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8 hours ago, IZRL said:


"Don't, don't don't" 😆 



Second video didn't play up here.


Let me get this right. The Democrats are going toward starting an atomic war. Now what would be the purpose of that? Everything destroyed, including Democrats and the 'industrial war complex'. If lucky we are back to the stone age. How does that make any sense? Remember the nuclear option is only good for a threat, you can't actually use it.






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1 hour ago, bottomwatcher said:

Just curious where you got Trumps wealth figures? Nobody else seems to be able to pin it down and Trumps own claims seem to be all over the place.


We may never know. He will maximize the lie as high as possible. Why is he begging for donations? grifting shoes, steaks, bibles? lol. Why, if so rich, not pay of Carol with his own money, rather than through Cohen? no paper trail. Can't make bond. Truth be told he's probably leveraged to the hilt. Owes more than he worth so obviously you don't want that getting out.

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13 hours ago, IZRL said:


I guarantee that if Trump got elected. He would get blamed for the aftermath of everything this administration started. "See we told you trump would ruin this country". I feel bad for the next 4 administrations. They have to try and salvage a country out of the broken pieces this admin left in their wake. 


Seems the norm these days. It's always the previous administration to blame for present situation. (often true) What ever happened to Truman's sign: The Buck Sops Here?

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On 5/27/2024 at 6:55 AM, datzenmike said:

Well put.


Identifying the problem is the first step to fixing it. A lot of people are in denial... and still they reach for the bottle.

No I'm not................

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22 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Anything and everything to increase his personal wealth subject only to keeping the MAGA morons and the US population quietly ignorant of what he's doing. Basically pissing in their faces and telling them it's raining. Corruption will know no bounds under his protection.


The cognitive split you are experiencing is based on perception vs reality regarding values. Trump increasing his personal wealth, the ignorance of intelligence of others and the level of corruption, in a formerly and currently corrupt system are against theoretical implications to values, but the reality of the negative impact experienced by me and those I know, will be small.

22 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Anything and anyway no matter how embarrassing to feed his monstrous ego. Remember his shame gene is damaged or missing. He will again surround himself with 'yes men' and boot lickers. Such as, but not restricted to, adding an additional room to the WH and calling it the Trump Room. Inserting himself into world situations and domestic policy he knows nothing or cares nothing about to every American's embarrassment and detriment. The Secret Service that usually surrounds and secures the president will probably stay but in a less important role. Trump will appoint a new personal guard with their own uniform, senior to them. 

 If this materialized, then it might give rise to some concern, debatable over coffee or at a tavern, it might even give cause to sign a petition or call a local official, but the reality of the negative impact experienced by me and those I know, will be small.


22 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Anyone and everyone that is critical of, or in opposition of him will feel the full wrath of the justice system. Remember how you all fall back on that "the justice system is Democrat run!"??? you know it's always said when you can't win an argument about Trump's crimes???? well he'll undermine that for his own use. All earlier prosecutors and witness against him will have a really bad year, most specially Michael Cohen. All resources will come to bear on delaying or ending his E Jean Carrol payout most likely pardoning himself and nullifying the verdict. Next he will go after the Bidens. 

 If this materialized, then it would  give rise to some concern, debatable over coffee or at a tavern, I would sign a petition or call a local official. The reality of the negative impact experienced by me and those I know, would be small, but I would be worried about the "spring-back" after Trump.


You are in the best seat in the house for this election and if my prayers are answered and Trump wins, then you will be able to "I told you so," each and every time a shitty thing happens to me, as a result of my government. And I 100% guarantee shitty things are going to happen as a direct result of my government, that impact me personally, without regard to who is the commander and chief. 


But, if Trump wins, I will remain armed and hopefully the hordes of entitled assholes will slow their roll a bit. It causes me great personal discomfort and stress, when those begging to be beaten, remain ambulatory and conscious. If only in furtherance of those two values, I will side with Trump every time.   

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So... it's a shrug, don't care, doesn't impact me, moment. That's OK. Trump will speed up the WTSHTF event. Just before the internet shuts down for good I'll be saying. I told you so!

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4 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

So... it's a shrug, don't care, doesn't impact me, moment. That's OK. Trump will speed up the WTSHTF event. Just before the internet shuts down for good I'll be saying. I told you so!

Yes, it's a shrug, don't care, doesn't impact me moment, but from all evidence Trump will slow down the SHTF event. It is Biden and the Democrats, pushing for civil unrest and conflict to support their installment of communist "lite" which will be followed by Communism, if by that time, America has not fragmented into territories, like Europe or the Middle East.


Trump and the internet if elected: Trump would never shut down the internet. The internet makes money. Shitty things regarding the internet that could happen under Trump: "Tiered internet speed/usage" Rich get more, poor get less or none, middle class is forced to pay more. Big companies make more money collect more data. Trump exploits internet to attack rich and political adversaries.


Biden and the internet if elected (known from current policies and interviews) and more extreme when a lame duck. Shitty  things regarding the internet that could happen under Biden: Tiered internet speed/usage, might have a different moniker, the result: Rich get more, poor get some, middle class is forced to pay more and gets less. Biden exploits the internet to attack "extremists", "hate groups" and remove "harmful content", the definitions of all the aforementioned becoming more and more subjective, the internet becomes less and less free. Biden and the Democrats attack everyday Americans, at first it will be "extremists". 


It might be how far you feel the fire is away from your house. Trump is an asshole and his policies could lead, I would even agree that if unchecked would lead to dictator type system of government, but not anytime soon. Changing the principles of a national government takes time and if history is used as a guide, there will be push back. 


I feel the heat of the fire that is Biden. The policies that Biden promotes do not actively appear to change the national government, they are much more subversive. Biden is attacking everyday Americans using the same tactics, as early KGB. The opinions I express on Ratsun would have me banned from many gatherings of "open minded" and "accepting" groups IRL. There are people I have known for years that stopped talking to me after I said I was voting for Trump the first time. The conservatives with which I disagree on many issues, do not treat me differently based on who is in office. 


Trump is a "potential" threat. Trump could "potentially" harm me and America

Biden is an actual threat. Biden will actually, attempt and likely succeed in harming me and will harm America


For every "MAGA" dumbass you bemoan (and I fully admit they exist) there are two fat SJW's trying to take from me, Biden supports them, Trump upsets them and since there are ramifications for beating them, Trump is the best we can do. 

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8 hours ago, datzenmike said:


We may never know. He will maximize the lie as high as possible. Why is he begging for donations? grifting shoes, steaks, bibles? lol. Why, if so rich, not pay of Carol with his own money, rather than through Cohen? no paper trail. Can't make bond. Truth be told he's probably leveraged to the hilt. Owes more than he worth so obviously you don't want that getting out.

You could know but don't want to. It's called "Google" and the sources there sure don't want to say anything nice about Trump. Just keep assuming the things you do. It's better if you don't know the truth. It might hurt your feelings. You can't possibly believe half the shit you post here. No fucking way.

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9 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Let me get this right. The Democrats are going toward starting an atomic war. Now what would be the purpose of that? Everything destroyed, including Democrats and the 'industrial war complex'. If lucky we are back to the stone age. How does that make any sense? Remember the nuclear option is only good for a threat, you can't actually use it.

I don't think they care one way or the other. I believe they have an agenda and they're going to push recklessly towards it, damn the cost to the rest of us. They're trying to thin out the herd, a nuke would be a happy consequence to their actions. The top government officials and the elites have fallout shelters (more like under ground cities). 


Not sure if you know that Russia changed their nuclear policy recently. In short it went from "we will use nuclear weapons if nuclear weapons are used against us". To now include "in the event of an armed struggle, the usage of nonconventional arms that ensure state survival is warranted." So as I said before, Putin does not plan for Russia to just go quietly into the night. The idiots currently in office know this, and still they insist on escalating this war. They don't care. 

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On 5/24/2024 at 12:21 AM, paradime said:

I don't think anyone here is saying this is genocide, so were is this coming from? Making broad generalizations about Muslims this way sounds like your judgements are passed the point of reason.


I know you want to continue the position that you alone are the rational, logical one here, but I suggest you reconsider.  Stating that their faith does describe their actions for those fundamentalists who undertake terrorism against the infidel is not beyond reason, nor is the fact that the social structure of Islamic cultures adhering strictly to the tenets of Islam does encourage certain types of behaviour.   Have you ever listened to a word Ayaan Hirsi Ali has said? 


By the way, the correct word is "past".  It wasn't a test.

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Yeap, California's EV plans are going smoothly and are right on schedule to be fully implemented in 2035. If you still believe going 100% EV is possible, I don't know what to tell you. 


This also supports my last post that the left can give a shit about what happens to us. I would love to believe that the fact that they're allowing blue states to burn to the ground, is an accident. But no, there's no possible way they're just that stupid. The left is deadset on destroying this country. 



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34 minutes ago, IZRL said:

I don't think they care one way or the other. I believe they have an agenda and they're going to push recklessly towards it, damn the cost to the rest of us. They're trying to thin out the herd, a nuke would be a happy consequence to their actions. The top government officials and the elites have fallout shelters (more like under ground cities). 


Not sure if you know that Russia changed their nuclear policy recently. In short it went from "we will use nuclear weapons if nuclear weapons are used against us". To now include "in the event of an armed struggle, the usage of nonconventional arms that ensure state survival is warranted." So as I said before, Putin does not plan for Russia to just go quietly into the night. The idiots currently in office know this, and still they insist on escalating this war. They don't care. 


WTF???? Now the 'elites' have underground cities? for the nuclear war they are trying to set off? wow, that's.... kind of out there. You realize that in a nuclear war there are no winners, right? in fact, even survival is in doubt, underground cities included. Once again nuclear weapons are only good for threatening with, you can't possibly use them. To do so is the end of everything.


Russia is playing a game with you. First if the 'war' in Ukraine ended up IN Russia then maybe, but first, that can easily be prevented when all stolen land is secured and second Putin would fold if he is still in office.

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17 minutes ago, IZRL said:

Yeap, California's EV plans are going smoothly and are right on schedule to be fully implemented in 2035. If you still believe going 100% EV is possible, I don't know what to tell you. 


This also supports my last post that the left can give a shit about what happens to us. I would love to believe that the fact that they're allowing blue states to burn to the ground, is an accident. But no, there's no possible way they're just that stupid. The left is deadset on destroying this country. 




What does it cost to drive EVs per mile vs. gas? Same, more, less?  Generally it's cheaper so that which is saved goes to a tax based on your cost per mile driven. EVs are more efficient than gas.  25-30% of gas energy is thrown away as waste heat. $0.30 per mile is totally unreasonable. It's $0.60 a gallon tax in California. A gallon might take you 35 miles? so 60 cents per 35 miles or 1.7 cents per mile tax. 


Maybe they read it wrong and it wasn't 30 cents a mile tax but 3 cents a mile.


Please feel free to challenge the math.

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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

WTF???? Now the 'elites' have underground cities? for the nuclear war they are trying to set off? wow, that's.... kind of out there. You realize that in a nuclear war there are no winners, right? in fact, even survival is in doubt, underground cities included. Once again nuclear weapons are only good for threatening with, you can't possibly use them. To do so is the end of everything.

RFK Jr talks about almost having to go to one of these underground bunkers as a kid. From the way the bunker was described to him. They sound more like small underground cities with restaurants than bunkers. Of course we all know noone will survive a nuclear war. But the elites believe they will. As delusional as that may sound. 


Edited by IZRL
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       And California's registration fees are really high.IF they used that money just for

vehicle-related things like road repair,they'd have some of the best roads in the US.

        I've always wondered why they don't REALLY crack down on people who register

their cars out of state? 

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33 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

What does it cost to drive EVs per mile vs. gas? Same, more, less?  Generally it's cheaper so that which is saved goes to a tax based on your cost per mile driven. EVs are more efficient than gas.  25-30% of gas energy is thrown away as waste heat. $0.30 per mile is totally unreasonable. It's $0.60 a gallon tax in California. A gallon might take you 35 miles? so 60 cents per 35 miles or 1.7 cents per mile tax. 


Maybe they read it wrong and it wasn't 30 cents a mile tax but 3 cents a mile.

Honestly wasn't looking to get back into the EV debate. It's just so unrealistic of a plan and which is also clearly not being done for the good of the planet. That there's no point in spending more time than ive already spent on the topic on this thread. Just posted clip to show yet another wrench thrown into this unrealistic EV equation.

Edited by IZRL
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2 hours ago, IZRL said:

Yeap, California's EV plans are going smoothly and are right on schedule to be fully implemented in 2035. If you still believe going 100% EV is possible, I don't know what to tell you. 


This also supports my last post that the left can give a shit about what happens to us. I would love to believe that the fact that they're allowing blue states to burn to the ground, is an accident. But no, there's no possible way they're just that stupid. The left is deadset on destroying this country. 



These Democrats are so out of control. They tell us to go green which is fine and not a bad idea. Until they want us to pay for it with taxation so they can waste money. They pushed solar and we did it. Now they don't get enough revenue from electricity so they want to charge us for being connected to the grid we (solar owners) add electricity to. They force us to save water. They lost out on so much money they raised water rates. Now they're going to fuck those that bought into the electric car BS. At some point one would think it would stop. But it won't. I'll say this, Caltrans or whoever will NEVER put a tracking device on any vehicle I own period. I'd leave this state before I succumb to that crap.

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4 hours ago, iceman510 said:


I know you want to continue the position that you alone are the rational, logical one here, but I suggest you reconsider.  Stating that their faith does describe their actions for those fundamentalists who undertake terrorism against the infidel is not beyond reason, nor is the fact that the social structure of Islamic cultures adhering strictly to the tenets of Islam does encourage certain types of behaviour.  Have you ever listened to a word Ayaan Hirsi Ali has said? 


By the way, the correct word is "past".  It wasn't a test.


I'll continue making an effort to apply logic and reason to what I say here, but I suggest you continue judging it as you like. Catching that misspelling is proof of my intellectual inferiority, so I'll admit that makes me human. It's still a broad generalization to suggest a minority like those fundamentalists who undertake terrorism represent all Muslims and forms of Islam are the same, when clearly they're not. There's Sunnīsm, Shīʿīsm, Ibadism, Quranism, Non-denominational Muslims, Mahdavia, Ahmadiyya, Nation of Islam, Sufism, and none are the same. It's like saying Jehovahs Witnesses represent all of Christianity. 


Damn, I didn't know you were a feminist. Ayaan Hirsi Ali has damn good reason for criticizing Islamic fundamentalism. What's your reason? 50 years ago Ayaan's Dad fought for Democracy in Somalia, and was in-prisoned for speaking out against the autocratic government. Without his protection, Ayaan's genitalia was mutilated by her Muslim fundamentalist grandmother. This was her personal experience, and it informed the logic and reasoning for her work as a liberal writer and activism. 

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40 minutes ago, datsuntech said:

"imprisoned" 🤷🏻‍♂️😛



5 hours ago, paradime said:

I'll continue making an effort to apply logic and reason to what I say here, but I suggest you continue judging it as you like. Catching that misspelling is proof of my intellectual inferiority, so I'll admit that makes me human.



Now, I learned several years ago not to attach much importance to paradime's spelling faux pas and instead look at it as a humorous human quirk. It's from slight dyslexia? poor eyesight and possibly voice to text? or a combination of two or more of these?


Now Hainz is a totally different thing altogether. He has whogivesafuck.

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6 hours ago, paradime said:

Catching that misspelling is proof of my intellectual inferiority, so I'll admit that makes me human. It's still a broad generalization to suggest a minority like those fundamentalists who undertake terrorism represent all Muslims and forms of Islam are the same, when clearly they're not. There's Sunnīsm, Shīʿīsm, Ibadism, Quranism, Non-denominational Muslims, Mahdavia, Ahmadiyya, Nation of Islam, Sufism, and none are the same. It's like saying Jehovahs Witnesses represent all of Christianity. 


Damn, I didn't know you were a feminist. Ayaan Hirsi Ali has damn good reason for criticizing Islamic fundamentalism. What's your reason? 50 years ago Ayaan's Dad fought for Democracy in Somalia, and was in-prisoned for speaking out against the autocratic government. Without his protection, Ayaan's genitalia was mutilated by her Muslim fundamentalist grandmother. This was her personal experience, and it informed the logic and reasoning for her work as a liberal writer and activism. 



Not a misspelling, it's the wrong word.


I don't believe I ever implied or stated explicitly that "all Muslims" act the same.  That is your incorrect extrapolation.


FYI, Jehovah's Witnesses are not Christian by definition.  Not a good analogy.


Sorry, not acknowledging your attempt be provocative.  I don't think anyone needs to be a feminist to understand her position on fundamentalism.  It goes far beyond FGM.  My reasoning is not simplistic, but basically fundamental governmental Islam is not compatible with western values and its continued acceptance is our midst is a recipe for disaster.


Edited by iceman510
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3 hours ago, iceman510 said:



Not a misspelling, it's the wrong word.


I don't believe I ever implied or stated explicitly that "all Muslims" act the same.  That is your incorrect extrapolation.


FYI, Jehovah's Witnesses are not Christian by definition.  Not a good analogy.


Sorry, not acknowledging your attempt be provocative.  I don't think anyone needs to be a feminist to understand her position on fundamentalism.  It goes far beyond FGM.  My reasoning is not simplistic, but basically fundamental governmental Islam is not compatible with western values and its continued acceptance is our midst is a recipe for disaster.



in... Not a misspelling, it's the wrong word.

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13 hours ago, iceman510 said:

fundamental governmental Islam is not compatible with western values and its continued acceptance is our midst is a recipe for disaster.

The truth of your statement is undeniable. I have advocated for greater specificity and stronger division among religious organizations for a long time. At a minimum a "charter" or outline of the belief system and any contradictions with current western values explained, as well as, dictates for dealings and association with non-delivers, should be required, without exception, to be recognized by the government of the United States and benefit from the protections (and tax status) afforded religion.    

Edited by frankendat
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