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Wow this is how you know it's the beginning of the end for the western world. The fuck did we get to this point. If we were in biblical times, God would've already rained down fire on the US and Canada. These soulless piece of shit pack of flee infested hyenas. The Canadian press are savages. Trying to use the fact that this guy has got enough common sense to know that children should not be allowed to make grown up decisions. As a way to burn him.





Edited by IZRL
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4 hours ago, ratpatrol66 said:

Anyone who says others suffer from TDS actually suffer from TDS.

TDS=Rational thought. 

Anybody that listens to the Orange Blob or believes anything he says I can understand how their lives are probably not going well.

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9 hours ago, datzenmike said:

I know very little about the case. I'll point out the obvious. If he's so innocent why is he guilty? Where's the rioting in the streets? Where's the outrage? The indignation? the storming of the Bastille? What are you going to do about it to fix this? Call me an idiot??? Good luck with that.


He has property in Scotland and elsewhere. Oh yeah Britain is after that as well. He said he "has so much money you wouldn't believe it" So pay and appeal. Borrow the money Donny.

Hey Bottomwatcher, this is TDS ! Doesn't know shit about the case but knows he's guilty ? Because a left wing lunatic Judge that hates Trump said so. It's the nonsensical ranting and completely ridiculous things that are believed. You guys sound a lot crazier than Trump that's for sure.

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57 minutes ago, john510 said:

Hey Bottomwatcher, this is TDS ! Doesn't know shit about the case but knows he's guilty ? Because a left wing lunatic Judge that hates Trump said so. It's the nonsensical ranting and completely ridiculous things that are believed. You guys sound a lot crazier than Trump that's for sure.

Not meaning to pic a fight but just for the record. Do you think Trump is a sane rational man fit for the presidency?

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5 hours ago, ratpatrol66 said:

Anyone who says others suffer from TDS actually suffer from TDS.


I believe you are right. Any time their views are challenged they spout TDS like holding a cross up to a vampire.

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6 minutes ago, bottomwatcher said:

Not meaning to pic a fight but just for the record. Do you think Trump is a sane rational man fit for the presidency?


He was a fuck of a lot more sane before 2020 but his past is catching up with him. It's taking a terrible tole on his faculties. His incoherent ramblings/gaffs show he's loosing his grip. Sorry Donny, you were never that good and never that rich and you made the mistake of believing your own bullshit. 

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1 hour ago, john510 said:

Hey Bottomwatcher, this is TDS ! Doesn't know shit about the case but knows he's guilty ? Because a left wing lunatic Judge that hates Trump said so. It's the nonsensical ranting and completely ridiculous things that are believed. You guys sound a lot crazier than Trump that's for sure.


What you believe and what happened in NY are at odds. If so wrongly done, so biased, by a 'left wing lunatic judge'  then why has this not been corrected??? Are there no legal remedies for something, in your eyes, so obviously wrong and a miscarriage of justice? Where are the checks and balances? Is Trump guilty? probably. Was the amount over the top high, yes! Is the judge biased? OK if you say so but did he follow the law? Again probably. Well there are the appeals courts. He should have little problem proving the judgement was wrong or reduce the amount. Sounds like sour grapes. Another opinion.     

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On 3/4/2024 at 6:42 PM, paradime said:

IMHO, the best way to choose a candidate is to ignore their party's BS value messaging. To understand who a candidate really is, find out who their biggest donors are, formal endorsements, signed propositions, voting history, and mercilessly factcheck their rhetoric.


that said, I have ZERO F'n clue what to do when neither candidate is fit for office. I tried sitting it out for Donny vs the Hillda Beast and spent 4 years regretting it. Not proud of it, but I'll give you 3 guesses for who I'm voting for in November. 


I agree with you on this, but it cornfuzes me, why so many people hold this seething HATRED for Trump?  Yes, he is rude, obnoxious & has done some questionable things throughout his life.  I too can be/have been like that, I too did some questionable things throughout my (early) life.  Your comment ".......the best way to choose a candidate is to ignore their party's BS value messaging.", is exactly what I feel I have done, regarding Trump.  That also includes ignoring the other parties BS value messaging, which to me, is much fabricated, to smear Trump & try to eliminate him.  Perhaps, that is not what you meant & that is just fine?  He accomplished so much, during his term & CAN do so much more.  I firmly believe that he does want to MAGA!!  Does he want to do this, in order to continue making his money?  Sure, why not!  But I have watched NUMEROUS video clips of him, intermingling with We The People, normal red blooded Americans (and other people internationally!)..................and I firmly believe he is sincere.  I see NONE OF THAT, on the left...........except with a few like Joe Manchin etc.  Brandon, most of his "administration", Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff are all lying scum 💩 .............I see nothing good, coming out of them.  Nothing.


OK, I'm done ranting for now!! 🤣😁

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1 hour ago, bottomwatcher said:

Uh oh! You snowbound up there in Canada Mike? You seem to be getting a little wound up. Take a walk and relax. My question was for John anyways.


I just got back from 7k walk. I try to get that every day, funny thing is there is actually some snow on the ground from last week end. This is only the second time in 32 years that it has snowed in March where I am. Only a couple of inches but cold enough at night to keep it around. 


Wound up???? well that just got to be the TDS... and a little bored.

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On 3/5/2024 at 12:30 AM, IZRL said:


I can't figure out why people feel it's America's duty to "support" Ukraine, or any other country for that matter?  Lets be real, we ain't supporting anything. The US instigated this war to get whatever they're trying to get out of it. And we get the added bonus of Russia possibly nuking the shit out of us for helping Ukraine. And your hard earned money keeps going to unnecessary bullshit.  LOSE LOSE and LOSE. The average American LOSES no matter which way you spin it. If the US was truly doing this for anything other than to further the elite's diabolical agenda, I would say ok, let's do what we can. But that's NEVER been the case with anything we've ever been a part of. Let's put out the fire in Ukraine and let America burn to the ground, YAY!! When this place goes down in flames, at least you will have a good view from your recliner in Canada. Just make sure you stock up on marshmallows, Hershey's, and graham crackers. Cant let a good fire go to waste.


I think maybe because the USA has had the "opportunity" to help other countries, over the years, so we did...........??  These days, our country is so f**ked up, with our own issues ie homelessness, veteran issues, inflation etc etc, that we DO need to close the border, deport those illegal immigrants (however, giving them the opportunity to APPLY for legal immigration/asylum) & get OUR ACT back on track!!  A certain person could MAGA, if we give that person the chance!! 😎😉

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5 minutes ago, yenpit said:

A certain person could MAGA, if we give that person the chance!! 😎😉

Trump is going to spend that 1st year getting even with people in his own party that were disloyal


Biden is going to Win just to piss Trump off say he cant do the job cause hes senile off then hand it to Kamala Harris. Then brag Trump lost to me a senile old man.


1)Trumps wins Ukraine will loose, hopefully a closed border, fair Trade

2)Biden wins 7-9million more asylum seekers WANTING phones ,healthcare schools and More hotels converted over, Ukraine get billions of old Military Gear that needs replaced anyways (but they freeloaders also)

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16 hours ago, Duncan said:

In my experience, it seems the banks and financial institutions are WAY more shady than any borrower.

Banks are motherless whores and should be first against the wall when the revolution comes. I remember reading my mortgage 24 years ago and thinking it was not a good deal, but I couldn't afford a house without it. So what you going to do? It has been known from antiquity that negotiation with an imbalance of power will never yield justice and when their greed and injustice caught up to them, Banks laughed it off and showed they haven't been satisfied slowly fucking people here and there, Banks have been fucking everybody all the time and you can like it or live in a box.


The housing market is super fucked now, but it has always been fucked. Real estate/valuations/mortgages are a sensitive spot for me as the tax man continues to try and steal my home.  (And it is stealing - saying someones home is magically worth more so they owe more (annually, of course you pay tax on a higher amount if you sell it for a higher amount, but that is a one time tax))


Anyway, I've been paying on my mortgage 24 years with 6 to go (God willing no emergencies) You think there would be little left BUT YOU WOULD BE WRONG. On a mortgage you pay all the INTEREST first, the 30 years of interest, THEN money comes off the principle. The principle is dropping now, but that is some shitty, sideways, bullshit dealing, invented by bankers and every month when I see the bill that I have been paying for decades and realize the ass load of interest, I know the interest agreed too, but too really feel it, realize so many years of your life has been spent paying for the privilege of using someone's money, in a system designed by those same people to make it very very difficult to not use their money. Don't even get me started on the system, used by bankers trying to steal from me. (Remember tax is included in the mortgage, tax goes up, mortgage goes up, can't pay your mortgage BANK takes your house. What if you say NO,  bank can't take my house! GOVERNMENT- cops/sheriff remove you and take you to jail because you haven't been paying your TAX your made up tax, based on how you house is valued by mortgage lenders.i.e...BANKS!!!) So, every month I look at the balance and say FUCK this system and FUCK BANKS.

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1 hour ago, yenpit said:


I agree with you on this, but it cornfuzes me, why so many people hold this seething HATRED for Trump?  Yes, he is rude, obnoxious & has done some questionable things throughout his life.  I too can be/have been like that, I too did some questionable things throughout my (early) life.  Your comment ".......the best way to choose a candidate is to ignore their party's BS value messaging.", is exactly what I feel I have done, regarding Trump.  That also includes ignoring the other parties BS value messaging, which to me, is much fabricated, to smear Trump & try to eliminate him.  Perhaps, that is not what you meant & that is just fine?  He accomplished so much, during his term & CAN do so much more.  I firmly believe that he does want to MAGA!!  Does he want to do this, in order to continue making his money?  Sure, why not!  But I have watched NUMEROUS video clips of him, intermingling with We The People, normal red blooded Americans (and other people internationally!)..................and I firmly believe he is sincere.  I see NONE OF THAT, on the left...........except with a few like Joe Manchin etc.  Brandon, most of his "administration", Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff are all lying scum 💩 .............I see nothing good, coming out of them.  Nothing.


OK, I'm done ranting for now!! 🤣😁

I respect your opinion and your choice. Can we agree that corruption is not unique to one party, and their political rhetoric is the mask they ware to hide it? 


I can't ignore Trump's past behavior, while in office, or at present because (unlike you) his behavior hasn't changed. That's why I never have and never will trust that man with the power of the POTUS. Look past his mask and he's done nothing but prove me right his entire public life. Other than picking up a Marine's hat, what did Trump do for our intel services, the military, Veterans, homelessness, healthcare costs, infrastructure, trade/budget deficits and debt, building the wall, number of deportations, violent crime rates, obeying constitutional laws of government, wage stagnation, funding the social security that you and I paid for, environmental conservation, etc, etc. If Trump had evidence that he didn't commit the crimes he's been indicted for, he's doing a shitty job of defending his innocence. I'm not willing to suspend disbelief based on Trump's record of honesty.

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1 hour ago, frankendat said:

The housing market is super fucked now, but it has always been fucked. Real estate/valuations/mortgages are a sensitive spot for me as the tax man continues to try and steal my home.  (And it is stealing - saying someones home is magically worth more so they owe more (annually, of course you pay tax on a higher amount if you sell it for a higher amount, but that is a one time tax))


Your dollar gets taxed like 50 times before its all said and done.

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2 hours ago, banzai510(hainz) said:

Trump is going to spend that 1st year getting even with people in his own party that were disloyal...




THIS!!! and much more. He will make a law that only MAGA members can hold certain government jobs. Those now holding them must swear allegiance to the MAGA cause. There will be a MAGA dress code to show everyone who's in control and fellow MAGAs can recognize each other. MAGA militias will roam the streets ruffing up and harassing non GOP citizens. GOP citizens will be forced to wear red arm bands to show they are GOP but not MAGA. Non GOP citizens will be forced to wear yellow arm bands with a stylized donkey on it and carry at all times a 'security' card to ID them as anti MAGA.   

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1 hour ago, frankendat said:

Banks are motherless whores and should be first against the wall when the revolution comes. I remember reading my mortgage 24 years ago and thinking it was not a good deal, but I couldn't afford a house without it. So what you going to do? It has been known from antiquity that negotiation with an imbalance of power will never yield justice and when their greed and injustice caught up to them, Banks laughed it off and showed they haven't been satisfied slowly fucking people here and there, Banks have been fucking everybody all the time and you can like it or live in a box.


The housing market is super fucked now, but it has always been fucked. Real estate/valuations/mortgages are a sensitive spot for me as the tax man continues to try and steal my home.  (And it is stealing - saying someones home is magically worth more so they owe more (annually, of course you pay tax on a higher amount if you sell it for a higher amount, but that is a one time tax))


Anyway, I've been paying on my mortgage 24 years with 6 to go (God willing no emergencies) You think there would be little left BUT YOU WOULD BE WRONG. On a mortgage you pay all the INTEREST first, the 30 years of interest, THEN money comes off the principle. The principle is dropping now, but that is some shitty, sideways, bullshit dealing, invented by bankers and every month when I see the bill that I have been paying for decades and realize the ass load of interest, I know the interest agreed too, but too really feel it, realize so many years of your life has been spent paying for the privilege of using someone's money, in a system designed by those same people to make it very very difficult to not use their money. Don't even get me started on the system, used by bankers trying to steal from me. (Remember tax is included in the mortgage, tax goes up, mortgage goes up, can't pay your mortgage BANK takes your house. What if you say NO,  bank can't take my house! GOVERNMENT- cops/sheriff remove you and take you to jail because you haven't been paying your TAX your made up tax, based on how you house is valued by mortgage lenders.i.e...BANKS!!!) So, every month I look at the balance and say FUCK this system and FUCK BANKS.


Banking is a [me get rich, you get fucked] racket no matter how you slice it. If you want to pop a raging hate boner for banks, watch The Big Short. True story of what happened in 08'.




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20 hours ago, Mattndew76 said:

Russia amassed assets at the border as soon as the November election was finished in 2019. He knew a weak easily purchased man was about to take office. Ukraine was and is a huge slush fund for the top political class (Biden, Pelosi, Romney, Kerry, Clinton, and so on.) , and now the defense contractors.  Ukraine had a puppet government put in place by the CIA and that same government has refused to hold elections since then. 





Thank you for this!! 😎 This is also why I did NOT trust Haley...........her business is military contracting & she got rich very quickly, which told me that she would continue to support ANY war, thus the left "war machine".  I'm glad she dropped out, but I do not think it is the last we will see of her...............💩😤🤬

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19 hours ago, datzenmike said:


Here's a fact... EVERYBODY speeds. EVERYBODY. Up here it's accepted that 10km (6mph for Americans) over the posted limit the police wont give you a ticket. The police won't admit this because that would be illegal or criminal to admit. It is probably not worth the bother to argue exactitudes of speedo/radar error in court. The fact that everyone does it does not change the fact that you are committing a ticket-able offense. The fact that these bozos say everyone over values their property doesn't excuse anything. The fact that sellers over value their property means zero. Over valuing your assets for a loan is.


Trump had every chance (and certainly enough money for a legal defense) to prove he didn't, or get an appraisal of his worth to justify everything. Obviously he didn't because he can't and the charges stuck. Doesn't matter if the loan was paid back or the banks were completely on side with this. The laws of NY state say you can't. I guess the lesson learned here is be squeaky clean in a Dem run state.


PLEASE GET THIS THRU YOUR HEAD...............at the very least, tell yourself that MAYBE some of these crazy conservatives are correct!  Huh, imagine that!!  The Judicial system in the USA is currently a train wreck, it is currently what we call a "two tiered system", working heavily for the dems, the left, the libtards, working heavily AGAINST conservatives.  I do not understand why you can't accept that this is possible.........just a possibility!!!  Do you TRULY think that highly of the US judicial system, that you can not acknowledge this?  Ugh 😵😒   

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18 hours ago, datzenmike said:

I guess they could for sure. Maybe they just accept the word of the lendee? and it's up to him to obey the letter of the law... 99.9% of the time there's no problem. But if there is a default you end up seizing an undervalued collateral property that doesn't cover your loss.  


BUT THIS DID NOT HAPPEN & NO BANK CAME AFTER TRUMP!  There were NO VICTIMS here.  Both L James & that DORK libtard of a judge have been the problem, as both have TDS, one of which OPENLY STATED that she was running for her position, "to get Trump!".  If THAT does not seem to be a problem with YOU, then we are simply wasting our time, bantering with you.  Now, if there were victims, than I get it...................but there were none.

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Let me play Devil's advocate for a second.


Read what I said again about being guilty. Money paid back... check. No complaints from the bank over lending... check. But if there is a state law against lying about your collateral's actual value, in this case saying it is worth much more than it really is then...  you are guilty of breaking that law.  


Try this... I want to borrow $20 from you. You say what if you default how will I get my money back? I say never worry here's my car, it's worth $50 at least. You say OK! Later I can't repay the last $15 of your money, you take me to court for my car and seize it. The 'car' turns out to really be worth $5. So were you really protected? Wouldn't it be batter to have a law saying that the person lending must post fair and true financial statement? 


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8 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

Not meaning to pic a fight but just for the record. Do you think Trump is a sane rational man fit for the presidency?


OK I'll bite!! 😉 Yes, I think Trump is likely the only person, that can make America great again (that is what MAGA means btw).  I do NOT believe 95% of what main stream media (MSM btw) says.  It has been a strong smear campaign, a successful smear campaign & the saddest part is seeing family & friends (that includes YOU knuckleheads!! 😂) fall for all of this stuff.  Do I truly LIKE Trump?  No, but who gives a crap, if he is loud & obnoxious!!  (IZRL basically stated a few back "......I sound like a broken record with you guys!") & I feel the same way.  But, I will continue my work, as long as I am breathing!!!!!!!!! 😎

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