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The sewer that has been American politics for the last decade (it has been a sewer much longer and I have been aware it has been a sewer much longer, but re-litigating even the last decade runs the risk of my eyes glossing over and me no longer giving a shit). 


A benefit of the sewer and the vast amount of concessions necessary to move forward in this abyss of hypocrisy, it requires continual re-evaluation of ideals, principles, morals and development of a rational rule based hierarchy. The critical thinking and effort necessary to complete or attempt this exercise is absent the majority. Many with the prerequisite skills for the task do not undertake, citing futility, completing priorities, or any of the myriad of arguments against wasting time. 


I have taken the time and introspection to examine my priorities and the security and protection of my family is paramount. It is my responsibility and neither able to be abdicated nor denied. 


As of the date of this post, a search of pending Congressional and Federal laws and regulations for keyword "gun" returns over 14,000 results. Currently, there are bills before the House and Senate that if passed as drafted will result in retroactive mandatory firearm registration, failure to comply grounds for home invasion, confiscation, relinquishment, and/or prison. 


I am old to go rough and tumble in the street and would only engage if circumstances forced; if circumstances forced, then I cannot lose. Therefore, I will proudly vote for the leader or representative who supports my ability to fulfill my paramount responsibility.


To hell with anyone or anything else. 



Edited by frankendat
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8 hours ago, frankendat said:

To hell with anyone or anything else. 




Get one illegally, (that seems easier than legally anyway) and hide it away. They can't take what they don't know about. There must be countless ways to be armed and no-one's the wiser. Seems counter to your aim to legally own something they can take away.

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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:



Get one illegally, (that seems easier than legally anyway) and hide it away. They can't take what they don't know about. There must be countless ways to be armed and no-one's the wiser. Seems counter to your aim to legally own something they can take away.


Never make the mistake of first registering your firearms! "They" can't seize what they don't know exists

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I thought you said the Democrats control the justice department? Just how is this possible that a president's son is not above the law?????

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I'm actually kinda surprised.  Considering Trump was convicted of clerical errors, and Biden on a federal gun charge, let's see and compare sentences when they are doled out.  I don't care too much for either of them, but I'm very skeptical of the Government when dealing with high profile or the very rich. 

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Sacrificial Lamb

Depending on how sentencing goes light punishment no worries but if severe he'll be pardoned

Biden wins - pardon after inauguration.

Biden loses - pardon before inauguration.

Now that the laptop has been accepted as real look for what's being ignored

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Election interference? Here's one I hadn't heard about. Federal agencies registering voters in only blue states where they are trailing.  My taxes are paying for this, and WTF?



Edited by Duncan
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On 6/10/2024 at 6:33 PM, Ooph! said:


Let's take for granted both sides (and others) employ people to come up with this, if so the Republicans should fire every MF on the team no if's and's or butts about it they've failed for decades if not longer. I remember when Reagan won it was similar to the current situation in that the other side was so bad that enough of the silent majority said fuck this I'm voting for that other guy because fuck you I'm done. Not because the R team had some great argument because the R's opposed Reagan just like the R's opposed Trump he wasn't part of the team.

Maybe it'll change somewhat now I sure hope so.

Paul Manafort, Steve Bannon, and Kellyanne Conway did an amazing job of using psychological campaign messaging that was very persuasive and affective. Did you notice in Trump's speeches that he was repeating his strong points 3X? This verbal repetition is known in psych parlance as cognitive conditioning. Just one of many techniques they used to craft a teflon narrative that tapped into the fuck you I'm done with Washington sentiment in 2016. 

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2 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Where was that? Australia? NZ? Biden caused global inflation????

That's a London working class Cockney accent, a la Oliver Twist. 

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On 6/11/2024 at 8:02 AM, datzenmike said:



Get one illegally, (that seems easier than legally anyway) and hide it away. They can't take what they don't know about. There must be countless ways to be armed and no-one's the wiser. Seems counter to your aim to legally own something they can take away.

Being a felon at large would stress me out, which is why I am passionate about this fight. Right now, retroactive registration, while a Democrat goal, is not the law. 

Firearms in the United States have been serialized and information recorded as to who purchased since 1968, background checks required for purchase from a licensed dealer since 1993. The gun control asshats are focused on guns purchased before 1968 (It didn't really become common practice until the early 70's) The law passed in 1968, banned importing guns that have “no sporting purpose,” imposed age restrictions for the purchase of handguns (gun owners had to be 21), prohibited felons, the mentally ill, and others from purchasing guns, required that all manufactured or imported guns have a serial number  Guns purchased before 1968 and then sold, at gun shows, or through classified ads (Firearms were available mail order--any firearm to anyone) Unless these old firearms were purchased and sold by a firearms dealer in the last 50 or so years there is no owner history. 


As for obtaining a firearm illegally, you get a pass because all you know is what the media tells you, but it is not easy. The only method I can figure, is to associate with junkies and then get one of them to steal one, from their parents, and sell it to you. The risks of that proposition are great. 


I want to remain a predominately law abiding citizen and it infuriates that my country would force me to be otherwise. There are new guns that are neat, in fact I just bought one, it is registered and if things go wrong I will give it up. I could go the rest of my life without purchasing another gun and be fine. But searching through my house seeking firearms and claiming any unregistered firearm is stolen and confiscating it, (common practice in California) is unacceptable in the extreme. 


Some jerkoffs interject, "Don't give the police reason to search your house and all will be fine." UNTIL you realize that with a MISDEMEANOR domestic violence ALLEGATION your home can be searched for firearms. Allegation is not conviction, it is not based on "reasonable cause" or reasonable anything. It can be complete and total bullshit. I am not a wife beater sympathizer, I am saying this is bad precedent.  Misdemeanor domestic violence does not require physical contact to be found guilty. A very low bar for search and seizure. All guns are "held" by police until the domestic violence allegation is adjudicated. If guilty, then guns are confiscated and destroyed. If innocent guns are returned. In California, guns are returned when it is proven that they are not stolen. If the firearms are not registered, then this is a long, expensive and sometimes impossible process. In all States, firearms are registered before returned. 


Democrats have attempted under Biden, so far unsuccessfully, but it is indication of their intent, to expand the misdemeanor domestic violence firearm confiscation to any misdemeanor violent crime. (Remember, some "violent" crimes do not require physical contact to be found guilty)


If Satan is the GOP Presidential Nominee, then I am going to hell.



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On 6/11/2024 at 11:14 AM, datzenmike said:

I thought you said the Democrats control the justice department? Just how is this possible that a president's son is not above the law?????


The fact that the FBI is hiding the evidence against the Bidens. Should answer your question. They had to squeeze the hell out of the FBI for them to finally give something up. They're still withholding shit so does it even count?


5 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Those ads were kind of queer. Is it ok to use that word if used correctly?

I don't care, i grew up saying things like "that's gay" or "don't be a queer/sissy". I say what I say and if someone gets insulted that's their problem. I'm not gonna walk on egg shells for anyone. Fuckem'.

Edited by IZRL
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On 6/9/2024 at 7:43 AM, edekalil said:

I just put new struts on the rear and front of my Camry, got several other things to change as well. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Gotta keep it going for now that I'm retired.


About to do front brakes & both front axles on my 2009 Matrix............can't afford another car, so keep fixing this thing!!  Sad part is, that both axles have only 60k on them, as I did them 4 years ago.............Duralast Chinese JUNK!!!!!!!!!! 😡😤

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On 6/9/2024 at 3:12 PM, IZRL said:


Carolla was on the show Loveline with Dr. Drew from 1995-2005. Man!! It's the most entertaining, funniest radio show I've ever listened to. I worked graveyard shift in a booth at the exit gate of a rental car agency at the Denver Airport for a few months back in those days. This show is what kept me going. 


.............hey, NOW I remember you at DIA!!!!!!!!!!! 😆🤣

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7 hours ago, frankendat said:

Being a felon at large would stress me out, which is why I am passionate about this fight. Right now, retroactive registration, while a Democrat goal, is not the law. 

Firearms in the United States have been serialized and information recorded as to who purchased since 1968, background checks required for purchase from a licensed dealer since 1993. The gun control asshats are focused on guns purchased before 1968 (It didn't really become common practice until the early 70's) The law passed in 1968, banned importing guns that have “no sporting purpose,” imposed age restrictions for the purchase of handguns (gun owners had to be 21), prohibited felons, the mentally ill, and others from purchasing guns, required that all manufactured or imported guns have a serial number  Guns purchased before 1968 and then sold, at gun shows, or through classified ads (Firearms were available mail order--any firearm to anyone) Unless these old firearms were purchased and sold by a firearms dealer in the last 50 or so years there is no owner history. 


As for obtaining a firearm illegally, you get a pass because all you know is what the media tells you, but it is not easy. The only method I can figure, is to associate with junkies and then get one of them to steal one, from their parents, and sell it to you. The risks of that proposition are great. 


I want to remain a predominately law abiding citizen and it infuriates that my country would force me to be otherwise. There are new guns that are neat, in fact I just bought one, it is registered and if things go wrong I will give it up. I could go the rest of my life without purchasing another gun and be fine. But searching through my house seeking firearms and claiming any unregistered firearm is stolen and confiscating it, (common practice in California) is unacceptable in the extreme. 


Some jerkoffs interject, "Don't give the police reason to search your house and all will be fine." UNTIL you realize that with a MISDEMEANOR domestic violence ALLEGATION your home can be searched for firearms. Allegation is not conviction, it is not based on "reasonable cause" or reasonable anything. It can be complete and total bullshit. I am not a wife beater sympathizer, I am saying this is bad precedent.  Misdemeanor domestic violence does not require physical contact to be found guilty. A very low bar for search and seizure. All guns are "held" by police until the domestic violence allegation is adjudicated. If guilty, then guns are confiscated and destroyed. If innocent guns are returned. In California, guns are returned when it is proven that they are not stolen. If the firearms are not registered, then this is a long, expensive and sometimes impossible process. In all States, firearms are registered before returned. 


Democrats have attempted under Biden, so far unsuccessfully, but it is indication of their intent, to expand the misdemeanor domestic violence firearm confiscation to any misdemeanor violent crime. (Remember, some "violent" crimes do not require physical contact to be found guilty)


If Satan is the GOP Presidential Nominee, then I am going to hell.




You're only a felon if you are caught. You want your firearms taken away or not? How seriously do you want them, because once registered it's up in the air. How many armed felons are there out there? I guess they don't give a shit.


I said hide it. If a police search (for any reason) can find it you did a piss poor job of hiding it.


Get a buddy and each buy what ever the other one wants and then each steal it from the other and report it stolen. In for a penny, in for a pound.


Satan is definitely the GOP front runner.




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11 hours ago, frankendat said:


As for obtaining a firearm illegally, you get a pass because all you know is what the media tells you, but it is not easy. The only method I can figure, is to associate with junkies and then get one of them to steal one, from their parents, and sell it to you. The risks of that proposition are great. 


It's easy if associated with young fellow gang members. Consider all the random gang related shootings in say Chicago and the heavy guns regulations there. The State next door is polar opposite and where do you think the guns come from. So my half ass response goes like this. It is much easier for a gang banger no where near old enough to buy a gun to get one than some law abiding citizen. 

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