penetrated way deeper into American resolve than I thought and why I detest those termites Trump and Tucker. 

I asked a simple question and this is what you come up with ? Back to the TDS for an answer ? My country has serious debt issues. We spend what we don't have in another country instead of our own. We have issues here that need to be addressed and could be dealt with using OUR money here. 

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Christ, it's only money. Can you really put a price on what you have now because Putin will fuck that up even worse. If Ukraine falls all the investment so far is gone, and eastern Europe is in danger of Putin's expansion domino effect. Just walk away like you did in Afghanistan? abandoning the Kurds in northern Iraq? Where are the Curtis LeMays when you need them?

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Well Mike, you could always run for PM and launder your entire GDP through the Ukraine scam, and have your countrymen choose between food and fuel, and have to open their utility bills while seated on the toilet to avoid unpleasant accidents.  We won't put up a fight, after all, it's only money, innit?

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4 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Christ, it's only money. Can you really put a price on what you have now because Putin will fuck that up even worse. If Ukraine falls all the investment so far is gone, and eastern Europe is in danger of Putin's expansion domino effect. Just walk away like you did in Afghanistan? abandoning the Kurds in northern Iraq? Where are the Curtis LeMays when you need them?


Investment, 🤣 we don't have money to invest.? America is so far under water we don't currently have the technology to get a human down that deep. If America was a man he'd be the guy putting the entirety of their kids education fund on red at the casino. While at the same time using credit cards to pay off credit cards to pay the bills. And is currently at a drug rehab to try and kick his heroine addiction. You all are under the illusion that America is still on top. We are literally using China's money to fight China/Russia. 


Like flyerdan just stated. Who gives a fuck about funding wars that only benefit the agenda of the elite. Fuck Ukraine and the rest of Europe. Our house (America) is such a steaming pile of shit now. It has been condemned by the city cause its been determined to be too hazardous and unsafe to live in. 

Edited by IZRL
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2 hours ago, thisismatt said:


I don't think earned trust has much of anything to do with presidential candidates, aside from the hope that the candidate will act on certain issues the way you would like.  I would rather have Trump than the other available options at the moment, but that doesn't mean I trust him to be a righteous or non-corrupt individual.  He's still a blowhard who should stfu half the time, and that hasn't helped garnish support from his adversaries.  

I respect that. Trump's persona, ethos, and MO have nothing to do with old school conservatism. Trump's political power is derived from arrogance and public insults to undercut the competence of his opponents. The rapid turnover in his cabinet appointments were marked by glowing praise, followed by merciless attacks if they disagreed with him. 92% of them did. As I see it, that weakened our country's image of strength and stability. Forced obedience through abuse of power is not how a leader earns my trust or respect.

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2 hours ago, flyerdan said:

Well Mike, you could always run for PM and launder your entire GDP through the Ukraine scam, and have your countrymen choose between food and fuel, and have to open their utility bills while seated on the toilet to avoid unpleasant accidents.  We won't put up a fight, after all, it's only money, innit?


1 hour ago, IZRL said:


Investment, 🤣 we don't have money to invest.? America is so far under water we don't currently have the technology to get a human down that deep. If America was a man he'd be the guy putting the entirety of their kids education fund on red at the casino. While at the same time using credit cards to pay off credit cards to pay the bills. And is currently at a drug rehab to try and kick his heroine addiction. You all are under the illusion that America is still on top. We are literally using China's money to fight China/Russia. 


Like flyerdan just stated. Who gives a fuck about funding wars that only benefit the agenda of the elite. Fuck Ukraine and the rest of Europe. Our house (America) is such a steaming pile of shit now. It has been condemned by the city cause its been determined to be too hazardous and unsafe to live in. 


So far about $45 million to be sent to Ukraine. Defense spending is $1,500 million for '22. One F22 is about $350 million or 7 X what's been spent in Ukraine. Sell an F22, you can afford it.


You don't see the advantage of fighting a fire in your neighbor's yard before it gets to your yard????

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13 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


You don't see the advantage of fighting a fire in your neighbor's yard before it gets to your yard????

If the US would've kept their noses out of Ukraine. There wouldn't have been a fire to put out. The US instigated Russia by asking Ukraine to join NATO. This has nothing to do with helping Ukraine. It's got everything to do with the US using Ukraine to do their dirty bidding in trying to weaken Russia. Imagine what would happen if the US attacked Russia directly. It be WWIII. If you're trying to find where the US's ultimate agenda is going. Follow the long trail of blood they have left behind.

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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:



So far about $45 million to be sent to Ukraine. Defense spending is $1,500 million for '22. One F22 is about $350 million or 7 X what's been spent in Ukraine. Sell an F22, you can afford it.


You don't see the advantage of fighting a fire in your neighbor's yard before it gets to your yard????

Umm Mike, It's billions NOT millions. About 75 billion and counting. A billion is a thousand million so selling an F22 won't help much. 

Edited by john510
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2 hours ago, IZRL said:

If the US would've kept their noses out of Ukraine. There wouldn't have been a fire to put out. The US instigated Russia by asking Ukraine to join NATO. This has nothing to do with helping Ukraine. It's got everything to do with the US using Ukraine to do their dirty bidding in trying to weaken Russia. Imagine what would happen if the US attacked Russia directly. It be WWIII. If you're trying to find where the US's ultimate agenda is going. Follow the long trail of blood they have left behind.


Ask any Ukrainian if they liked being under Russian rule 30 years ago. Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovenia and Slovakia, Croatia and Albania all former Warsaw Pact nations joined NATO so Ukraine isn't alone in wanting to be shed of Russian influence. These are all former nations trampled by Russia.

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On 2/20/2024 at 3:05 PM, yenpit said:


I agree.  And if the left win based on illegal voters, there is going to be anarchy here in the States.  THAT will be very messy.  If the GOP wins, I have a very bad sinking feeling, that the left will have something evil up their sleeve & start ANOTHER insurrection......................that's right Mike & all other liberals or TDS suffering people (I'm trying not to call names), THE LEFT will once again, start an insurrection.  Unless the left is STOPPED before or immediately after the election, no matter the outcome, I think we are in for a very rough ride in 2025....................🙄😵😕

The problem I have (well, one of many) Americans (and I am not the exception to the rule) have become "half-assed". The left will win based on newly minted voters and Trump. Like I have said, I will vote for him, but I am not blind to his overwhelming short comings and if he wasn't such an ass, he would be so much easier to defend. But, returning to  half- assed, so after the left wins there will be a bunch of talk. Think of all the posturing after 911. I knew America didn't have the guts to wipe out some country for attacking us, even when we thought we knew who it was. A bunch of tough talk and maybe one  or two, I'll be impressed if there is a half dozen "uprisings"/ protests. Think the joke that was Jan 6th even more media magnified by both sides: one side attempting to show a revolution of "the people" against a corrupt government, one attempting to show a violent insurrection by extremists, which must be quelled to save the Union. Both benefiting from hyperbole and fanning the flames, neither benefit from debate and compromise. Resolve is absent in many of my peers and in a majority of all younger generations. The fighting will die down, sooner rather than later and become propaganda propelling the United States of America into Communism. Citing "civilian", "innocent" death and destruction, it will be full steam ahead disarming citizens and national surveillance (the groundwork has been and is being built for this eventuality and curiously it has been fully funded by both Red and Blue administrations), which may have been the plan all along.     

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6 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Ask any Ukrainian if they liked being under Russian rule 30 years ago. Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovenia and Slovakia, Croatia and Albania all former Warsaw Pact nations joined NATO so Ukraine isn't alone in wanting to be shed of Russian influence. These are all former nations trampled by Russia.


Who gives a damn about everyone else when you're own house is falling apart. 

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