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paradime brought it up.


2 hours ago, paradime said:

Maher is a stand up comedian making fun of political absurdity in general. Carlson is a right wing media personality posing as a journalist.


Your assumptions may not be correct, but they're always predictable.


I disagree with his position on Trump/Putin/Russia/Ukraine/NATO/Climate/Morality,etc

His continued defense of Bush Jr after his inept failures in Iraq, Afghanistan, and adequate regulation of the mortgage banking industry.

His nut sack laser did not cure low sperm count, but he made lots of money off his loyal fans.


I agree that Pelosi and Newsum are corrupt bags of baboon tante.

I agree we need stronger boarder control and modern immigration reform.

The woke movement is illogical as a rabid dog with low estrogen levels, who identifies as a gender fluid cat with a vegan diet, and an allergy to non-gay peanut M&Ms.


It's easy to see that Tucker's fake media persona is about making money. I've watched his infomercials, propaganda validation interviews, and broadcast segments on PBS, CNN, MSNBC, and Fox. As for calling him a douche, after 20 years of watching him shit on anyone in his cross hairs, IMO he's earned the man douche #1 award 10 X over. Most of the time, I either doubt that he's actually a conservative, or I'm 100% sure he's on the opposite side of reality.


Must be some Tucker grift.

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2 hours ago, datzenmike said:

paradime brought it up.


I know, I was asking him. I read that in his post earlier and it made me pause for a second 🤔 ???? I just figured that maybe he knew something I didn't? Maybe he had taken peak at Tucker's last physical results looking for some ammo to knock him down a peg or two in destruction.

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41 minutes ago, IZRL said:


I know, I was asking him. I read that in his post earlier and it made me pause for a second 🤔 ???? I just figured that maybe he knew something I didn't? Maybe he had taken peak at Tucker's last physical results looking for some ammo to knock him down a peg or two in destruction. 😆


He's got like 4 kids, I'm thinking it is obviously "good enough" to get the job done. I also I don't think it is relevant or anyone really cares. Why the Hell did this get brought up again?

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Maher has slowly been growin on me. I don't agree with 90% of what he believes, but I ain't gonna hate on the guy. I actually watch his podcast every now and again. I also respect the fact that he is willing to sit down and chat about shit with people on the right. I'm not talking shit but, their are only a handful of libs that are willing to sit down and have a "civil" conversation with the right. Most of them resort to name calling, censoring, and canceling anything they don't agree with. The other guy who's willing to chat is Chris Cuomo. He's further left and I agree with him less than Maher, but hey, I respect that he's willing to civilly duke it out on a stage with the right. He actually gets a ton of shit from his fellow leftist for the simple act of publically sitting down and "talking" with the right.



Edit: Maher is an example of the old school left. RFK jr. is a beast and another good example of what the left used to be. I could get on board with the old school liberals. Which were honestly a lot more like today's Republicans than they are to today's dems. 

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3 hours ago, IZRL said:


I know, I was asking him. I read that in his post earlier and it made me pause for a second 🤔 ???? I just figured that maybe he knew something I didn't? Maybe he had taken peak at Tucker's last physical results looking for some ammo to knock him down a peg or two in destruction.


2 hours ago, Dguy210 said:


He's got like 4 kids, I'm thinking it is obviously "good enough" to get the job done. I also I don't think it is relevant or anyone really cares. Why the Hell did this get brought up again?


Here's what I'm referring to about your hero Tucker actually selling nut lasers. 


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1 hour ago, paradime said:

Here's what I'm referring to about your hero Tucker actually selling nut lasers. 


Men will be men. We all have done some stupid shit we might not be proud of during our lifetime. But honestly I don't think he has anything to be ashamed of with this. If this is the worst dirt they have on this guy, I'd say he's one up on most men now a days.


What the left doesn't understand I think. Is that if those same people that are dead set on canceling or destroying the opposition's image/carrier. Is that if you were to put a microscope on their entire life. They would be guilty of everything and more of what they are trying to cancel other's for. Lucky for them they don't have a carrier in television where everything you ever said or did is played back and scrutinized. Imagine what they'd find if they did the same to you or I. Ball heaters don't sound so bad when you're in the hot seat does it. The left is allowing grown harry ass pedophile men with their ass cheeks hanging out, to dance around children. And are trying to make pedophilia a normal thing. Let's put a microscope on that?


And no he is not my hero. I've already said I don't agree with everything I've heard him say. So far everyone who I agree with or have something positive to say about in here, who you guys don't agree with, is my hero. I just said some good things about Maher, RFK Jr., and Cuomo. Probably not perfect men behind closed doors, why no push-back from that? I'm telling you this is a witch hunt for the left. Up until I put you on the spot (like 3 posts ago). I haven't heard any of you say anything positive about the opposition. <<<<< This is the biggest problem on the left. "He's a republican!, Oh my GOD😲!!!!He's pure Evil, get a rope!".


You and I agree on more things than you could imagine. I'm clearly not far right, I'm probably closer to being an independent than anything else, and you're clearly not radical left. Which means you probably agree with more things than you can imagine with Tucker. "Yeah but he's a Republican!, he's a piece of shit who sold nut lasers at one point in his life!". COME ON!!!

Edited by IZRL
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If you are there to report the news it really shouldn't be obvious who you would vote for. Reporting used to be a respected profession and It was the job of the news agency and reporter to shoot for getting the facts and honest truth of what was happening and then getting that information to the public. Now it is an open battle of spin doctors who don't let the truth ruin a good story if the story agrees with thier political narrative. News agencies sell advertising and that's what buisness they are really in. Whatever shit thier reporters spew that gathers the most views the higher their advertising revenue.  There does need to be some accountability or if the tales get to tall people will stop watching. This is why Fox dropped Tucker. Spewing too many falsehoods as fact will eventually get you fired although that bar is pretty high at fox.

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I can understand the hatred of Carlson. He says things the left doesn't want to hear. He points out some of their stupidity and it bothers them. He points it out, laughs at them and it pisses them off. 

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Well for the record I don't hate Tucker. That's reserved for ex presidents. Carlson is a product of our age and even 40 years ago might have been a fairly good investigative reporter.


First of all the 'collapse of testosterone in men' is kind of bullshit scare mongering. Typical Carlson trying to be Geraldo Rivera. It may be low and dropping but 'collapse'? Tucker should go work for Pecker at the National Enquirer. Pun intended... or not.


When you see stupid shit like this how can you take anything of his (Putin interview) as seriously.



2 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

If you are there to report the news it really shouldn't be obvious who you would vote for. Reporting used to be a respected profession and It was the job of the news agency and reporter to shoot for getting the facts and honest truth of what was happening and then getting that information to the public. Now it is an open battle of spin doctors who don't let the truth ruin a good story if the story agrees with thier political narrative. News agencies sell advertising and that's what buisness they are really in. Whatever shit thier reporters spew that gathers the most views the higher their advertising revenue.  There does need to be some accountability or if the tales get to tall people will stop watching. This is why Fox dropped Tucker. Spewing too many falsehoods as fact will eventually get you fired although that bar is pretty high at fox.


I agree. Reporting and journalism used to be more respected, I won't say respectable but compared to today it was almost gosple. Newspapers paid well for good writers. Journalism began to nose dive in the '90s with the decline of newspapers. By 2000 it was seriously flawed. With the advent of the internet, you can print anything and you don't need journalists. Sure there may be a few good 'journalists' out there but they are buried under an avalanche of crap.


Just like politicians, journalists learn their craft and go out to 'make a difference' and 'change the world' but eventually they realize that it's not the way they thought it was and slowly, sooner or late, they stand under the streetlight with the rest of the  whores to pay for rent. 

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On 4/24/2024 at 6:27 AM, bottomwatcher said:

I started early yesterday so I was a little more "Advanced" than usual when hitting the evening check on ratsun. It was a good thing though. The local brewery has a harborfront beer garden that overlooks the lobsterboats and bridges over the harbor. They have a large chiminea burning this time of year and the place is enclosed in plexiglass so it is warm (this is Maine). Anyways every other Tuesday is fiddleband night. Folks filter in after work and start fiddling away on a small stage. The circle grows as more people show up and they jam away mostly Irish tunes. There is probably 50 people watching which is a large gathering in Maine and every single one of them has a smile on thier face. This is like living a cheesy hallmark movie and my wife and I love it! We bitch and moan about how shitty this country is becoming but there are still some wonderful pockets of "civilization" out there. It's just getting harder to find.


Check out my buddies Moors & McCumber!  Pretty sure they play in FL couple times a year................Kort is from here in Colorado, James is out of Minnesota.  Most songs are Irish based, they do a group tour in Ireland every year!



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On 4/24/2024 at 3:52 PM, IZRL said:


Nothing wrong with putting a disclaimer on a post. I do the same sometimes. I know myself well enough to know that if I'm more than 10 Modelos in and I'm still posting shit online. I better either get off my computer/phone or I should start apologizing in advance for the crazy shit I'm probably going to post from that point forward.


Man that brewery sounds like a blast. We don't have anything like that around here. I like me some celtic tunes too. IPAs aren't really my thing tho. If I'm feeling crafty. I go for the dark beers, the blacker the better. Porters, Stouts, brown Ales, Amber Ales (in that order). My go to's right now are "Black Butte Porter", "Guinness (Extra Stout)", "Moose Drool (Brown Ale)", "Mississippi Mud (Black & tan)", "Fat Tire (Amber Ale)".




Have you tried Murphy's Irish Stout?  I first had it IN IRELAND in 1995 & can find it in many larger city areas, in larger liquor stores!  This past St Pat's Day, I waited too long to buy my Guinness (I use a can in my corned beef crock pot), but found Murphy's!!  😎

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On 4/24/2024 at 4:59 PM, datzenmike said:

I like my brownie in the evening. Hour later mellow out, research some member's problem, have a laff or three. Attend one of John's lectures about how the world really is. 20 min to go 


Well, THAT explains a lot.............................cuz I'm right there with ya!! 😎😁🥴😵

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On 4/24/2024 at 10:33 PM, IZRL said:



OK, OK I just can't go on with this. It's SO bad.... I got to 15 minutes in and I had to turn it off. I should get a medal for lasting that long. Not even trying to be funny and not making things up, my stomach hurts from this. I actually deliberately told myself going in that I would listen to this podcast as objectively as possible. Which believe it or not this is how I try and watch everything, even Tucker. I don't agree with 100% of what he says and once in a while I'm like, ok dude reel it back in a little bit. But there was nothing to think objectively about, in the entire first 15 minutes.


You know what this is? This is classic radical left vomit. All this is, is two woke to the teeth, slithering snakes taking a mans entire life and putting it under a microscope to try and cancel them. Their first point is that, "Oooh he grew up rich he didn't struggle at all, he's a rich little white boy". Then they pick apart his dad and how bad he was as a husband/man. Then they move on to talk shit and make fun of Tucker's carrier misfortunes. They giggle with glee making fun of his carrier failures. Just the fact that these women would rejoice over someone else's pain tells me everything I need to know about them. It's childish insults after childish insults. They talk shit about Tucker's EX co-workers and how some of them got caught up in sex/sexual harassment scandals. What the fuck does that have to do with Tucker. I was right about them being radical leftist and radical feminist and everything else I said in my previous post. They were saying things like "The show tucker was on was full of White Males", and just spewing woke buzz words like machine guns (rascist, anti-semetic, misogynist, immigrant hater, etc).


As I said just childish name calling and nit picking at his entire "personal" life and the lives of those around him. Just an example of how the radical left handles everything, yell, resort to childish name calling, and cancel. At one point one of them said something along the lines of "Tucker made the face he always makes, the "fart sniffing face", WOW. The last straw for me was the younger woman spewing another 2 paragraph long childish insult. That ended with " blah blah blah, Tucker is the king of frozen sea food". To which the old dike responded " Tucker is the king of frozen seafood, is the best description of Tucker ever said in American History!", sounded so bad and scripted.


My opinion has nothing to do with the left vs right. If this was someone on the right talking like this about the left I would've clicked off just as fast. It's just what the left does, take your past and try to beat you over the head with it. Imagine if they did that to any of us, would some of us be canceled for some drunken shit we did back in the 90s, 80s, 70s? And it's not like they even found good dirt on him. Just meaningless unimportant information that wasn't even that bad.


Tucker has come out publicly and said that he has changed his views, beliefs, and politics over time, because he is constantly analyzing and recalculating as he gets new data. <<<<This is what more people should be doing in life. This is what I've always tried to do, which is why I made the mistake of voting for Biden last election and why I will be voting for anyone other than someone on the left these elections. Might even vote for Trump. The fact that Tucker has changed some of his views/beliefs over his lifetime, was a big part of what they were talking shit about, believe it or not...WHAT?


Don't take my word for it though, I dare you guys to watch this entire 30 min clip.




I won't even START to watch it!!  First, I like Tucker (shut up Mike!!).  Second, based on what you said (respect!), I know better.  Third, I know better.................🤣

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8 hours ago, IZRL said:


Men will be men. We all have done some stupid shit we might not be proud of during our lifetime. But honestly I don't think he has anything to be ashamed of with this. If this is the worst dirt they have on this guy, I'd say he's one up on most men now a days.


What the left doesn't understand I think. Is that if those same people that are dead set on canceling or destroying the opposition's image/carrier. Is that if you were to put a microscope on their entire life. They would be guilty of everything and more of what they are trying to cancel other's for. Lucky for them they don't have a carrier in television where everything you ever said or did is played back and scrutinized. Imagine what they'd find if they did the same to you or I. Ball heaters don't sound so bad when you're in the hot seat does it. The left is allowing grown harry ass pedophile men with their ass cheeks hanging out, to dance around children. And are trying to make pedophilia a normal thing. Let's put a microscope on that?


And no he is not my hero. I've already said I don't agree with everything I've heard him say. So far everyone who I agree with or have something positive to say about in here, who you guys don't agree with, is my hero. I just said some good things about Maher, RFK Jr., and Cuomo. Probably not perfect men behind closed doors, why no push-back from that? I'm telling you this is a witch hunt for the left. Up until I put you on the spot (like 3 posts ago). I haven't heard any of you say anything positive about the opposition. <<<<< This is the biggest problem on the left. "He's a republican!, Oh my GOD😲!!!!He's pure Evil, get a rope!".


You and I agree on more things than you could imagine. I'm clearly not far right, I'm probably closer to being an independent than anything else, and you're clearly not radical left. Which means you probably agree with more things than you can imagine with Tucker. "Yeah but he's a Republican!, he's a piece of shit who sold nut lasers at one point in his life!". COME ON!!!


I used to watch Tucker for his unique perspective until he became Trump's conspiracy whore. I lost all respect for the Republican Party when they sold their soul to Trump and turned their back on conservative values. I lost all respect for the Democrats when they sold their soul to the Clintons, when they backed Bush's open ended wars called "preemptive strikes", when they did NOTHING to overturn Citizens United, and when they got all woked up and turned their back on liberal values. IMO, neither party is worthy of our trust to lead this country for for ALL of we the people.


We need another Teddy Roosevelt to kick some corporate ass, and break up their bloated monopolies with a BIG antitrust stick. Free market capitalism works for us people when there's competition in the market place. Case in point, Microsoft is valued at more than $3 trillion and Apple's not far behind. To put that in perspective, our entire military budget is less than 1/3 that at $883.7 billion. Instead of blaming each other's politics, why aren't we talking about that? 

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3 minutes ago, paradime said:


.... I lost all respect for the Republican Party when they sold their soul to Trump and turned their back on conservative values...


...We need another Teddy Roosevelt ...


This!!!! I will continue to shit on them till they smarten up.


14 hours ago, IZRL said:

Maher has slowly been growin on me. I don't agree with 90% of what he believes, but I ain't gonna hate on the guy.



I have watched him but not regularly. I have no opinion on nor care what he believes but if he dislikes Trump... the enemy of my enemy is... Some funny shit though, and really, that's all that matters.

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9 hours ago, john510 said:

I can understand the hatred of Carlson. He says things the left doesn't want to hear. He points out some of their stupidity and it bothers them. He points it out, laughs at them and it pisses them off. 

This is the problem. People used to take their jobs seriously and have a modicum of decency and professionalism. Now it's just a bunch of assclowns screaming and calling the other side stupid and silly names. We have a demented incompetent old fuck for pres and off the chain lunatic running against him. I don't recall either Bush bragging about their dicksize to the whole world. We are an embarresment.

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You mean Stormy Daniels? but she wasn't bragging. Said it was a tiny mushroom size and shape and she closed her eyes and waited for it to be over. Wow, things sure have come a long way since Peter Lawford pimped Marilyn Munroe to JFK and RFK.

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Both sides have members who are on the extreme ends of those parties. But just listen to some of what Maher is saying on his show and podcast. He 100% jumped on the woke crazy train when it was first leaving the station. Then shit really went bananas and it was like he said, fuck this, this train is heading straight for a cliff, I'm out.


Now it's like he's constantly pleading with the left to stop the madness. He's trying to pull on the reins a long with other old school liberals. You know things are bad when one of the lefts biggest TV personalities has said publicly things like "I understand why people are voting for Trump". They have pushed many non democrats that hated Trump like myself, to think, "Trump is a clown but fuck, anything is better than this shit." Their are crazies on both sides. But right now, the left is winning the crazy trophy by a country mile!



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Like he says the left majority are unwilling to stop the WOKE mental case minority. Well in a way, the same with the GOP. They are afraid that standing up to Trump will split them in half and they will never win or amount to much. So, they cave in and go along with the MAGA crazy train. How can the old school on both sides loose their integrity this way? You're right there is a mental illness going on.

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2 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

Like he says the left majority are unwilling to stop the WOKE mental case minority. Well in a way, the same with the GOP. They are afraid that standing up to Trump will split them in half and they will never win or amount to much. So, they cave in and go along with the MAGA crazy train. How can the old school on both sides loose their integrity this way? You're right there is a mental illness going on.


It's ok Mike, we would not judge you, if you went to therapy for your "Assumed" mental illness.  We will judge you NOW, but not if you admit it & get help.  We are here to support you!!!!!!!!! ☺️😉

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Hang on to knickers though. The left is about to get a taste of their own medicine. They birthed a monster they "thought" they could control. Now Frankenstein is on the loose and he's destroying shit. The left is about to get a reality check. But it's too little too late. They have completely destroyed the 2 youngest generations and now we're all going to pay. What am I talking about you might ask?


The pro Palestine anti-jewish, anti-american, protest taking place at Columbia University and other educational institutions in America. As I said frankenstein is wrecking their own house of worship. Good luck folks 🫡.




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2 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Like he says the left majority are unwilling to stop the WOKE mental case minority. Well in a way, the same with the GOP. They are afraid that standing up to Trump will split them in half and they will never win or amount to much. So, they cave in and go along with the MAGA crazy train. How can the old school on both sides loose their integrity this way? You're right there is a mental illness going on.

Who in the GOP is into this "woke" shit and promoting it ? 

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58 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


As IZRL kindly demonstrates the symptoms, our fringe mass hysteria of the Wokers and MAGA is the product of a psychological phenomenon called Groupthink. It occurs when a group forms a fixed opinion that matches the group's beliefs rather than critically evaluating the information. Groupthink occurs most when a revered or persuasive leader is inspiring members to adopt their narrow perspective and frightening predictions. While it can be positive at times, more often it's seen in a negative light, particularly by those who value individual opinions and critical thinking.
In short, this country is too fucking stupid to think for themselves.


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